Red circles under the eyes of the cause. Red circles under the eyes of children - do I need to worry. Causes of the symptom in adults

Circles under the eyes never appear without good reason. Black circles indicate chronic fatigue, blue circles indicate circulatory disorders, yellow circles under the eyes will remind you of liver and gall bladder problems. What health problems do red circles under the eyes "complain" about?

Reasons for the appearance

The causes of the appearance of red circles under the eyes may be different, but they all indicate health problems. Of the most common, the following should be highlighted:

Red circles under the eyes are characterized by the presence of redness, swelling and swelling in the lower eyelid. Such symptoms do not appear for no reason, they only reflect the internal "rebellion" that occurs in the body. As a rule, the appearance of red circles under the eyes is accompanied by weakness in the body, sleep disturbance, loss of appetite, and apathy.

In order to find out the true reason why red circles under the eyes often appear on the skin, several examinations must be done at once to determine the true cause of this pathology. Sometimes for accurate diagnosis it is necessary to involve more than one specialist. Therefore, as soon as redness appears around the eyes, it is necessary to undergo an examination with the following doctors:

  • Allergist - determine whether redness is associated with allergic reactions;
  • Nephrologist - examines the kidneys and confirms / disproves the presence of renal failure;
  • Neuropathologist - since stress may well provoke the appearance of redness around the eyes, examination by this doctor is extremely necessary;
  • Immunologist - determine if redness is associated with a weakened immune system or a lack of certain vitamins;
  • Dermatologist - checks the condition of the skin and examines the appearance of redness in the eye area.

Depending on the identified cause of the disease, appropriate treatment will be prescribed.

How to remove red circles under the eyes of folk remedies

How to remove such an unpleasant and unaesthetic beauty that spoils the appearance? If the causes of the disease are not associated with chronic diseases of the internal organs, the following procedures can be used:

Fresh parsley infusion

  1. Finely chop fresh parsley.
  2. Pour parsley 1 tbsp. hot water.
  3. Leave to infuse for 20 minutes.
  4. Make compresses lotions for ever.

Tea brew ice

  1. Pour tea leaves into molds and set them for 15 minutes in the freezer.
  2. Wipe eyelids with ice for 30 minutes.

Oil composition

  1. Pour into a mold a mixture of essential oils: olive, peach and shea butter.
  2. Refrigerate for 15 minutes.
  3. Wipe the eyelids with a chilled oil composition for 30 minutes daily.

Prevention of redness around the eyes

For preventive purposes, you must try not to smoke, do not drink alcohol, limit the use of coffee, tea, fatty and salty foods, spend more time in the fresh air and less at the computer. It is also necessary to provide the correct cosmetic skin care for the eyes (nutrition, hydration).

Compliance with a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and minimum stress, timely and regular examination are the main principles for the prevention of all diseases, including redness around the eyes.


It seems that the skin in this area is thin, it is more prone to the appearance of various kinds of spots. Redness under the eyes of a child does not always indicate a serious pathology. In most cases, they occur due to malnutrition or sleep disturbance.

What is the redness around the eyes

The skin, mucous membranes are penetrated by a network of small vessels - capillaries. A change in their condition often provokes the appearance of red circles. The basis of this phenomenon is a decrease in the tone of blood vessels, as a result of which their expansion provokes a change in the shade of the skin.

Violation of the integrity of the vascular wall also leads to the appearance of red circles under the eyes of the child. A change in the state of capillaries is also a consequence of various disorders of the internal organs, in order to find out which ones, you need to pay close attention to the accompanying symptoms:

  • painful sensations;
  • lack of appetite;
  • elevated temperature;
  • dizziness;
  • edema;
  • shortness of breath
  • hearing loss;
  • weakness;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • headache.

Causes of redness under the eyes in children

This condition may occur as a result of individual structural features of adipose tissue. In this situation, the redness around the eyes in a child is genetically determined. This feature is physiological, it does not require any treatment. Red circles under the eyes of a child often occur against a background of serious illness. Depending on the nature of the violations, they may have a yellow or blue tint:

Red dots

Red pigmentation like freckles appears in children after severe tantrum or vomiting.

The points disappear on their own, without causing the child any discomfort. In addition, “red freckles” can be an individual feature. The child does not have any problems with appetite, sleep.

Red bags

Allergy is one of the common causes of this phenomenon. The formation of red bags is often accompanied by severe peeling of the skin, itching, burning. Kids react to milk protein, nuts, chocolate. Children over 5 years old suffer from allergies to animal hair, house dust, pollen. Among other reasons for the appearance of red bags in a child, experts call:

This kind of pigmentation can be physiological in nature. The fact is that the conjunctiva of the child is subject to the negative effects of exogenous (external) factors, therefore red spots, bruises often appear in children due to colds, crying.

In schoolchildren, pigmentation occurs due to dry eye syndrome. In addition, spots can appear due to mechanical stress, when the child simply scratched, rubbed his eyes or hit. In the event that pigmentation has arisen on the eyelid, the following diseases should be excluded:

  • allergic dermatitis;
  • barley;
  • exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis;
  • caries, stomatitis;
  • blepharitis, demodicosis and other ophthalmic diseases;
  • kidney disease.

Redness under one eye

Infant hemangioma is a common cause of pigmentation of the skin. This benign tumor looks like a red and blue spot. The seal does not appear immediately, but several weeks after the birth of the baby. You can get rid of hemangiomas surgically. Papilloma is another common cause of redness under one eye.

Treatment of redness around the eyes

Appointment of adequate therapy is impossible without identifying the cause of pigmentation.

During the initial treatment, the doctor collects a medical history. During the conversation, special attention is paid to the nature of the accompanying symptoms. If, on the basis of the information received, the pediatrician suspects a kidney pathology, he will recommend contacting a urologist, after sending the child for urine and blood tests.

If a malignant process is suspected, a biopsy is performed. Sometimes red circles under the eyes of a child occur due to brain damage. In this case, the neuropathologist directs the study of cerebrospinal fluid, x-rays and computed tomography of the skull. The choice of treatment for red circles depends on the cause of their appearance:


Chronic tonsillitis

Antibiotic therapy


Prescribing antihistamines

Vegetative dystonia

Compliance with sleep and rest

Iron supplementation

Physiological feature of adipose tissue

Eye massage


Inclusion in the diet of fruits, vegetables, quality vegetable oils

Renal pathology

Antibiotic therapy, the appointment of diuretics, in extreme cases, hemodialysis.

Diseases of the oral cavity

Dental treatment: tooth extraction, caries treatment

Folk methods

Doctors do not recommend treating red circles under the eyes of a child at home, as spots can indicate a number of serious diseases. If the change in skin tone is due to physiological characteristics, poor nutrition and other relatively frivolous reasons, you can try folk methods to combat pigmentation:

  1. Compress with a decoction of herbs. Take in equal parts chamomile and sage flowers, pour 100 ml of boiling water. Leave under the lid for half an hour. Strain the warm broth, moisten a cotton pad in it. Then attach to eyes for 5 minutes. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day for two weeks.
  2. Fresh cucumber. Cut a few circles and attach for 20 minutes. Apply fresh cucumber every morning. The course of treatment is a month.
  3. Raw potatoes. Grated peeled root crop. Fold the bandage 3-4 times. Place grated potatoes on it and attach to eyes. Hold lotion for 20 minutes every day. To be treated for two weeks.


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Any ailments that affect the baby cause serious concern to parents, especially if it is skin rashes and other visual changes in the dermis that seem atypical. One of them is the formation of a child under the eyes of red or red-brown areas, the so-called "circles". The area surrounding the lower eyelid suddenly acquires a reddish tint, which is not characteristic of the rest of the skin of the child. Circles may be noticeable more or less, but in any case, this phenomenon requires careful study.

Redness of the skin under the eyes

In the best case, this is skin damage. In a more serious case, it is a sign of an internal disease that urgently needs to be identified and treated.

The skin from the bottom of the eyes is perhaps the thinnest in the entire skin. And any changes and problems, obviously, can be reflected on it. If its redness is detected, this may mean a problem with lymph or blood, some kind of malfunction in these systems, expressing itself in an understandable way. But there are many other reasons for the formation of pink circles under the eye sockets, red or brownish spots and other color changes of this skin area in a warm range.

Important! For whatever reason the skin under the eyes of a child does not redden, it is important to understand that this is not a cosmetic defect, but, possibly, a serious health problem. It is necessary immediately after the discovery of the anomaly to lead the child to the doctor.

To simplify the classification, all causes are first divided into two groups: infectious and non-infectious.

Table. Classification of the causes of red circles under the eyes.

Noncommunicable diseases

The most common and numerous causes of redness of the skin under the eyes are non-communicable diseases and conditions. Of these, the first and foremost is an allergic reaction.


Its course may be accompanied by various signs and manifestations, but redness and peeling of the skin are the main ones. And since the skin near the eyes has a thin structure and is easily damaged, first of all, an allergic reaction manifests itself in this area. Burning, and redness around the eyes are three unpleasant symptoms that parents of an allergic child should respond to.

By the way. There are children in whom allergic manifestations are observed, almost from birth or from the time of feeding. But if they were not seen in infancy, it does not mean that they will not appear later. Often, reddened undercoats are a symptom by which the onset of allergy is determined.

In children, there is a reaction to the following allergens: fish and bird eggs, sweets and citruses, nuts and dairy products. Older children may suffer from this disease, caused by pollen from plants or excreta of pets. For all ages, this problem can occur genetically, that is, go to the child on a hereditary basis.

In addition to redness of the skin, many symptoms appear, ranging from lacrimation and ending with coughing and sneezing. The temperature may rise, sleep disturbance, appetite. To eliminate the circles, in this case, you need to cure the allergy, or at least remove its manifestations. To do this, consult an allergist who will identify the allergen and choose an effective method of treatment.


In terms of prevalence, it can be considered the second cause of redness of the skin under the eye sockets. This pathology is characterized by the formation of a blockage in the nasopharynx due to the growth of lymph tissue. The result is breathing problems, since the nasal passage is blocked and air cannot move freely. Due to the overcoming of respiratory difficulties, there is an influx of blood to the under-eyes, and they turn red, sometimes very intensively.

By the way. Adenoids begin to grow for various reasons and at different ages. The fault may be frequent colds or allergies, heredity or natural living conditions.

With the disease, in addition to red circles, there are other signs: the main of which include hoarse labored breathing, snoring in a dream and swelling of the face.

The problem requires radical treatment at a certain stage, which is to remove the overgrown tissue surgically. If this is not done, hypoxia may begin, since oxygen will cease to flow in the amount needed for the brain.

Another non-infectious cause of persistent redness under the eyes. It begins due to the fact that the work of the circulatory system is disrupted, as a result of which neither organs nor tissues are supplied with oxygen in the right amount.

In addition to circles with red in this situation, there will be a general pallor of the skin, especially the face. Also, the child will complain of fatigue, sleep poorly, and may experience a headache.

Tip. With these symptoms, you must make an appointment with a neurologist. You will also need the regime of the day and its strict observance, reduction of physical exertion, long leisurely walks and sufficient rest.


By itself, this condition, regardless of any diseases that the child has or is absent, can give red or pink circles under the eyes. Perhaps the child is heavily loaded at school, or does not adhere to a healthy regime of the day. Does not know how to relax, eats insufficiently wholesome food. It may lack the mineral-vitamin component.

Tip. If there are prerequisites for fatigue, parents should reconsider the regimen and diet, redistribute physical and mental stress, teach the child to relax and start taking vitamins.

Mechanical impact

It must be borne in mind that redness, especially concentrated under one eye, can cause mechanical stress. Simply put, the child just scratched under the eye and the skin turned red. Or maybe he came across something or injured the skin, for example, with a pencil. You need to carefully question the baby and observe how the redness behaves. If it passes in a few hours and does not appear anymore, then there is nothing to worry about.

Insect bites

Perhaps the child was simply bitten by an insect, such as a mosquito. In this case, redness will also be in one eye. If a child combes a bite, it may not take several days. In any case, having determined that the insect is to blame, it is necessary to lubricate an antiseptic preparation under the eye so that the infection does not get into the micro-wound.


A red spot localized under one eye can appear in a newborn or infant due to hemangioma. This is a tumor-like formation of a qualitative nature, which fragments of blood vessels create. In the process of intrauterine development, their formation is disrupted, and after the baby is born or a month later a spot of pale or bright burgundy appears on the skin

By the way. Education is always benign, therefore it is not worth undertaking anything (if it does not interfere with the child), you only need to monitor the phases of its development until it disappears by itself. Hemangioma resolves by the age of five.


This is also a benign growth that can be quite large in area and have a pink color. If the defect prevents, protrudes too much over the skin, creates problems for opening and closing the eyelids, it can be removed surgically.

Kidney problems

The appearance of circles under both eye sockets can provoke kidney disease. The following symptoms will accompany the phenomenon: pain in the lower back, fever, pain in urination.

Heart disease

With cardiac pathologies, the circles may have a red tint with a blue, closer to purple. In addition to them, there is shortness of breath, headaches and fatigue.

Eye injuries

Any injury to the eye area can lead to redness of the skin around. Also, this effect will occur if a foreign body enters the eye: dust, sand, speck - any microscopic foreign particle will cause irritation, the child will begin to rub his eyes, and they turn red.

Genetic individuality

A case where there is absolutely nothing to worry about - there are always red circles under the child’s eyes. That is, it was from birth and continues unchanged. In this case, the child feels well, and all reasons can be ruled out. This means that this is a genetic feature, the pathology of fatty tissue, which was inherited. It does not require treatment.

Infectious diseases

Bacteria and viruses can also cause reddening of the eyes. They even cause this phenomenon more often than non-infectious causes.


If the baby is often sick with tonsillitis, an active inflammatory process almost constantly acts in the body. When tonsillitis becomes chronic, the skin under the eyes turns red and remains so until complete recovery. It is especially pronounced with purulent tonsillitis.


Surprisingly, oral diseases can directly affect the color of the skin around the eyes. Stomatitis, caries, periodontal disease are all bacterial diseases that exacerbate inflammatory processes.


An ophthalmic problem characterized by drying of the mucous membrane of the eye and the upper layer of the cornea. The entire eye (both) is irritated and inflamed, and the under-eyes acquire a red tint. The disease may worsen in poor lighting or eye strain.

Helminth infections

If the child has worms, it is almost certain that the floor will have red circles, especially pronounced in the morning. For prevention, it is necessary to accustom the child to hygiene. And if the symptom is accompanied by changes in appetite and other ailments, give pills for worms.

Skin inflammation

Skin infection can occur on any part of the epidermis, including on the skin of the eyes. In this case, red spots are extensive and painful, redness occurs suddenly.

Viral conjunctivitis

With this disease, the mucous membrane becomes inflamed. The infection spreads quickly to both eyes. The skin around turns red, itching may be felt. Discharges may come from the eyes, which further irritate the skin beneath them.

To prevent diseases and infections that cause redness under the eyes, it is necessary to observe preventive and hygienic measures, monitor the daily routine of the child, his nutrition and rest. When persistent red circles appear, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination and, having established the cause, cure the disease.

Video - Why can red circles appear under a child’s eyes?

The tendency to the appearance of redness under the eyes is very individual. The most common factors why the problem occurs include insomnia, fatigue, failure to follow a healthy lifestyle and diet (excess salt, vitamin A, iron deficiency, insufficient fluid intake, lack of fresh air), stress.

Genetics also plays an important role. Nevertheless, red circles under the eyes are a signal of the presence of a disease (anemia, bowel disease, allergies, or kidney disease). Therefore, while maintaining redness, you need to consult a doctor!


Manifestations of the problem are typical - redness, sometimes soreness around the eyes. Please note, if itching, signs of inflammation, discoloration of circles under the eyes (for example, to purple) are added to these symptoms, this indicates damage to the deep tissues of the eye area. This is a condition where you should consult a doctor; it is necessary to conduct a series of examinations (including a blood test) to identify the causative agent of an adverse reaction of the body or other disease associated with red, blue circles under the eyes.

Important! A special case is a normal or red face, white circles under the eyes (or in another part of the body). Pale circles around the eyes - this is in most cases, a manifestation of a disease of vitiligo, a harmless, but unaesthetic. A spotted skin tone is caused by a violation of the amount of melanin.

Causes of the symptom

With the appearance of red circles under the eyes, the causes of trouble can be varied. Nutrition, health, psychology - all these factors can lead to redness. The area around the eyes is sensitive, so everything, even minimal mechanical damage to it, is expressively noticeable.

The problem of red circles under the eyes is often associated with an insufficient flow of blood and lymph in this area. As blood flows slowly, capillaries and blood vessels become more visible than under normal “healthy” circumstances.

Red circles around the eyes result from the retention of fat and water in this area. This often happens during sleep, when subcutaneous tissue absorbs fluid (such as excess tears) much more easily.

Another reason is a violation of blood flow. While in the first case the red circles appear in the morning and disappear during the day, in the second case the problem is constantly present, requiring specialized help.

Causes of redness in children

Many pediatricians and Dr. Komarovsky say that red circles under the eyes of a child are a signal of possible pathological processes. Near the eyes, the skin is characterized by increased thinness, it is the first evidence of disorders and lesions.

Important! The occurrence of an unpleasant symptom in children (especially in newborns, infants) is the reason for going to the doctor!

The causative factors are as follows:

There are many diseases and other reasons that answer the question of why redness and discomfort appear in the eye area. The most common causes are as follows:

  • fluid retention in the body;
  • the effects of cigarette smoke;
  • poor nutrition;
  • anemia;
  • the influence of sunlight;
  • eczema;
  • allergy;
  • changes in the level of hormones in the body (in particular, in women during PMS or menopause);
  • lack or excess of sleep;
  • stress;
  • eye-strain;
  • inadequate or improper skin care around the eyes.

It is obvious that the red circles under the eyes depend on lifestyle, habits, daily rhythm, nutrition and other factors that more or less affect the human body. Determining the cause is the first step in getting rid of the red circles around the eyes.

Options for eliminating red circles under the eyes

If you want to get rid of the red circles under the eyes once and for all, you need to find out the cause of their occurrence. Do they appear after work, where you spend most of the day working at the computer? Are you the result of a party in a smoky room? In these and similar cases, in the question of how to get rid of circles under the eyes, it will be enough to avoid these situations. But sometimes red circles require more serious treatment.

Drug therapy

A useful and effective procedure for red circles is manual and instrumental lymphatic drainage, which drains the fluid from the outer part of the eyelid in the direction of the lacrimal gland. This treatment is supported by pharmaceutical and homeopathic medicines that support the effects of lymphatic drainage and detoxification.

Technically more complex - the latest laser technology and IPL technology (IPLASER). IPL technology is based on intense pulsed light. Laser and IPL technology reduces the number of vessels and pigments under the skin.

Botulinum toxin is often used to eliminate puffiness, red circles under the lower eyelids. Injection affects the tension of the eye muscles between the nose and the eye, which has a positive effect on swelling and redness.

A novelty of medicine is the injection of hyaluronic acid, which stimulates the elimination of red and blue circles under the eyes. To achieve a lasting result, the procedure is carried out 2-3 times in two months.

Folk therapeutic methods for redness around the eyes

If an unaesthetic symptom is not caused by a disease, but is a consequence of fatigue, overstrain, you can try ways to remove circles under the eyes at home.

  1. Redness is removed by applying grated potatoes (for 5-10 minutes 3 times a week).
  2. Make cotton pads, soak them with cucumber juice. Place the pads on the visual organs and hold for 15 minutes. You will immediately feel a cool, relaxing effect.
  3. Massage around the eyes with almond oil helps a lot. Massage should be performed daily at bedtime for two weeks.
  4. Pressure on the base of the index finger is good for your eyesight, and also helps eliminate red and blue circles under the eyes.
  5. If the cause of redness is stress, try applying cucumber circles to your eyes for 15 minutes, which have a relaxing effect. Frequent walks distracting from unpleasant thoughts are also recommended.

Preventive measures:

  • 5-10 minute rose water compresses (daily or every other day);
  • 5-10 minute lotions of cold water (daily or every other day);
  • heavy drinking;
  • the use of vitamin products;
  • plenty of rest.

Regular massage sessions are a good method of treatment and prevention of red and dark circles under the eyes. They are made either in the cabin or at home on their own. Massage strengthens the skin and makes it more resistant to negative influences, and also improve the appearance. Massaging is recommended with a suitable cream.

Swelling of the eyelids, red circles under the eyes of a child against a background of general weakness and malaise - the result of overwork, infectious diseases of the eyes, inflammation of internal organs, injuries. Determining the cause of the appearance of unpleasant symptoms helps to quickly eliminate the problem and prevent the development of complications.

Red circles can be either a simple allergy or a serious illness.

Why are there red circles under the child’s eyes?

Many factors can cause redness under the eyes of children - from usual overwork and lack of sleep to pathological changes in the body of an infectious and non-infectious nature.

Table “Why redness appears around the eyes”

Red-blue spots under the eyes, as a consequence of physiological features, does not cause discomfort and is not a pathological phenomenon. The child feels well, there are no complaints and accompanying symptoms.

In this photo, most likely a heart problem

Ibuprofen is one of the most famous and effective anti-inflammatory drugs.

Medicines are selected individually, taking into account the characteristics of the body, the age of the child, the pathology that provoked redness of the skin.

Folk remedies

Swollen and reddened skin under the eyes of a child? Traditional medicine will help.

Parsley for eye irritation

Grind the average bunch of parsley, roll it in cheesecloth and place in front of your eyes, leave for 10 minutes. 3 procedures per day.

Parsley compress will help cope with inflammation

Curd lotions

To 1 tbsp sour cream add 2 tbsp. l curd, mix until smooth. Put the gruel on cotton pads or pieces of gauze and apply to the places of greatest redness, soak for 15 minutes. The number of procedures per day - 2 times.

Chamomile decoction

In 1 cup boiling water, brew 10 g of chamomile, simmer for 5 minutes, insist and strain. Rinse eyes with broth and wipe face skin 3-5 times a day.

Compresses with potato juice

On a fine grater, grate peeled potatoes (1 pc.), Put on gauze pieces and place around the eyes. Keep compresses for 20 minutes, then wash the baby with warm boiled water and lubricate the skin with baby cream.

Black tea lotions

You can use lotions from black tea, this will help in relieving inflammation under the eyelids

In a mug of boiling water, brew 2 tsp. loose tea without aromatic additives and preservatives, insist 20 minutes. In a strong drink, moisten cotton pads and apply to eyes for 5-10 minutes. Manipulate up to 4 times a day.

Cucumber lotions

Cut the cucumber into thin rings and apply on the eyes and the skin around the eyes, leave for 20 minutes. The tool soothes irritated tissues.

Herbal Compress

Mix 1 tsp. chamomile flowers and sage leaves, add 10 g of St. John's wort grass. Pour herbal water in 1 liter of water, bring to a boil and cook on low heat for 7 minutes. Strain the broth, moisten a towel in it and apply to eyes for 20 minutes.

Folk recipes help to reduce local inflammation, soothe skin irritation, and alleviate the baby’s condition.

Possible consequences and complications

Ignoring the redness under the eyes of a child leads to the development of complications of existing diseases:

  • aggravation of inflammatory processes in conjunctivitis, uveitis, the consequence of which is visual impairment, blindness;
  • the spread of helminthic invasions, which leads to extensive damage to the internal organs;
  • deterioration of the general condition of the child - fatigue, irritability, weakness, nervousness increase, brain activity decreases, developmental lag appears.

Incorrect treatment or neglect of the appearance of red spots under the eyes leads to aggravation of pathological changes in a small body - anemia, heart disorders, allergies, and decreased immunity.

Often, such a symptom can occur due to heart problems, so when examining it is important not to miss this fact.

Red circles under the eyes of a child occur with lack of sleep or fatigue, and are also a consequence of tonsillitis, helminthiasis, conjunctivitis, respiratory infections, adenoiditis, injuries, insect bites or allergies. A thorough diagnosis, including laboratory and instrumental methods of research, will help determine the cause.

The treatment uses anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antihistamines, antiviral drugs, herbal decoctions, lotions and compresses. Timely treatment helps to avoid serious complications and undesirable consequences.