How to find out who will be born signs. Signs of who will be born a boy or a girl. Guessing the baby's gender using a pendulum

Signs that help to find out the sex of a child in the mother’s womb originate from Ancient Rus'. Through fortune telling, notes and observations, the ancestors learned to predict in advance the birth of a boy or girl. are symbolic, and their accuracy has been tested by time.

Today, thanks to ultrasound, the gender of the unborn baby is determined from the 12th week of conception. How can you find out the sex of a child without this manipulation, using signs as the main source of information?

Folk sign of determining the sex of a baby by looking at the belly

There is a popular sign of visually determining the sex of a child during pregnancy by the shape of the abdomen. A belly protruding forward with a sharp center means the future birth of a boy, and an oval or oblong shape of the belly predicts the birth of a girl. During observation, features of this sign were also noticed.

If a woman’s belly is not visible from her back, she will give birth to a boy; the figure of those pregnant with a girl was usually rounded at the sides.

Mother's taste preferences - boy or girl?

Old Russian signs also include the taste preferences of a pregnant woman. Gastronomic signs of pregnancy with a boy - spicy, fried foods, fatty meats, pickles, sausage. Since the future man in the womb needs heavy food, the pregnant woman constantly wants to eat.

A wild appetite, a strong desire to eat a piece of meat and drinking large amounts of water - such behavior is not uncommon for the mother of a newborn man. But women pregnant with girls are distinguished by an enviable love for flour, confectionery and fruits.

The process of eating bread by a pregnant woman also refers to the origins of old superstitions. If a woman likes the crust of bread, she will be a hero, and preferring crumbs means the imminent appearance of a princess.

Changes in the appearance of a woman in labor - how to determine the sex of the child

Expecting a baby marks the flowering of female beauty. A mother pregnant with her son becomes prettier before her eyes, her skin becomes clean and smooth, and her hair is silky and shiny.

As for the daughter, here, as people say, “the daughter takes away her mother’s beauty” - the pregnant woman’s face turns pale, becomes covered with age spots and pimples. The expectant mother's hair becomes dull and severely split.

It is the external signs of female withering or blossoming that help relatives determine the sex of the unborn child in the early stages of pregnancy.

Compared to the mothers of future heroes, women pregnant with daughters, due to excessive impressionability, are distinguished by an irritable disposition. However, expectant men also cause trouble - during pregnancy, their mothers often suffer from headaches. Increased sweating in a pregnant woman foretells an heir, and cold feet foretells an heiress.

Mothers who gave birth to daughters claim that during pregnancy they felt severe toxicosis during the first trimester.

A sure sign of determining the sex of an unborn child is a reaction to smells. Women pregnant with daughters do not perceive sweet aromas well, while expectant mothers of boys feel great in this environment.

How to understand who will be born based on the baby's intrauterine behavior

A fairly popular sign for determining a boy or a girl is the activity of the fetus. In fact, it has been found that sons are more active in the womb than daughters. Future men usually push the mother from the inside into the urinary tract area, and daughters choose more secluded places - the kidneys and liver.

By the movement of the fetus in the stomach, you can also determine the sex of the child: sons move almost constantly, while daughters prefer calmer and measured pushing in the morning and evening.

Finding out the gender of the child based on marital relations

The relationship between spouses also matters in ancient Russian omens.

  • It is believed that if a husband loves more than his wife, a male child will be born, and if a woman is more favorable to her husband, a female child will be born.
  • The sexual activity of the spouses also determines the gender of the heir. Whoever fulfills marital duties more passionately - relatives of the same gender expected a child.
  • The positions of love intercourse predetermine the conception of an heir of a certain gender. If a woman lies with her head to the north, she should become pregnant with a son, and to the south - with a daughter.

Dreams play an important role in the life of a pregnant woman. Since a woman becomes impressionable during pregnancy, dreams determine her internal state. In the old days, relatives of a pregnant woman noticed that if you often dream about a child of a certain sex, expect a representative of the opposite sex. That is, if the expectant mother dreamed of a boy, it would be a girl.

Guessing the baby's gender using a pendulum

According to signs, you can predict the sex of the baby using a pendulum. Take a regular thread and thread it through it. Holding the pendulum over your stomach, carefully watch its movements. Circular vibrations mean the imminent appearance of a son. Chaotic movements mean the future birth of a daughter.

Other baby gender predictions

There are other signs of pregnancy using foreign objects. Let's look at the most popular of them.

  1. A sign about burdock. A bush of a plant plucked from its stem foreshadows the birth of a son, and a bunch of burdock leaves without a rhizome foretells a daughter.
  2. We take the key. They took the key by the long end - to the son, and by the part inserted into the lock - to the daughter.
  3. Sign about numbers. Say a number from 1 to 33 spontaneously. Each number represents a corresponding letter of the alphabet. Then say a name starting with that letter. If the name is feminine, expect a girl.

Signs for pregnant women - this is information for those who want to quickly determine the sex of the baby before an ultrasound examination. The experience of our ancestors shows how true these methods are. The preservation of signs about determining the sex of a baby during pregnancy once again proves that the ancient ancestors were not mistaken in their knowledge and skillfully predicted the gender difference of babies in the womb.

Having experienced the first joy of the news of pregnancy, every mother begins to speculate who will be born, looking for all sorts of signs of pregnancy with a boy or studying various signs for pregnant women. Many parents simply long for the birth of a son, and therefore burn with impatience waiting for the gender of the baby to become known. For those impatient, we’ll tell you what the signs of a boy are during pregnancy, based on ultrasound results, and more, and how to find out if a boy or girl will join the family.

More and more mothers are striving plan the gender of the child , and not find out after the fact. Therefore, mothers who are keen to have a son carefully study various methods of conceiving a boy . A very interesting way of planning for menstruation, for example, is to have significant sexual intercourse 11-12 days before the onset of menstruation. This is due to the greater mobility of male sperm. According to some scientists, this method is reliable in 87% of pregnancies, provided that the woman has a strictly regular monthly cycle. Well, if you missed a good moment, and the little miracle is already growing and developing inside, then it’s time to study the scientific signs of pregnancy with a boy, check folk signs for pregnant women who will be born, and figure out ways to find out if a boy will join the family. So, let's get started.


· Pregnancy with a boy: features of ovulation and conception

If you kept a temperature calendar () in advance, recording readings and calculating days of ovulation , then with a high degree of probability you can find out who will be born a boy or a girl. Ovulation will be marked by an increase in temperature by several degrees. To conceive a boy during pregnancy, sexual intercourse must occur as close as possible to the date of ovulation - the father’s less “tenacious” sperm, which carry the male chromosome, must have time to reach the egg first. If the penetration was powerful, deep, and the man did not overheat before sex, there is a high probability that the pregnancy occurred with a boy. It is worth noting that full responsibility for the sex of the child lies with the father, since only his seed can carry different types of chromosomes that determine sex: X (girl) and Y (boy). Simply put, if women could reproduce without male participation, then they would produce only their own kind - girls.

· Appearance of a pregnant woman during pregnancy with a boy

There are many signs of pregnancy with a boy, but folk signs for pregnant women are full of contradictions and far-fetchedness; to believe them or not is a personal matter. It is worth noting that any signs for pregnant women who will be born are at least 50% correct, no matter how you look at it, but parents have only two options - either a boy or a girl.

The signs of the sex of the child during pregnancy are headed by features that are reflected in the appearance of the expectant mother. Based on thissigns of pregnancy with a boy are as follows: the pregnant woman seems to blossom, the skin becomes smooth and clean, the hair becomes strong and unusually thick. An interesting observation: the nose of a woman who is pregnant with a boy may seem pointed and slightly swollen, but this does not spoil her at all. Special signs of pregnancy with a boy are the appearance of more hair on the legs or even on the arms than before, perhaps some darkening of their color, as people say “increased hairiness” - a sure sign of a boy. When pregnant with a boy, the belly acquires a bright, clear stripe, straight as an arrow, which, if it has a deviation, is only to the right. Characteristic signs are the areolas of the nipples remaining light, the woman’s right breast, according to popular observations, increases more than the left. There is also a tendency to some dry skin on the hands, and a pregnant woman’s feet remain cold all the time, despite the fact that when pregnant with a boy, women are haunted by a constant feeling of heat.

· Left-handed or right-handed - boy or girl?

If the expectant mother has been left-handed all her life, and now suddenly changes her habits, it means that a boy will be born. Eastern signs on the sex of a child say that while waiting for an heir, women become clearly right-handed.

The future son gravitates, so to speak, to the right side: the male fetus lies with its back to the right, that is, the mother feels movements on the left. A woman pregnant with a boy prefers to sleep on her left side. Leans on his right hand, rising from the floor, climbs stairs with his right foot, etc. If you ask mommy to stretch her arms forward, she will do it with her palms down.

· Belly with pregnant with a boy

The main topic of discussion, especially in later stages, is the stomach. For pregnant women, it can be considered the main criterion for assessing who will be born, a boy or a girl. The belly when pregnant with a boy has a sharp shape, it protrudes well, so looking at a woman from behind, it is impossible to notice her pregnancy. At the same time, the convex tummy is very low, and the waist during pregnancy with a boy remains until childbirth.

· A fighting spirit is a sign of a boy during pregnancy

Pregnancy with a boyuniquely affects the mood and well-being of a woman. The clear signs of a boy during pregnancy are high activity throughout the pregnancy and relatively good health, taking into account toxicosis and other difficulties of bearing a child. A woman is not characterized by absent-mindedness, melancholy and bad mood; a woman pregnant with a boy simply radiates positivity and does not suffer from drowsiness and irritability.

And although the expectant mother is active, she becomes very clumsy, stumbling and even falling from time to time.

· How to find out the gender of a child based on how the pregnant woman feels?

The signs of pregnancy with a boy listed here have a lot of contradictions. Some folk signs for pregnant women insist that severe toxicosis is always present when carrying an heir, while others insist that toxicosis practically does not happen. I hasten to remind you of a medical fact - toxicosis of pregnant women does not depend on the gender of the child. At the same time, pregnancy with a boy is often accompanied by swelling and headaches. They also say that a pregnant woman’s feet are cold, although she is not freezing, and her urine becomes dark in color.

· Taste signs of pregnancy with a boy

A very interesting, and most importantly scientifically proven fact - pregnant women with boys have a 10% stronger appetite than pregnant girls, and they eat accordingly 10% more. The appetite is wonderful, and in the early stages of pregnancy many suffer from constant hunger. Pregnancy with a boy makes the expectant mother enjoy eating meat products, sour and salty foods, but fruits and all kinds of sweets cease to cause delight. Another sign of the child’s gender is that a woman, while expecting her son, loves to eat bread tops and crusts.

· Signs of pregnancy with a boy

It is worth noting that our folklore is incredibly rich in folk signs that guarantee the appearance of an heir. They take their roots from ancient times, when there was no ultrasound or other tests. Among mothers, signs for pregnant women about who will be born have always enjoyed particular popularity, and in the old days, a high degree of trust. So, the most common signs of a boy during pregnancy:

  1. sharp, protruding, neat belly;
  2. improving the appearance of the mother;
  3. intensively growing hair on the limbs;
  4. slightly swollen nose and constantly cold feet;
  5. good mood throughout pregnancy with a boy, etc.

In fact, the list of symptoms accompanying pregnancy with a boy can be continued endlessly. Moreover, some of them literally reach the point of absurdity, while others have quite impressive statistics. But only a high-quality and detailed ultrasound of the pregnant woman’s abdomen can most reliably satisfy the undying interest in the sex of the child. Although it, albeit occasionally, still makes mistakes.

· Who will be born, a boy or a girl: Ultrasound during pregnancy

In the early stages, approximately 12 weeks pregnant , an experienced ultrasound specialist will be able to give only half of 100% accuracy in determining the sex of the child. This is done by measuring and assessing the angle between the dorsum of the embryo and its genital tubercle. A more reliable recommendation on what color to buy a dowry should be expected no earlier than after another month, and then only if the baby is in a comfortable position in the uterus.

Extremely common mistakes in the process of finding out what the gender of the child will be are:

  1. frequent swelling of the labia in girls, which is falsely mistaken for the scrotum;
  2. tangling of a finger or umbilical cord with the penis;
  3. impatience or inattentiveness of the doctor.

But ultimately, no matter what the ultrasound result turns out to be, accept it with joy. After all, the most important thing is that this little miracle inside you grows and develops safely, is born without problems, is healthy and pleases your parents with its uniqueness and such similarity to themselves. Happiness to you and your children!

Yana Lagidna, especially for MyMom . ru

And a little more about how to find out who will be born, a boy or a girl, video:

In the 21st century, medicine gives an almost 100% correct answer to the question about the sex of the unborn child, but how to calculate it in advance. We have collected for you several ways to find out who will be born - a boy or a girl.

Medical methods for determining the sex of a child

Ultrasound examination (ultrasound)

Let's start with an ultrasound, because it is the one that can tell you about the gender of your baby with almost 100 percent accuracy.

The procedure is not at all complicated, and already at the 15th week of pregnancy, and sometimes earlier, you can find out the gender of the unborn child. During this period, the boy’s body actively produces the hormone dihydrosterone, which helps to increase the rudiments of the male genital organs.

The information is confirmed after two screenings, special examinations that are carried out during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy.

However, this does not provide a 100% guarantee of gender determination and there are many cases where, according to ultrasound results, parents were expecting a son and gave birth to a daughter, and vice versa.

Please also note that the fetus may close or turn away, and then it will not be possible to determine its gender. Mothers who are overweight due to fat deposits may also have problems with gender determination.


The essence of the method is to study the chromosomes of the amniotic fluid; for this, the peritoneum is pierced and the fluid is collected.

The method is used when genetic mutations are suspected, in case of poor heredity of the father or mother.

The method allows you to determine the gender of the child with 99% accuracy.


A similar method, but in this case, fetal cord blood is taken for analysis through an umbilical cord puncture.

Used to identify possible infectious or genetic diseases of the fetus.

This method also allows you to almost accurately determine the sex of the fetus.

Gender test

Similar to the pregnancy test you bought at the pharmacy. Indicator color indicates gender:

  • orange - wait for a girl
  • green - boy.

The test can be used from the 9th week. Accuracy 90%.

DNA test

Gives almost 100% accurate results, can be used from 6 weeks.

For the test, blood is taken from the mother's vein; it contains fragments of fetal DNA, which determine whether the baby will be a boy or a girl.

A significant disadvantage of the method is its cost, which is about 9,000 rubles (as of 2017). A repeat study will cost a little less - about 6,000 rubles.


The method allows you to plan the gender of the child; for this purpose, sperm carrying X chromosomes (female) are selectively eliminated using flow laser sorting. The resulting sperm is then introduced into the uterus using artificial insemination to fertilize the egg.

However, it is worth considering that the technique works in 90% of cases for girls and only in 70% of cases for boys.

Ancient Chinese table for determining the sex of a child

This unique table has existed for more than 700 years, they say that they found it in a crypt near Beijing, there is evidence that the probability of determining gender using it is 99%!

Based on the mother's age and month of conception, you can determine the sex of the baby.


Even this mysterious science will help you find out the gender of your child. To do this, use the table:

Definition sequence:

  • Write mother's full name with maiden name
  • Father's full name.
  • Indicate the month (write in words) when conception occurred.
  • Convert all the letters into numbers and add them up.
  • Divide the amount by seven, if the resulting number is even, expect a girl, if odd, you will have a boy.

Pay attention to the example of calculating the sex of a child:


9+1+5+5+1+9+7+5+7+6+7+3+1 = 66


7+4+6+4+9+2+3+7+3 = 45


Add up the resulting numbers:

Divide the result by 7:

128 / 7 = 18 (discard the remainder)

18 is an even number, the couple should expect a girl

You can also use our calculator:

Mother (maiden name and given name):

Father (Last Name and First Name):

Month of conception:

January February March April May June July August September October November December

By blood renewal

This is a fairly common method, thanks to which it is possible to find out the gender of the unborn baby completely free of charge.

The essence of the method is frequent blood renewal in women and men:

  • In women, renewal occurs once every four years.
  • for men - once every three years.

Please note that an “unscheduled” blood renewal is possible in case of significant blood loss:

  • when donating blood,
  • transfusions,
  • operations or injuries.

Calculate the last time the blood renewal process occurred for you and the child’s father:

  • If this happened to the mother later, you need to wait for the girl,
  • if later from the father, you will have a boy.

Here is an example of how to determine the sex of a child using this method:

  • Let's say the mother is 25 years old and the father is 29 years old.
  • Mom's blood was renewed 1 year ago (25=6*4+1)
  • Dad’s – 2 years ago (29=9*3+2)
  • So this family needs to wait for a girl!

According to parents' blood type

The method is not considered perfect, but is quite popular. To determine the sex of the child, use the tables below:

Determining gender by the moon

In order to determine the sex of the baby using the lunar calendar, you need to know the date of conception.

If on the date of conception the moon was:

  • in a male zodiac sign, then expect a boy,
  • if in women's - a girl.

Male Zodiac Signs: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius.

Female Zodiac Signs: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces

By date of conception

Valuable information about what gender a child belongs to is laid down from the moment the fetus is conceived.

The carrier of this information is the sperm. If the sperm that fertilized the egg is a carrier of the X chromosome, a girl will be born, if the Y chromosome is a boy.

Let's look at how this information relates to the date of conception. It has been proven that those sperm that are carriers of the Y chromosome are much more active than sperm that are carriers of the X chromosome, but their period of life in the uterus is short, that is, they can reach the egg faster, but they only have about 2 days to do this. At the same time, sperm with the X chromosome (female) live up to 8 days!

Conception occurs during the period of ovulation, it can be assumed that if sexual intercourse that led to pregnancy occurred during ovulation, you need to wait for a boy (the fastest sperm reached the egg), and if conception occurred a few days before ovulation (only slow sperm remain) - wait for the girl.

Folk signs

Future parents take different ways of determining the sex of a child quite seriously, and, of course, folk wisdom finds its own interesting way of solving this issue.

Our grandmothers couldn’t even think about blood renewal, the existence of the ancient Chinese miracle table, and ultrasound didn’t even exist! But they also knew several ways to find out the sex of the baby based on a number of signs. And, curiously, most often such signs come true! We present to your attention only some of them:

For boys

  • your mother has become more beautiful and in general your pregnancy suits you;
  • you are free of toxicosis (you don’t feel sick in the morning);
  • The stomach is low during pregnancy, it is round like a ball;
  • during pregnancy your feet are cold;
  • you always want meat and cheese products, salty and sour;
  • breast nipples became lighter;
  • you often have headaches;
  • during meals you prefer to eat a crust of bread;
  • during sleep you lie on your left side;
  • you feel good, you are in high spirits;
  • feel the baby moving on the right;
  • the baby in the tummy behaves quite actively;
  • The baby's heart rate is less than 140;
  • your age is less than 20 years.

Heart rate (heart rate) is the number of heart beats in a certain period of time, usually per minute.

The onset of cardiac activity begins at the 5th week of pregnancy with 80-85 beats per minute, at the 9th week it reaches its maximum 155-195, and from 12-14 weeks it is 140-160 beats per minute

For girls

  • you are often tormented by toxicosis;
  • the belly is cone-shaped and located quite high;
  • you always want sweets;
  • your right breast is smaller than your left;
  • breast nipples became darker;
  • pregnancy doesn’t suit you, problems arise with your skin;
  • during meals you prefer to eat bread crumbs;
  • during sleep you lie on your right side;
  • feel the baby moving on the left;
  • During pregnancy, you are most often nervous and irritated by something;
  • The baby's heart rate is more than 140;
  • your age is over 30 years.

With the help of fortune telling

Fortune telling is no less interesting and deserves its rightful place among the various methods of determining the sex of a child.

Here are just a few of them:

  1. A pregnant woman shows her hands upon request. If at the same time her palms are facing up, there will be a girl, if downwards, there will be a boy.
  2. The pregnant woman, upon request, takes the key that lies on the table. If the expectant mother takes it by the top (round part), it is worth expecting a boy, if by the long part, a girl will be born.
  3. You need to hang the ring by a string and swing it over your mother’s belly. If it swings from side to side like a pendulum, you will have a boy, but if the ring seems to be describing circles, expect a girl.

During pregnancy - a long enough period, you want to know who will be born, a girl or a boy. The listed methods will help you find out this information completely free of charge and with ease. And, we hope, you will not only like all of them, but will actually predict the gender of your unborn baby.


Video about various methods to find out the sex of a child:

Article on the topic: "how to determine during pregnancy who will be a boy or a girl. signs and symptoms?" from professionals.

Once the shock and joy of the news of pregnancy have subsided a little, curiosity takes over. Parents certainly want to know who they will have - a girl or a boy. Signs, of course, cannot guarantee an accurate result. Nevertheless, they allow you to at least somehow satisfy curiosity before performing an ultrasound. And sometimes, if the child’s position does not allow the gender to be seen, this is the only way out.

External signs that a boy will be born

The appearance of the expectant mother is considered one of the main indicators of who will be born: a girl or a boy. Signs indicating that the fetus is male are as follows:

  • a neat and small belly, which is not visible from the back (it does not spread out to the sides, but rather protrudes forward);
  • the right breast is much larger than the left;
  • the stomach has an elongated, cone-shaped shape;
  • light nipple areolas;
  • dry skin prone to peeling;
  • clumsy, heavy gait;
  • the hair on the head grows quickly, becoming thick and shiny;
  • a lot of unwanted hair has appeared on the body (associated with the production of male sex hormones);
  • the figure remains almost as slim as before pregnancy;
  • breast size has remained virtually unchanged;
  • The tip of the nose and cheekbones became sharper.

External signs that a girl will be born

If a child does not want to show his gender, by the way the expectant mother’s appearance changes, you can determine whether the baby will be a girl or a boy. The signs of a female child are as follows:

  • as the belly grows, the waist disappears and unattractive sides appear;
  • the left breast is much larger than the right;
  • the tummy has a regular rounded shape;
  • dark nipple areolas;
  • stretch marks appeared in the abdomen and chest area;
  • soft and fresh skin;
  • easy gait and graceful movements;
  • the appearance of pigmentation on the skin;
  • the breasts have become several sizes larger;
  • the bulk of excess weight falls on the hips and buttocks;
  • the hair on the head has become dull and is falling out a lot;
  • facial features became less clear.

What do the Japanese say?

The Japanese believe in the magic of numbers. They believe that the sex of the baby is influenced by the birth dates of the parents, as well as the time of conception. If you're wondering how to find out if it's a boy or a girl, use the Japanese method, which involves using two tables.

MRM Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. But I. Dec.
Jan. 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4
Feb. 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8
Mar. 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12
Apr. 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4
May 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8
Jun. 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12
Jul. 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4
Aug. 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8
Sep. 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12
Oct. 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4 1 10 7 4
But I. 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8 5 2 11 8
Dec. 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 12

Chinese calendar

The Chinese are also fans of numerology, but they approach this issue somewhat differently. They have developed their own conception calendar. You can calculate whether you are having a boy or a girl based on the age of the mother, as well as the month of conception. It is enough to find a cell at the intersection of these indicators to find out the expected gender of the baby.

It is worth noting that any conception calendar is based on statistical data rather than on a scientific basis. Of course, you can calculate whether you will have a boy or a girl. But it is important to understand that the sex of the child does not depend on the calendar date, but on your biological rhythms, hormonal levels, sperm quality, genetic predisposition and many other factors.

How to find out who will be a boy or a girl based on how they feel?

The physical condition of a pregnant woman is usually accompanied by attacks of malaise and weakness, as well as sudden bursts of energy. Despite the fact that this is a normal physiological process, women manage to determine by it who will be a girl or a boy. The signs are as follows:

  • women pregnant with boys report frequent headaches, but this is not observed in the case of female embryos;
  • if severe toxicosis is observed, most likely a girl should be expected;
  • severe dizziness, even loss of consciousness, can be considered a signal that you are pregnant with a boy;
  • if the expectant mother’s feet begin to freeze, expect a boy, and if they become unusually hot, expect a girl;
  • Most women pregnant with boys experience severe swelling in their legs;
  • if you constantly feel hot, most likely the embryo is female, and if you suffer from chills, it is male.

Mood and behavior

The behavior, habits and mood of the expectant mother are quite common signs. Boy or girl? During pregnancy, you can be guided by the following signs:

  • emotional balance and peace of mind indicate that the embryo is male, and nervousness and anxiety are characteristic of mothers of girls;
  • nervousness and irritability are typical for women pregnant with girls;
  • if it is more comfortable for the expectant mother to sleep on the right side, perhaps she is expecting a girl, and if on the left, she is expecting a boy;
  • future mothers of boys are happy to talk about their situation and show their bellies, and women pregnant with girls try in every possible way to hide their situation;
  • mothers of girls usually want sweets and citrus fruits, and women expecting boys prefer pickles;
  • Mothers of boys usually note increased libido during pregnancy, and women who are expecting girls do not feel sexual desire.

Embryo behavior

Those who are already preparing or are just planning to become a mother are interested in numerous signs of pregnant women. You can try to determine whether it is a boy or a girl by paying attention to the behavior of the embryo in the womb. The most common statements are:

  • if the baby pushes in the lower abdomen, you should expect a boy, and if in the upper abdomen, a girl;
  • girls usually behave calmly in the womb, but boys constantly move and push;
  • if in the early stages the heart rate exceeds 140 beats per minute, most likely a girl will be born, since, according to statistics, this figure is lower in boys;
  • if you feel the baby’s first movements on the right, it’s a boy, and girls make themselves felt in the right area.

Boy or girl: signs, ancient beliefs

Hundreds and thousands of years ago, when there was no ultrasound procedure, women were able to accurately determine the sex of the baby. It is worth paying attention to the following signs:

  • A string is tied to the wedding ring and then hung over the stomach. If it starts to swing from side to side, you should expect a boy, and if it moves in a circle, most likely there will be a girl.
  • If young children show interest in your rounded belly, it will be a girl, and if they are indifferent to changes in your figure, it will be a boy.
  • A pregnant woman should eat a clove of garlic or a small onion. If after some time the skin develops a specific odor, it is most likely that she is pregnant with a boy.
  • Another proven method is to ask the woman to stretch her arms forward. Mothers of girls usually do this with their palms facing up.
  • Place a figured key on the table and invite the girl to take it. If she grabs the round part, it means it will be a boy. If a woman takes the key by the oblong part, it will be a girl.
  • If the baby's father gains weight, it will be a boy. For fathers of girls, as a rule, the figure does not change.
  • If there was another child in the family, they paid attention to his first word. If he said “mom,” the next baby will probably be female, and if he said “dad,” it will be male.
  • If a pregnant woman eats bread crusts, it means she will give birth to a boy. Mothers of girls prefer to eat crumbs.

How to plan the sex of a child?

Folk signs take place in all spheres of human life. Boy or girl? During pregnancy, this will not come as a surprise to you if you plan the sex of the baby in advance. Of course, you cannot count on absolute accuracy. However, when dreaming of a son or daughter, parents can take into account the following:

  • It is believed that gender may depend on the day of the week. So, on women's days (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday) there is a high probability of becoming pregnant with a girl, and on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday - with a boy.
  • If you dream of a girl, it is recommended to practice abstinence for 1-2 weeks. At this time, you should throw yourself into work, household chores, sports and try not to even think about intimacy.
  • The gender of the unborn child can be affected by diet. So, if you are planning to become pregnant with a boy, you should eat potatoes, beans, and fruits. A vegetable menu, supplemented with a large number of nuts, contributes to the conception of a girl.
  • You may need to rearrange your bedroom. So, if you want a girl, the head of the bed should be directed to the south, and if you want a boy, to the north.
  • Sexual intercourse before ovulation contributes to the conception of a girl. The embryo is more likely to be male if contact occurs during and after it.
  • It is believed that the sex of the child is largely determined by the activity of one or another partner during contact. So, if you want a boy, a man should take the initiative, and if you want a girl, a woman should be more passionate.


Based on centuries-old observations, a wide variety of folk signs have been formed. In the early stages, whether a boy or a girl will be born, one can only guess. Even a complete match for a number of characteristics does not fully guarantee that the result will be confirmed during an ultrasound. Nevertheless, it is quite interesting to try to predict what gender of child you will have. In many countries, it is customary for the whole family to do this, giving this process the meaning of a ritual or even a holiday.

While everyone is collecting one at a time and clarifying its authenticity, I have collected everything, in my opinion, that I could find at all. And you know what?! 50-50!!! =) Both times! More precisely, for the first time, there should have been a boy, 52% to 48% - however, the girl came out %)

HUGE REQUEST: if you have nothing to say other than “what nonsense”, “it’s all bullshit”, “nonsense”, etc. - Please, pass by, don’t waste your time and don’t fill up my email with these most valuable comments, I myself know that “this is nonsense,” and the post was created for informational purposes. entertaining purposes 😉 I don’t force anyone to believe, count or be convinced, everything is voluntary and solely to lift your spirits.

Almost scientific, tabular, computing

1. Japanese table: in the first part we are looking for the number at the intersection of the birth months of mom and dad.

In the second, the intersection of the “secret number” with the month of conception.

There is an even more “relative” version, here by crosses: whoever has more is more likely to do so, one at a time - “well, as it turns out!” =)))

2. Chinese table. Mother's age at conception and month of conception. There is a version that both the Japanese and the Chinese had in mind the “lunar” months, but you can’t guess how to count correctly...

3. Update blood: in men, blood is renewed every 4 years, in women - every 3 years (of course, faster, thanks to monthly blood loss). We believe that whose blood is newest at the time of conception will “pass on” his gender to the heir. In case of major operations, blood loss, transfusions, donation and the presence of childbirth, the age of the blood is calculated from these events, and not from birth.

4. By group blood:

with the same rhesus. And completely the opposite for different ones.

5. By formula:49 – father’s age +1 + mother’s age +3 = ?

If the number is even, it is a boy, if the number is odd, it is a girl. The numbers in the original had some meaning/interpretation, but alas, over the course of several years I lost the source, so I’ll leave it this way—maybe when I find it, I’ll add why 49 and why “plus three.”

6. Numerological table Pythagoras. According to the table, all the letters of the first and last names are added up separately for the father and separately for the mother (the maiden name is taken).

All the letters in the name of the month of conception are also added up (o+k+t+ya+b+p+b=7+3+2+6+2+9+3=32). The sum of all three values ​​(mother, father, month) is divided by 7. If the integer part of the result is odd - a boy, even - a girl.

7. If year conception And age mothers at the time of conception, both numbers are even or odd - there will be a girl, if they are different in parity - it will be a boy

8. If frequency heartbeat the fetus at 12-14 weeks is more than 140 beats per minute, then most likely it is a girl; smaller - boy

9. If first stirring the expectant mother felt on the right - a boy will be born, on the left - a girl

10. If a child moves actively and always a boy; calm child - girl

External view, habits, etc.

Stomach And weight:

11. The belly is neat and protrudes forward, the waist is preserved from the back - a boy, round, spreading to the sides, visible from the back - a girl.

12. The belly grows low - a boy, high - a girl.

13. If a child pushes in the lower abdomen and “hits” the bladder more often, it will be a boy; if it pushes at the top and hits the liver, it will be a girl.

14. If the main weight gain occurs on the woman’s stomach, then a boy will be born; if the thighs and buttocks also get fat, it will be a girl

15. A woman pregnant with a girl often gains more weight than normal; with a boy, there is less body fat.

16. If the belly sticks out more on the right side, there will be a boy, if on the left, there will be a girl.

17. Angelo Gagnocci (Italy, Modena) found that a woman weighing less than 54 kg per 100 girls gives birth to 98 boys, with a weight of more than 54 kg the ratio is 100:110. Those. with a pre-pregnancy weight of more than 54 kg, the likelihood of conceiving a boy is slightly higher.


18. The stronger the toxicosis, the more likely it is a girl - Western version. Boys are “foreign” organisms, with them toxicosis is stronger, therefore - Russian theory.

19. If a pregnant woman has headaches, it will be a boy, if not, it will be a girl.

20. If a pregnant woman is prone to fainting and periodically loses consciousness, she is expecting a boy; if he doesn't lose his feelings - a girl

21. If a pregnant woman experiences bouts of chills, she is expecting a girl; if it is hot, she is expecting a boy.

22. If a pregnant woman’s legs become hotter than before pregnancy, it will be a girl; if they are cold or have not changed, it will be a boy.

23. Swelling on the legs of a pregnant woman promises the birth of a boy; if they are absent, there will be a girl.

Leather, hair:

24. If the “vegetation” on the legs has become more abundant and is growing faster than usual - there will be a man, if nothing has changed - a girl

25. A lot of stretch marks means a girl, few or none means a boy.

26. The appearance of spots and dark stripes on a pregnant woman’s skin indicates that she is carrying a girl; absence of hyperpigmentation – boy

27. If thick fluff begins to grow on the belly, it will be a boy; if there is no increased fluffiness of the belly, it will be a girl.

28. She looks prettier, her face shines, her eyes glow, etc. – a boy, has become ugly, acquired acne, puffiness of the face, etc. – the girl “stole” her beauty.

29. Dry hand skin – boy, soft and tender – girl

30. A fluffy and shiny mane on the head indicates the imminent birth of a girl, dull hair portends the birth of a boy.


31. A significant increase in breast size is a girl, a subtle change in size is a boy.

32. If the right breast is larger than the left - a girl, the left breast is larger than the right - a boy.

33. If the nipple areolas are dark, there will be a girl, if they are light, there will be a boy.


34. Clumsiness, angular movements, clumsiness - a boy, graceful movements, a flying gait and lightness - a girl.

35. Good mood, calmness - a boy, change of mood, whims, nerves - a girl.

36. If you prefer to sleep on your left side - a boy, on your right - a girl

37. If a pregnant woman happily shows off her belly and tells everyone about her “situation”, she is expecting a boy; if she hides her pregnancy for a long time, she is expecting a girl.

38. Increased libido during pregnancy indicates an abundance of testosterone, i.e. boy, lowered – about a girl

ABOUT food

39. Craving citrus? Girl. No - it's a boy.

40. Cravings for salty foods, marinades, etc. – boy, I want something sweet – girl.

Before conception :

41. If you sleep with your head to the north, there is a high probability of conceiving a boy, with your head to the south - a girl.

42. Diet for conceiving a boy: potatoes, mushrooms, lentils, cherries, bananas, apricots, oranges, peaches, dates. Diet for conceiving a girl: eggplants, beets, carrots, cucumbers, peas, peppers, onions, nuts

43. The best position for conceiving a boy is “doggy style”; for girls – “missionary”.

44. Men who are predisposed to baldness and who are bald are more likely to give birth to boys.

45. Sperm with a Y chromosome are faster, but X cells are more durable. Therefore, the likelihood of conceiving a boy is higher if sexual intercourse occurs during or after ovulation. Coitus before ovulation is more favorable to conceiving a girl.

Superstitions :

46. ​​By name: for example, “research” by B. Higir. There are a lot of contradictions =) Thus, “Alexander is the father of July girls,” while “Alexandrov Sergeevichs often have sons.”

47. Hang engagement ring on a string above the belly. If it swings like a pendulum, back and forth - a boy, in a circle - a girl.

48. When meeting a boy of preschool (preferably toddler) age, he shows interest in his tummy - there is a girl there. Not interested - boy.

49. If after eating garlic there is a smell from the _skin_ - it’s a boy, if not - it’s a girl.

50. Show your hands at an unexpected request. They showed palms down for a boy, palms up for a girl.

51. Eating crusty bread and especially crusty bread is for boys, preference for crumbs is for girls.

52. Take the key from the table by the round part - towards the boy, by the beard and long part - towards the girl.

53. If the father of the unborn child gains weight during pregnancy, it is a boy; if he loses weight or does not respond, it is a girl.

Total. What happened both times for me:

8 – for heart rate, 19 – for headaches (well, for now, but the timing still allows you to change), 23 – for swelling, 24 – for hairy legs, 30 – for hair on the head, 31-33 – for breasts, 36 – pose during sleep, 37 – about the desire to tell the whole world =) 43 – pose. %)

After 46, I don’t even know how to take it into account - every day it even turns out differently)


54. Intuition: the mother and father themselves must be sure, somewhere in the depths of their souls, who will be born to them.

55. Conception on a “male” day of the week - Mon, Tue, Thu - for a boy, on “female” days (Wed, Sat, Sun) - for a girl (thank you, Tatyana

56. If it is not possible to determine the gender of the child on an ultrasound, when the child has turned away from the device, then the girl, she seems to be shy, the boy is shown in all his glory (thank you, Tatyana

57. If the back hurts on the left, it will be a girl, if on the right, then it will be a boy (a sign from neurologist Yulia

58. Addition from Valerievna (

If you want a girl, then a man should immerse himself in work, actively play sports and constantly think about earning money. A woman should try not to provoke her husband into intimate relationships and, in general, forget about sex for at least a week or two.

French researchers propose a method that is based on the molecular weight of sperm. The fact is that sperm carrying the Y chromosome are smaller, lighter and faster than those carrying the X chromosome. But they are more fragile and live less - about 24 hours in the most favorable alkaline environment. Based on the fact that the egg remains fertilized for an average of 36 hours, intercourse close to ovulation should apparently contribute to the birth of a boy, while the same intercourse 2 to 3 days before ovulation will make the birth of a girl more likely. The difficulty is to reliably calculate the date of ovulation. The same scientists found that the sex of the unborn child directly depends on the mother’s nutrition during the menstrual cycle, which precedes conception.

If a family dreams of a boy, they need to eat more potatoes, indulge in vegetables and exotic fruits, but forget about dairy products. And if parents want a girl, then do exactly the opposite. Carrots and cabbage are not contraindicated. After conception, a woman can eat whatever she wants and what is good for the baby’s health. As for the probability of having a child of the “planned” sex, out of a thousand observed women, eight hundred gave birth to exactly the one they wanted.

In Poland, a technique was also developed by which, with a high percentage of accuracy (87 percent), married couples could “plan” the gender of their unborn child. The method involves carefully counting the days of the menstrual cycle. If sexual intercourse occurs 11-12 days before the start of menstruation, a boy will be born. If in 13-14 days it’s a girl. Another most accessible method, which can most likely be attributed to folk wisdom, passed down from generation to generation, is following a special diet (for some reason called French) for a long period before conception. The first results of this method were promising (the average success rate was about 81.8).

A diet that promotes the conception of a girl.

Drinks: coffee, tea, chocolate, cocoa, calcium mineral waters (canned fruit juice, Coca-Cola, carbonated drinks are not recommended)

Meat: beef, veal, pork, lamb in limited quantities. (Not recommended: sausages, ham, corned beef, smoked meats, meatballs, roasts)

Dairy products: milk, cream cheese, cottage cheese. (Not recommended: all cheeses and ice cream).

Bread without salt, cookies without salt, homemade cakes without salt and without yeast. (Not recommended: regular bread, regular cookies, industrial confectionery products)

Vegetables: limited quantities of potatoes, eggplant, asparagus, beets, carrots, champignons, cucumbers, watercress, green beans, lettuce, peas, peppers, onions, boiled tomatoes. (crispy potatoes, canned vegetables, spinach, rhubarb, all types of cabbage, mushrooms, zucchini, raw tomatoes, dried vegetables, white beans, lentils are not recommended)

Dry fruits: unsalted almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts. (Not recommended: figs, raisins, dried apricots, dates, prunes, salted dried fruits)

Fresh fruits: apples, pears, strawberries, raspberries, pineapples, peaches, grapefruits, lemons, watermelon, mangoes, quinces, cherries. (Not recommended: plum, apricot, cherry, banana, orange, currant, melon)

Miscellaneous: sugar, honey, jam, jelly, fresh sour cream, eggs, aromatic herbs. (Not recommended: salt, yeast, soda, gherkins, olives, margarine, salted meat)

59. To conceive a boy, you need to put a knife/axe/whip under the pillow - something that “personifies” a man. To conceive a girl - a comb, a mirror, ribbons, etc. “girlish” attributes

60. Girls in the womb begin to move “earlier” than the average period: in the first pregnancy before the 18th week, in the second even earlier. Boys are more active after 20. (thanks, Rosa

61. From Irina ( If the eldest child said the first word to mom (or woman), then the next child will be a girl, if the first word is dad (grandfather), then it will be a boy.

Calculate your probabilities =) Count one gender and divide by the total number of signs taken into account. How is it going? =)

And if you know any other signs, please share! =)

  • The girl takes away beauty
  • The strength of toxicosis and the gender of the child
  • Hair growth
  • The belly is growing forward towards the boy!

When a woman finds out about pregnancy, one of the first questions that begins to torment her is who will be born - a boy or a girl? For some this is of greater importance, for others less, but to one degree or another every pregnant woman is concerned about this. And she will receive the final answer only when the baby is born. Despite the existence of modern ultrasound technology, which can determine the sex of the unborn child as early as the 16th week, such a verdict is often erroneous. And sometimes the child lies with his back to the device, and then the expectant mother remains in the dark until the birth.

It is completely logical that she has a question: are there any signs by which it is possible, without an ultrasound, to determine whether she is carrying a boy or a girl?

It turns out that there are many signs, signs and patterns that predict gender. Most of them arose a very long time ago - after all, in the time of our great-grandmothers, ultrasound did not exist, and the question of the sex of the unborn child interested them no less than you and I. Some signs “work” more effectively, others less, but every pregnant woman tries them on herself again and again, and after giving birth she shares with her friends whether it “got right” for her or not.

The girl takes away beauty

One of the most persistent beliefs sounds quite beautiful and convincing: “a girl takes away her mother’s beauty.” It is believed that if a woman turns ugly during pregnancy, then she will have a girl, and if, on the contrary, she blossoms, then she will have a boy.

However, there is also a completely opposite opinion. Since mother and son have different sets of chromosomes and different hormonal levels, the mother’s body comes into conflict with the child’s body, and all this is reflected in the mother’s skin and appearance. And mother’s and daughter’s bodies get along much better.

During pregnancy, under the influence of hormones, a woman’s face sometimes changes quite a lot. The features become unclear, as if blurred. Pimples appear on the face and other parts of the body, the nose enlarges, the oval of the face becomes rounded, even a mustache appears... This scares many, but it should be remembered that after childbirth, the appearance very quickly returns to normal.

However, it happens that hormones have completely the opposite effect. The woman seems to “bloom”, minor cosmetic problems that may have tormented her before disappear, and her hair acquires an unusual shine and thickness.

Both phenomena are completely normal, as is the absence of any changes at all in the appearance of a pregnant woman. Experience shows that these changes have nothing to do with the gender of the unborn child. Mothers of both girls and boys often complain that they are “disfigured” during pregnancy. While other women, who also gave birth to children of both sexes, notice that they have never looked as beautiful as during these nine months.

In all likelihood, the reason here is a favorable or unfavorable hormonal balance, which affects the appearance of the expectant mother.

The strength of toxicosis and the gender of the child

In the time of our grandmothers, it was believed that if at the beginning of pregnancy a woman feels very sick, it’s a girl, and with boys, supposedly, mothers do not suffer. Modern scientists have decided to confirm or refute this statement. Let me quote from the article “Boy or Girl? New Findings: “If a pregnant woman runs to the bathroom first thing in the morning, fighting off nausea, it means she's probably having a girl. These are the findings from the latest research from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm.

Doctors processed information about more than a million newborns born from 1987 to 1995. In addition, the specialists observed about 5,900 women who, during the first trimester of pregnancy, consulted doctors with complaints of nausea and vomiting. 56% of these women subsequently gave birth to girls, and 44%, respectively, became mothers of boys.

Scientists suggest that morning sickness is a consequence of an increase in the level of a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin. According to researchers, the level of this hormone in a woman’s blood increases if the fetus is female.”

The scientific data sounds convincing. However, look at the percentage! There is a slight advantage, but still the figures are as close as possible to equilibrium - 50% to 50%. It is unlikely that this pattern can be considered proven. And even more so, based on the presence of severe toxicosis, it is impossible to conclude that a pregnant woman is expecting a girl.

The cause of toxicosis has not yet been clarified. It may be caused by increased stress on the liver, weakening of the esophageal muscles, which causes less digestion, and stretching of the uterine muscles. Other doctors believe that the main reason is the hormonal changes occurring in the body.

It is interesting that in traditional societies such a phenomenon was unheard of, which indicates the share of the psychological component in the occurrence of toxicosis. This is also confirmed by the fact that toxicosis is successfully treated with hypnosis. According to some doctors, “unconscious psychological experiences of the expectant mother (fear, rejection of the child) can manifest themselves in the same physiological symptoms as toxicosis. For example, nausea (the most common manifestation of toxicosis) can be directly related to experiences of fear and disgust.”

Hair growth

Often expectant mothers complain about changes in their hairline. Some people suddenly develop mustaches, while others begin to grow hair on their stomachs or legs. For many, the light golden hairs on the back or chest darken and become thicker. As a rule, this phenomenon is considered a more or less sure sign of a future boy.

The reason for increased hair growth is not controversial among scientists. It is associated with an increase in the level of male sex hormones in the body of a pregnant woman. However, no matter how logical it is to assume that the level of male hormones increases due to a male fetus, this is not always true. Obviously, the reason is a change in the hormonal balance of the woman herself, and is not related to the gender of the unborn child.

The belly is growing forward towards the boy!

Fans of forecasts, when making their guesses, most often rely on the shape of the pregnant woman’s belly. This is one of the most common and “reliable” folk signs.

It consists of the following: if a woman has a “sharp”, “cucumber” belly, directed forward and her pregnancy is not visible from the back, then she will have a boy. If the belly is “girdling”, spherical, protruding on the sides too, then she should prepare for the appearance of a girl.

However, it should be noted that this sign does not always “work”. There are no exact statistics on this matter, and the reasons for this phenomenon are also not of interest to scientists. But according to the experience of many women who have given birth, errors in such “diagnosis” happen all the time.


I don’t know, I didn’t feel sick at all, they said it was a daughter, but she gave birth to a boy, you won’t know until you give birth.

02/21/2018 12:39:38, Noza

I felt sick in the morning at the beginning, and then the nausea subsided, then I started feeling sick again but didn’t throw up, I wonder if I’m having a boy or a girl, I feel like I’m having a boy

12/29/2017 21:57:56, Zeynap

I have severe toxicosis. And in general, all the signs and sensations are like a girl. I’m 109% sure my daughter will

02/19/2017 23:53:34, Dianislava

1st pregnancy I felt terribly sick, stomach was almost invisible, daughter 3.210
2nd take. I felt sick, my stomach was like a cucumber stand, daughter 2.930
3rd pregnancy, there was no nausea, I felt feverish and there was pigmentation in the summer (mustache) now less, belly I can’t say 24 weeks. 1 ultrasound boy, 2 ultrasound boy, 3 ultrasound girl (ultrasound specialist is strange) waiting for 4th))))

10/15/2016 17:06:08, Victoria277

The problem of the QUALITY of the unborn child is SOLVED! ! The DAY of conception determines the gender, the likelihood of the appearance of hereditary diseases, the level of abilities, character. In order to choose the right DAY of conception, you need to coordinate with it the QUALITY of the parents' sexual GENES! ALL “fortune telling” is a thing of the past! Barbarism! is also related to this topic, a normal program

01/14/2010 14:19:59, Dima123

You are pregnant?
It's time to find out who will be born?

07.12.2009 11:41:02, Galla

All these signs are complete nonsense. I have two children: a girl and a boy. The belly was like a cucumber both times. There was toxicosis both in the first pregnancy and in the second. There was no difference between pregnancies. I agree with Anastasia. Glavone: the child is healthy, loved and very much expected!

12/17/2008 10:19:29, Julia

oh, damn, these signs =) all my signs point to a boy =) and my stomach is like a peg, forward, and I didn’t feel sick at all =) and there was twice as much hair, and on the ultrasound they said it’s a daughter =) until you give birth, you definitely won’t you'll find out =)

11/29/2008 00:47:53, Tatyana

and from the very beginning I was annoyed by the forecasts and all the signs...
and also signs, in what month and at what age of the mother who should be born.... my sister-in-law calculated that it should be a girl... but according to the ultrasound they said that it was a boy... and I asked to show, so to speak, the main sign (before that, so as not to look stupid . the male hormone 17-OH-Progasterone is increased….and for this reason the tummy became hairy and there was terrible toxicosis….and the belly is like a cucumber, so every woman has her own constitution….

06.11.2008 17:51:56, Nastena

Judging by the signs, absolutely everything points to the fact that I’m having a boy. I’m already 9 months pregnant. But the ultrasound has already shown a girl 3 times, now think about whether to believe in the examples. I’ll find out soon. I’ve already bought everything pink , there will be laughter if it really is a boy.

03/06/2008 07:39:15, Lychik

Today I had an ultrasound, they said it looked like a boy, but not for sure, the umbilical cord was between the legs! And then he turned his butt!!!
When I went with my son, they said the ultrasound was a girl, but I felt that boy, you can’t deceive a mother’s heart! There weren’t any special signs, or I just didn’t keep track! Now I feel like I have a girl! Although there are also no special signs that I ate before pregnancy, then I eat, the belly has no special signs, and in general the signs of our grandmothers are all nonsense! And what difference does it make who is born, the main thing is healthy and loved!!! I have been with my babies (both the first and now the second) from the first days of pregnancy I love it very much and it doesn’t matter what gender my baby is!

02/08/2008 11:10:07, Anastasia

Let dads want sons, but you, mommies, still give birth to daughters. They will always be closer to you. But if your son was sent to you, accept it and get used to it later. Tested from my own experience. Children won't know about this......

01/24/2008 10:24:45, Svetlana

1st pregnancy – sick, terrible-no-sha-ya, a son was born
2nd pregnancy – sick, horror-no-sha-ya, a daughter was born...
maybe try again? what if you get lucky...

Signs and folk signs of pregnancy with a boy.

Many women, even before they find out the gender of the child on an ultrasound, try to predict whether a son or daughter will be born. People have come up with a lot of signs and superstitions regarding the gender of the unborn child. Below, we will try to figure this out.

There are a lot of features that indicate that you will be born a hero. This is both the shape of the tummy and the cleanliness of the skin.

Signs of pregnancy with son:

  • Round belly
  • Increased hairiness of the skin
  • Dark stripe on belly
  • Clean skin
  • Thick and beautiful hair

It is worth noting that bearing a hero is much easier. The woman is almost not bothered by toxicosis and feels well. The gait, despite pregnancy, is graceful and light. There is practically no swelling. Varicose veins are rarely a concern.

There are many parameters that indicate pregnancy with a male baby:

  • Sharp belly, which is dropped quite low
  • Pigmentation on the abdomen and the appearance of age spots on the arms
  • Pointed nose tip
  • Darkening of hair on legs
  • There may be dark fuzz under the nose
  • Beautiful hair

Many people note that a woman pregnant with her son seems to blossom. Facial features become soft, skin cleanses. It is pleasant to the touch and velvety.

While expecting a son, most women note some changes in behavior. In general, the woman becomes calmer and more balanced. She rarely gets nervous or worried. Performance increases significantly. Employers note that a woman works for two and is completely focused on tasks.

How does a pregnant woman feel about having a boy?

It is worth noting that many women are able to determine the gender of their unborn child based on their feelings. When pregnant with a male representative, the pregnant woman is often hot all the time. At the same time, the lower extremities are cold all the time. The skin on your palms may dry out.

The woman’s appetite is very good, this is due to the absence of toxicosis. In this case, preference is given to salty foods and meat. The woman practically does not want sweets. Constantly wants kefir and cottage cheese.

Pregnant belly shape with a boy

Many people can predict pregnancy by the shape of their tummy. Usually the belly is pronounced, convex and slightly sharp. If you look at a woman from behind, it is difficult to say that she is in position, since the waist line is distinct. The sides are not covered in fat. The tummy is located quite low.

At the first ultrasound, that is, at 12 weeks, it is quite difficult to determine the sex of the child. This is due to the fact that sexual characteristics are poorly visible. Although already from the 8th week, secondary sexual characteristics begin to form in boys. By the 12th week, with a good ultrasound machine, you can see a tubercle in the genital area. Only by the 20th week will the child’s reproductive system be fully formed and the gender can be accurately determined.

First ultrasound: signs of the birth of boys

There are many signs that indicate pregnancy with a hero or princess.


  • There are many warriors in the world, a hero will be born
  • The country is experiencing economic growth, a baby is born
  • If you want salty food and meat, then a protector will be born
  • Constantly want sweets - wait for a girl
  • The face is covered with acne, a princess is born
  • The waist and sides are swimming with fat - a baby will be born
  • Insomnia and toxicosis - a beauty will be born
  • Blows at the top of the abdomen - for a girl, if below - for a boy

Differences between pregnancy with a boy and a girl

Doctors note that pregnancy is better tolerated by a hero. During pregnancy with the princess, the woman becomes irritable and nervous, and suffers from toxicosis. It is worth noting that in the last stages of pregnancy with her son, the woman’s legs become very swollen and hurt.


  • In an interesting situation, the expectant mother wants sex all the time, then she will be a princess.
  • You can find out who is going to be born by looking at their tummy. Directed to the right is a sign of a son, and to the left is a sign of a daughter.
  • If you look closely at the shade around the nipples of pregnant women, then when carrying a princess they should become lighter than before fertilization, and when carrying a male child they should become darker.
  • Boys knock in the lower part of the tummy, and princesses push from above, in the solar plexus area.

Toxicosis during pregnancy, boy or girl

Doctors note that toxicosis affects women who are expecting a daughter. Women expecting a boy usually feel good.

You will find out 100% results during an ultrasound at 20-22 weeks of pregnancy. As practice shows, folk signs can be wrong and have a 50% chance.

The easiest way is to observe changes in your diet and behavior. There are many ways to determine the gender of a baby. All of them are based on physiological changes in the mother.

Ways to determine gender:

  • Look at your stomach. If it is vague - to the princess, if it is sharp and sticks out - to the boy
  • Food. Those who are expecting a daughter want fruits and sweets, and those who are expecting a son want meat and spicy food
  • Cold feet - for a boy, swelling at the end of pregnancy - for a son
  • Dark stripe on the stomach - for a boy
  • Soft and delicate skin - for a girl

Many people can determine gender by the shape and location of the abdomen.


  • Boy. The tummy during pregnancy is sharp and downward. The waist is visible from behind and it is not clear that the woman is in position
  • Girl. The tummy is vague. Fat appears in the sides and lower back. The stomach is located high

Signs of a boy or girl during pregnancy

Signs in an interesting position can be seen in the video.

VIDEO: Signs for determining the gender of a child

In fact, it is very rare that all the signs of a boy or girl are present at once. Mixed eating and behavioral preferences are common. Pregnant women are prone to mood swings, so a woman can be both nervous and calm. You can tell by the chest. If the areola is dark, it will be a boy, if it is light, it will be a girl.

What is the difference between being pregnant with a boy and being pregnant with a girl?

You can find out more about this in the video.

VIDEO: Differences during pregnancy with a son and daughter

Below is a table by which you can determine whether you will have a son or daughter. Data calculated using fertilization period.

Acute stomach during pregnancy, boy or girl

If a woman has a sharp belly, she will have a boy. It resembles a soccer ball hidden under a dress. Very neat and sticks out forward.

This table is based on the age of the future parents.

Signs of a boy during early pregnancy

In the early stages, when ultrasound cannot yet determine the sex of the baby, you can do this yourself. Most often, the condition of the pregnant woman and her eating habits are monitored. If a woman feels sick and vomits, she will be a princess. A pregnant woman is in a good mood and has no nausea - a protector will be born.

By the heartbeat you can determine the gender of the baby. If the baby has more than 140 beats, wait for the princess. If there are less than 140 blows, a hero will be born. Doctors note that the girl’s heart beats much faster and less orderly. There are often malfunctions of the heart muscle. The boy's heartbeat is more rhythmic.

Differences between pregnancy with a girl and a boy

The differences when pregnant with a boy or a girl can be seen in the video.

VIDEO: Differences

First signs of pregnancy with a boy

The gender of the fetus can also be determined by what the woman eats. If you want salty, spicy and meat, then a boy will be born.

Signs of a girl:

  • Bad mood and bloated stomach
  • Acne on the face
  • Nausea

Signs of a boy:

  • Acute stomach
  • Good mood
  • Clean face