Exercises for dyslexia in children. Dyslexia in junior schoolchildren: causes of development, symptoms, methods of correction. Methodology for examining a child with dyslexia

The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that many students primary grades there are problems in mastering reading processes, developing vocabulary and grammatical structure of speech. Many scientists point to the huge role of reading in the formation of a person as a self-developing personality. The famous psychologist B.G. Ananyev wrote that children first learn to read and write, and then through reading and writing. Timely elimination of reading prevents the occurrence of writing violations.

Reading is a complex psychophysiological process. It is carried out as a result of the conscientious activity of the visual, speech-motor and speech-auditory analyzers. Two sides of the reading process are distinguished: the first is technical, this is the perception of alphabetic characters, the correlation of the visual image, the second is reading comprehension. The development of the technical side proceeds in stages: from the word-by-word to reading in whole words, then to the phrase and sentence. Constant training turns the technical side into an automated process.

What is dyslexia?

An attentive speech therapist during a qualitative examination of a child in kindergarten should suspect possible difficulties in shaping the reading process. Most often, however, parents hear the diagnosis of dyslexia for the first time, when a first grader has problems with literacy.

Dyslexia- This is a specific violation of the learning process to read while maintaining the general ability to learn. Dyslexia manifests itself in the child's persistent inability to master syllable, reading with words and, as a result, misunderstanding of what he read. Dyslexic children, when reading, distort words, "swallowing" whole syllables, swapping letters, skipping sounds, or, conversely, adding unnecessary ones.

It should be understood that dyslexia does not apply to reading and writing disorders resulting from mental retardation, deviations in the development of the organs of hearing and vision. This is a partial inability to master reading skills associated with impairments or underdevelopment of certain areas of the cerebral cortex.

Dyslexia is the most common disorder affecting children and remains lifelong. The severity of the disease can be mild to severe. The earlier the correction of this disorder begins, the better the results.

Characteristics of children with dyslexia.

Dyslexic children have difficulty reading and learning. The cause of this disorder is a violation of certain functions in the child's brain, such as the transmission of a picture as a visual image to what a person hears and understands. It is not a consequence of impaired vision or hearing, nor is it the result of dementia or lack of intelligence.

In the early years of a child's education, it may go unnoticed. The child is afraid of the difficulty in learning to read, and other problems associated with this disease may also arise. The child may show the first signs of depression and low self-esteem. It is often possible to observe that a child, both at school and at home, behaves inappropriately. If this disease is not treated, then the child's problems at school will be further aggravated.

In dyslexia, the following groups of errors are observed:

  • Substitutions and mixing of graphically similar letters (I - W, B - D, H-Z, P-N, Z-V), phonetically close sounds (voiced - deaf, hard - soft)
  • Reading by letter, violation of the fusion of sounds in syllables and words.
  • Distortions of the sound-syllable structure of a word (omission of syllables or letters, permutations, additions, truncation of words).
  • Agrammatics when reading (omissions, sentences, paragraphs; violations of case endings, violations of harmonization and control of words).
  • Violation of understanding of the meaning of the reading.

Dyslexia causes.

  • Neurobiological causes are associated with underdevelopment or brain damage at different periods of the child's development (pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum). As a result, the parts of the brain that provide psychological functions involved in the reading process are affected.
  • Heredity As it turned out, dyslexia is a syndrome with a hereditary condition. The heritability rate for dyslexia is 40-70%. In molecular genetic studies, it was possible to find the genes responsible for the occurrence of dyslexia.
  • Socio-psychological reasons. Such reasons include the lack of speech contacts, pedagogical neglect.

How does dyslexia threaten a child?

A dyslexic child often becomes the object of ridicule by classmates, as well as the object of displeasure from teachers. At school, such a child feels uncomfortable, experiences difficulties in communicating with peers and teachers, and begins to become complex.

If you do not try to correct the situation, then with the age of the child even greater difficulties and problems await, including: disorientation in space; disorganization; violation of coordination; difficulties in perceiving and assimilating information.

Types of dyslexia.

1. Phonemic dyslexia- this type of reading disorder is most common in younger students. Phonemic dyslexia is associated with underdevelopment of the functions of the phonemic system. One phoneme differs from another in many semantic distinctive features (for example, hardness - softness; voicedness - deafness; method and place of formation, etc.) Change of one of the phonemes in a word (braids - goats; house - tom - com) or change of sequence ( linden - saw) leads to a change in meaning.
Most often, a child with this form of dyslexia mixes by ear sounds that differ in one sense-distinguishing feature (ts-s; s-w; w-w).
It is also noted: reading by letter; the sound-syllable structure of the word (omissions of letters, insertions, rearrangements of sounds, syllables.)

2. Semantic dyslexia(the so-called mechanical reading). It manifests itself in a violation of the understanding of read words, sentences, text when technically correct reading... Violation of reading comprehension is due to two facts: difficulties in sound-syllable synthesis and unclear ideas about syntactic connections within a sentence (when words in the process of reading are perceived in isolation, out of connection with other words of the sentence).

3. Agrammatic dyslexia. Most often observed in children with systemic speech underdevelopment.

With this form of dyslexia, the following is observed:

  • change of case endings and the number of nouns ("at comrades");
  • incorrect agreement in gender, number and case of a noun and an adjective ("an interesting tale");
  • change of the endings of the 3rd person past tense.

4. Optical dyslexia. It manifests itself in the difficulties of assimilation and in the mixture of similar graphic letters. Letters are mixed that differ only in one element (B-Z; b-M); letters consisting of the same elements, but differently located in space (T-G; P-L; P-N-I).

5. Mnestic dyslexia. This form of dyslexia manifests itself in the difficulty of assimilating letters. The child does not know which letter corresponds to a particular sound.

Dyslexia Correction

Dyslexia is a neurobiological feature of a person and you can only help a child cope with the difficulties arising from dyslexia, but not relieve him of dyslexia forever.

Dyslexia Correction most successful at an early stage of its development. Prevention is an even more effective measure to prevent these disorders.

Most children cannot be diagnosed until 8-9 years of age. If there was an opportunity to diagnose this disease at an earlier stage, they could be given additional help even before children begin to experience difficulties in learning. Early training with phonemes is essential to help dyslexics read better. This is a specific type of language training aimed at the sound structure of a word, and not just general reading skills. Exists software allowing you to slow down or stretch the sound of words, helping children to practice decomposing words into phonemes.

In addition, dyslexics may have problems with long or new words. It is difficult for them to master rote memorization as they need contextual clues in order to understand the meaning of the word. Children with dyslexia need special corrective assistance, since difficulties in reading cannot be overcome with normal school methods.

We offer activities and games that will benefit all dyslexic children. The exercises are aimed at developing visual attention, perception and memory, enriching vocabulary and improving reading skills.

1. Composing a word from initial letters.

Place pictures in front of the child, the initial letters of which will form a word together. You can use toys or any other items. Try to offer the opposite option: the baby will "conjure" the word in the same way, and you will read it.

2. Words are lost.

"There are hidden words in the room that begin with the sound R. Let's look for them." Further complicate the task and offer to find items that end in a certain sound.

3. Writing from memory.

4. Fix the word.

Invite your child to form a word from a set of syllables. At the very beginning of the training, if difficulties arise, show a hint picture.

5. Words on Velcro.

“The words 'stuck' to each other. They need help to separate. "

Subsequently, complicate the task and offer to divide the sentence into words.

6. Word game.

We all played "cities." Just come up with a chain of words that end with the last sound of the previous one. For example: mom - album - chalk - moon - aquarium.

7. Find the word.

Print rows of letters on a piece of paper, among which the child must find a certain word. For example, "sausage". For a start, you can make the task easier and put a card with the lost word in front of your student.

8. Culinary alphabet.

Give the child the task to lay out the "pasta" schemes - the number of pasta should correspond to the number of sounds in the word. It's great if you come up with your own naming system for sounds together. For example, pasta stands for vowels, beans for hard consonants, and peas for soft consonants. The result is an unusual "food" pictogram.

9. We write, sculpt, cut out.

Together with your child, look for objects that resemble naughty letters, write them on a decoy, on misted glass, lay out, compare graphemes and try to find pronounced differences. Sculpt, cut, lay out from beads, beans, pasta There are many options, there would be a desire.

10. Learn the letter by description.

"Attention! The letter has disappeared, special signs - two long, even sticks, between them in the middle a short one. An urgent search is announced. " Let the child try to guess a riddle for you and describe the letter in his own words.

11. Letter on the back.

The kid will not only improve in reading, but will also receive a good relaxing massage when his mother draws letters, syllables and words on his back.

12. Complete the letter.

The essence of the assignment is clear from the title. Make your own cards with unfinished letters, skip individual elements. The child's task is to restore the defective grapheme. The exercise is aimed at developing visual attention and imagination, as well as differentiating the letters being mixed.

13. Name it kindly.

Chair - high chair, table - table, tree - tree, etc.

16. Disobedient words.

“The words dabbled and fell out of place. I wonder what was written. Let's fix the proposal. " You can use pictures to help.


Reading disorders have a negative impact on the entire learning process of the child, on his mental and speech development.

When correcting dyslexia, it must be borne in mind that dyslexia is not an isolated disorder. The mechanisms that cause it cause violations of both oral and written speech. Therefore, overcoming this drawback can be successful with a complex effect on the entire complex of speech and mental disorders. Speech therapists, psychologists, teachers, medical workers and parents should work with the child in a complex.

When selecting tasks, it is necessary to take into account the following principles: the gradual complication of tasks, a large number of exercises, brought the generated temporary connections in the child to full automation. General didactic principles are also taken into account: an individual approach, accessibility, clarity, specificity.

Dyslexia- to some extent a gift that is not given to everyone (approximately 5% of them are Einstein, Walt Disney, Quentin Tarantino)

Dyslexic children tend to think outside the box, which allows them to be creative when solving problems that arise. They have a well-developed intuition, they are inquisitive and have a rich imagination. Children who overcome their disadvantage can become very successful adults.


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  • Akimenko V.M. Speech disorders in children - / Rostov n / D Phoenix, 2008.
  • Volkova L.S., Speech therapy: Textbook for universities / -M .: Vlados, 2002.
  • Goncharova, E.L. Early stages of reader development. On the theory of the question: / EL Goncharova // Defectology, 2007.-№1.
  • Efimenkova, L.N. Correction of oral and written speech of primary school students: a guide for speech therapists / -M .: VLADOS,
  • Kornev, A.N. Is dyslexia a real phenomenon or an artificial concept? / A. N. Kornev // Defectology. 2007. # 1.
  • Lalaeva, R.I. Elimination of reading disorders among students of a special school: a textbook for speech therapists / -M .: Education, 1978.
  • Speech therapy at school: Practical experience/ Ed. V.S. Kukushina, Rostov n / a: Publishing Center "Mart", 2005.
  • Fundamentals of Special Psychology: Textbook. A handbook for students. / L.V. Kuznetsova, L.I. Peresleni, -M, Publishing Center "Academy", 2003.
  • Uzorova O. V. Practical guide for teaching dates to read / Moscow: AST: Astrel, 20015.

Dyslexia is a disease that is most likely genetic in nature and most often occurs in children under the age of ten. Most often, the disease occurs in boys, girls suffer from it much less often.

To understand what dyslexia is, you need to dig a little deeper. Dyslexia is what doctors and scientists call a disorder of writing comprehension. But, if you look at it in practice, then children of 7-8 years old begin to have problems with reading in elementary school. This is manifested in the fact that the child reads much worse than other children, confuses syllables and cannot form words from letters. But at the same time, mental development is not disturbed in such schoolchildren.

Dyslexia, what is it? How does it feel to be dyslexic?

Types of dyslexia in children

In schoolchildren, as a result of the fact that activity in some parts of the brain decreases, and as a result, they develop different types dyslexia. They can be as follows:

  1. Phonemic,
  2. Semantic,
  3. Aagrammatic,
  4. Optical,
  5. Mnestic.

Phonemic dyslexia is usually characterized by the fact that the baby begins to replace some sounds with others that are similar in sound. Semantic dyslexia is that younger students have a lack of understanding of what they are reading. The child reads mechanically, cannot retell what he has read.

Aagrammatic dyslexia consists in the fact that while reading, the baby does not correctly pronounce prefixes, suffixes, endings of words, endings of cases. Optical dyslexia is a disorder in which younger students have trouble distinguishing between letters that are very similar in spelling. Mnestic dyslexia is that the baby cannot remember which letter corresponds to which sound.

Symptoms and Causes

To understand if your child is suffering from dyslexia, you need to know the symptoms of the disorder. Parents can understand this if they see that the baby:

  1. Rubs his eyes while reading.
  2. Tires quickly.
  3. Does not fulfill homework for reading.
  4. Hold the book very close to the eyes when reading the exercise.
  5. He reads with one eye, the other eye is covered by his hand.
  6. Writes words in reverse.
  7. The handwriting is very bad.

It is worth noting that dyslexia and reading disorder and oral speech also show up in poor vocabulary, not correct pronunciation sounds, mixing of sounds, distortion of the syllable structure of words, mirror reading and misunderstanding of the reading. Dyslexia is often accompanied by a disorder such as dysgraphia.

The most common causes of dyslexia, as shown by diagnostics, in primary school students are:

  1. Heredity.
  2. Brain dysfunction.
  3. Anemia and heart disease of the expectant mother.
  4. Improper development of the umbilical cord.
  5. Difficult and long childbirth.
  6. Postponed intrauterine diseases.
  7. Traumatic brain injury, infectious diseases, operations.

Dyslexia is always associated with brain lesions, therefore, it is most often expressed in children who suffer from cerebral palsy, mental retardation, mental retardation.

How to treat

It is highly desirable that methods of correcting dyslexia in reading are chosen before the child turns 10 years old. It is better to show the child to a speech therapist or a narrower specialist in the treatment of dyslexia, then the diagnosis will be more accurate.

Correction optical dyslexia should take place under the supervision of an ophthalmologist so that the child learns to look at objects with two eyes. The baby must definitely do exercises to correct visual acuity, as a result, the spasms of the eye muscles will be eliminated. Be sure to limit the time your child spends at the computer.

Phonemic dyslexia needs to be corrected by teaching the baby to orientate in space. The baby must learn to distinguish between left and right, develop his memory, including visual, fine motor skills of his hands, remember the rules of the Russian language.

The semantic form of dyslexia is very difficult to correct. Usually, with this form, the child reads the exercise mechanically and does not remember anything at all. Elimination and overcoming of the problem is possible using the Davis method. This technique allows you to perceive words and symbols and recreate their images without distortion. The kid must master the mechanism of switching consciousness so that he can perceive the world around him and its symbols correctly.

5 effective exercises

There are different exercises that are aimed at eliminating and correcting dyslexia while reading.

The essence of the first exercise is that every day you should give your baby a small text and ask him to cross out the letters you named in it. It's better to start with vowels first, then you can add consonants. When your toddler is good at this part of the assignment, make it harder. Have your child now circle the consonants and underline the vowels. Focus on those letters that are difficult for the baby. The task must be completed every day for at least 2 months.

Playing "Ring" should develop fine motor skills of hands, memory, attention, speech. You just need to try to close each finger on your hand into a ring with a thumb. You need to do at least 15 minutes in the morning every day for two months in a row. This is an excellent prevention and option for correcting reading dyslexia.

The mirror painting task will help improve the functioning of the child's brain. You just need to put a blank sheet of paper in front of the baby and ask the baby to draw a simple drawing with both hands at the same time. Do the exercise every day for two months.

Such a task called "Tug" is very effective. You, as an adult, will be the driver. Take an interesting book and start running your finger along the lines, reading from yourself. The child's task is to pronounce words and read at a given pace.

When you ask your little one to read aloud for one minute, a task gives great results. Practice each day noting how much your child has read. With a positive result, the baby's self-esteem rises and he will want to exercise more and longer.

Playful ways to correct dyslexia

If you understand that your child is at risk for some form of dyslexia, as shown by his characteristics, you can use different play methods to correct his development. It is best to use methods such as:

  1. Solving crosswords, puzzles and riddles. So you can help your child develop imaginative thinking, enrich vocabulary, and form associations.
  2. Quest "boat-lock". Show your child clearly that the consonant and vowel sounds can be marked with a boat and pronounced smoothly. But the combinations of two consonants denote locks and are pronounced sharply.
  3. Game "Second Half". The child can be asked to guess the ending of a word by seeing its first half. For example - zones (tick), marme (fret).

Missing letters. For example, when writing the word "suitcase" 2 or 3 letters are skipped, the child must recognize the word and pronounce it.

How to deal with dyslexia?

Primary classes are another important stage in the life of a little man. The first line and flowers for the teacher, new classmates and, of course, academic disciplines. Alas, the messages from teachers are not always joyful. Do not immediately grab the belt and blame yesterday's kindergartener for all mortal sins. Perhaps the disappointing results are evidence of dyslexia. Let's see what it is.


Dyslexia refers to a disorder of the brain that makes it difficult to master reading.

Foreign experts believe that the classification of dyslexia includes:

  • - Difficulty learning to write
  • Dyscalculia - learning disability to count
  • Dysorphography - illiteracy
  • Dyspraxia, or poor motor coordination.

Russian doctors differentiate this list of diseases, considering each separately.


The various symptoms of dyslexia make it possible to distinguish the following types of dyslexia:

  • Agrammatic dyslexia - confusion in childbirth, cases and numbers ("delicious candy").
  • Phonemic - syllables and paired consonants (w-f, b-p) are swapped.
  • Semantic dyslexia is a misunderstanding of the reading. A simple analogy is text spoken computer program unable to grasp the meaning.
  • Optical dyslexia - letters with a similar spelling are confused (p - b, w-w).
    Mnestic dyslexia - the relationship between the letter and the corresponding sound does not fit in the head.
  • Such forms of dyslexia are much more common than tactile dyslexia - a lack of understanding by blind children of the Braille letters and dots.


The prerequisites for the onset of the disease are always associated with neurobiological factors - the malfunctioning of neurons between the cerebral hemispheres. Various etiologies of dyslexia are possible.

Before conception:

  • Mutation
  • Genetic predisposition - the presence of similar difficulties in the next of kin increases the chance of developing pathology in the fetus.

In the womb:

  • Intoxication (alcohol, smoking, drugs, chemicals)
  • Hypoxia
  • Viruses (jaundice, herpes, flu)
  • Placental abruption

At the moment of birth:

  • Weak or no contractions
  • Congestion in the birth canal
  • Drug-induced labor stimulation
  • Reception of Christeller, or squeezing out the newborn by means of pressure on the maternal abdomen
  • Umbilical cord entanglement

The reasons for dyslexia after it:

  • Latent left-handedness, or right-brain brain activity
  • Developmental delays
  • Viral infections (measles, chickenpox, polio, measles rubella)


Since the mechanisms of dyslexia are extremely diverse, it is necessary to carry out full testing for an unambiguous diagnosis. There are "bells" - signs, the presence of which requires a speech therapy consultation.

Dyslexia symptoms that you can pay attention to at home:

  • Disorganization
  • When reading, the kid seems to be trying to guess, and not to make out the text
  • Bad handwriting
  • Emotionality, impulsivity, irritability
  • Lack of coordination of movements.

Early diagnosis of dyslexia is done by a speech therapist.

The dyslexia test uses the following set of items:

  1. The child is asked to repeat the simplest rhythm, which he must repeat without mistakes. The rhythmic sequences become more complex as you perform them.
  2. List the seasons, days of the week, in order.
  3. In turn, they show three different gestures (slap a hand on the table, turn an edge or squeeze into a fist), the little one copies the manipulations carried out.
  4. Repeat number, letter and concept chains.
  5. Reproduce articulation movements (rotation of the tongue, folding into a tube, smile).
  6. Duplicate complex terms pronounced by an adult (example: thermometer, accreditation, emergency room).
  7. Repeat sentences as close as possible to the semantics of the original text.
  8. Form plural forms from a given word in the singular, adjectives from nouns.

Dyslexia in younger schoolchildren is noticeable in terms of academic performance.

In the absence of treatment, such character traits as:

  • Absent-mindedness
  • Excessive daydreaming
  • Complexes due to feeling "stupid", "different from peers"
  • Anxiety, isolation
  • Frequent mood swings
  • Delayed assimilation of knowledge.


  • Bad marks
  • Dislike of learning
  • Sometimes formed bad habits suppressing stress (biting nails, picking skin, twisting objects in hands)
  • Lack of perseverance
  • Difficulty communicating.

Treatment and correction

Treatment for dyslexia in children is optimal in preschoolers or younger students... The correction is aimed at forming:

  • Semantic information analysis skills
  • Spatial thinking
  • Visual and auditory memory
  • Lexico-grammatical linguistic norms
  • Pronunciation correction


  • Drawing up stories for a group of pictures.

  • Memorizing poetry (expands vocabulary and activates memory).

  • Retelling of favorite book passages.

  • Games with a magnetic alphabet.

  • Drawing up letters and syllables from sticks, pencils, cubes, threads of colored yarn.

  • Tongue twisters and articulation exercises.

  • Letter stencils.

  • Drawing words with your fingers on the child's body, followed by a request to decipher what was drawn.

I.N. Sadovnikova offers kids the following technology to overcome dysgraphia and dyslexia:

  1. Correct misspelled sentences in individual parts.
  2. Insert missing letters.
  3. Count syllables, vowels and consonants.
  4. Name objects starting with a given letter.
  5. Conduct sound-letter analysis.
  6. Feel the alphabet made of cardboard, associate letters with familiar objects.
  7. Use recipes and primers with bright pictures.


The etiology of dyslexia is vast. In order to minimize the risks, a pregnant woman should be sensitive to her health, strictly follow the instructions of the medical staff of the maternity hospital and avoid contact with patients before and after the birth of a small miracle. Such measures are the best prevention of dyslexia.

One hundred percent prevention of dyslexia is not possible. However, there are ways to minimize the risks.

Prospects for the future

Most parents, when the first symptoms of dyslexia are detected, panic: what kind of work and serious career growth can we talk about with such a diagnosis! Believe me, it's not that bad.

Dyslexia is often referred to as "Disease of geniuses"... Famous personalities earn huge sums despite this violation.

Vin Diesel, the brutal star of The Fast and the Furious, has been able to build a successful acting career by being dyslexic.

Keanu Reeves, having no secondary education, made billions of people think about the artificiality of our world by playing in The Matrix.

The list also includes Daniel Radcliffe, who made millions before he came of age.

"Disease of geniuses" sometimes becomes a difficult test both for the owner himself and for his relatives. Do not despair and do not worry about the fate of your treasure: it is not fatal to be different from those around you. Dyslexia, with due attention from the parental side, does not prevent children from organizing their lives perfectly.

Natalia Goncharova
Dyslexia. Types of dyslexia. Prevention and correction of dyslexia


Types of dyslexia.

Prevention and correction of dyslexia.

Title page

Definition dyslexia

Causes dyslexia

Classification dyslexia

Basic methods and techniques for overcoming dyslexia in literary reading lessons


Dyslexia- partial specific violation of the reading process due to lack of formation (violation) higher mental functions and manifested in repeated persistent mistakes. Reading errors are naturally found in all children at the initial stages of learning to read. In ordinary children, reading errors, even of a specific nature, disappear rather quickly. In children suffering dyslexia... These errors persist for a long time, months or even years. By severity allocate:

ALEXIA (complete impossibility of mastering reading or its complete loss).


Dyslexia may be congenital and acquired, may be an independent disorder or manifest as THP syndrome (severe speech impairment)- alalia, aphasia, etc. Dyslexia can be observed in children with both normal intelligence and intellectual disability. At the heart of dyslexia there may be various etiological causes:

- biological reasons: underdevelopment or brain damage at different periods of the child's development (prenatal, natal, postnatal, pregnancy pathologies, fetal trauma, asphyxia, meningoencephalitis, severe somatic diseases and infections, debilitating nervous system child.

As a result, the parts of the brain that provide psychological functions involved in the reading process are affected. In the presence of organic brain damage, dyslexia in most cases, it is preceded by dysarthria, alalia, aphasia, or it occurs against the background of cerebral palsy, cerebral palsy, mental retardation, delayed psychomotor development.

Socio-psychological causes:

such reasons include insufficient speech contacts, pedagogical neglect, hospitalism syndrome, etc. According to A. Egorov, there are four stages

reading skill:

1. Mastering sound-letter designations. It is characterized by the formation of visual recognition of the letters of the word and the reading of the syllable after the fusion of the letters.

2. Syllabic reading. The syllable is easy to read, but there are difficulties in merging syllables into words.

3. Formation of holistic methods of perception. Familiar words are simple in structure, read holistically. Difficult in syllables. The child synthesizes words into sentences and a semantic guess appears within the sentence.

4. Synthetic reading. Integral reading in words and groups of words.

The main task is to comprehend what you read. RI Lalayeva's classification is based on the accounting of disturbed operations of the reading process.

Taking into account the lack of formation of the VPF and operations of the reading process, the following are distinguished types of dyslexia:






Tactile; Phonemic dyslexia- caused by a violation of the formation of phonemic perception and phonemic analysis and synthesis. There are two forms of phonemic dyslexia.

The first form of phonemic dyslexia associated with underdevelopment of phonemic perception (distinguishing phonemes, which manifests itself in the difficulties of assimilating letters. This, in turn, is associated with the vagueness of auditory-pronunciation ideas, with mixing of acoustic-articulatory sounds.

Second form of phonemic dyslexia

associated with the underdevelopment of phonemic analysis and synthesis.

V.K.Orfinskaya identified the following types of analysis:

Determination of availability (absence) sound;

Definition of the first (last) sound;

Determining the place of sound in a word (start, middle, end);

Determining the number of sounds

determination of the sequence of sounds;

Determining the place of a sound in a word in relation to other sounds (adjacent sounds); With phonemic dyslexia mistakes

Optical dyslexia dyslexia

With organic brain damage, mirror reading can be observed. With phonemic dyslexia there is a letter-by-letter reading, distortion of the sound-syllable structure of words, frequent mistakes: omissions of consonants when confluent, permutations of sounds, omissions and permutations of syllables.

Optical dyslexia(Greek optikos - relating to vision) - dyslexia, manifested in the difficulties of assimilation and in the mixing of graphically similar letters, as well as in their mutual substitutions.

With organic brain damage, mirror reading can be observed. Various violations:

Visual gnosis;

Optical-spatial gnosis and praxis;

Unformed spatial representations.

Agrammatic dyslexia- manifests itself in agromatism when reading. In the process of reading, the child does not correctly pronounce the endings, prefixes, suffixes, changing the grammatical forms of words. In the process of reading in children with agrammatical dyslexia the following mistakes: change the case endings of nouns,

the number of nouns, incorrect agreement in gender, number, case; adjectives and nouns, changing the number, generic endings of pronouns, changing the endings of the 3rd person past tense, changing the form, tense and type of verbs. Mnestic dyslexia(Greek mnesis - semantic) - dyslexia, manifested in the difficulties of assimilating all letters, in their undifferentiated substitutions.

Mnestic dyslexia... It is caused by impaired speech memory, as a result of which it is difficult for the child to form a connection between the sound and the visual image of the letter.

The child does not remember letters, mixes them up, replaces them when reading (does not remember the names of letters)... Semantic dyslexia(Greek semantikos - semantic) - dyslexia, manifested in violations of understanding of read words, sentences, text with technically correct reading.

Tactile dyslexia(Latin tactilis - tactile) - dyslexia, which is observed in blind children and manifests itself in the difficulty of differentiating tactile Braille letters.

The main impairment in tactile dyslexia- violation of the symbolic recognition of the letters of the Braille letter. Blind children, when reading, mix letters, lose words, guessing nature of reading is often observed (without reading the last letters)... The nature of violations of finger movements in blind children with dyslexia corresponds to the nature of eye movement disorders in sighted children (frequent regressions, chaotic movements)... R.I. Lalaeva distinguishes the following groups of reading errors when dyslexia:

Substitutions and mixing of letters denoting phonetically close sounds, replacements of graphically similar letters;

Fusion of letters in a syllable;

Distortions of the sound-syllabic structure of words (omissions, permutations, additions of letters and syllables);

Violation of reading comprehension at the level of a word, sentence, text in the absence of a disorder of the technical side of reading;

Agrammatics when reading, sometimes mirror reading; Non-speech symptoms dyslexia

1. There are difficulties in orientation in all spatial directions, difficulties in determining the left and right sides, top and bottom.

2. There is an inaccuracy in determining the shape, size. The lack of formation of optical-spatial representations manifests itself in drawing, in composing a whole from parts during construction, in the inability to reproduce a given form.

3. There is a delay in the differentiation of the right and left parts of the body, late literalization or its violation (left-handedness or mixed dominant)... Basic methods and techniques when working to overcome dyslexia in literary reading lessons Basic techniques and methods of working with children dyslexics:

1. Pull the ears forward. Then back. Counting slowly to 10. Start the exercise with your eyes open, then with your eyes closed. Repeat 7 times.

2. With two fingers of the right hand, massage the forehead in a circular motion, and with two fingers of the left hand, massage the chin. Count to 30.

3. Squeeze the fingers into a fist with the thumb bent inward. Exhaling calmly, without haste, clench a fist with effort. Then, loosening the clenching of the fist, inhale. Repeat 5 times. Execution with closed eyes doubles the effect. Exercises for the development of hand-eye coordination in primary students classes:

1. Invite your child to “catch the sound” in the word. To do this, give him three cards, where the flower indicates the position sound: at the beginning, middle and end of a word.

2. Determine how the houses shown in the figure differ from each other. Then ask him to select two identical geometric shapes, several copies of which can be pre-cut out of paper (figures and houses can be made of colored cardboard) If the child finds it difficult to visually distinguish not only letters, but also geometric shapes, then corrective work with him should start not with letters, but with simpler tasks. It is proposed to name what is shown in the picture, to circle the objects with your finger.

3. Find in the rectangles the letter that differs from the rest:

4. Add the missing part to make letter:

5. The letters played with confusion and got mixed up. What letters do you see?

6. "Scouts" Recognize the letter crossed by strangers lines:

7. The child is asked to name the letters written next to them, similar in outline. (printed and handwritten):

Modified visual dictations

Fedorenko - Palchenko.

Dictation No. 1

1. The snow is melting. (8 letters)

2. It is raining. (9)

3. The sky is gloomy. (10)

Dictation No. 22

1. A border guard carefully walks along a forest overgrown path. (45)

2. The chief went to the window and saw a house under construction behind him. (46)

3. A beautiful full-flowing river Yenisei flows along our edge. (46) Mirror painting

The goal is the development of interhemispheric interaction (corpus callosum, volition and self-control.

Put a blank sheet of paper on the table. Take a pencil or felt-tip pen in both hands, draw mirror-symmetrical drawings and letters with both hands at the same time.

This exercise relaxes the eyes and hands. When the activity of both hemispheres is synchronized, the efficiency of the whole brain will increase markedly. - draw vertical, horizontal, oblique lines of the same length, gradually increase or decrease the amplitude of movement;

Draw the same thing with both hands together;

Draw diverging and converging lines simultaneously with both hands;

Also draw in circular, sinusoidal movements;

Draw any symmetrical image about the vertical axis;

Drawing uncomplicated ornaments: improve from fragmented movement to smooth movement. Kinesiology is the science of developing mental abilities through specific movement exercises. These exercises allow you to create new neural networks and improve interhemispheric communication, which is the basis for the development of intelligence.

You can offer children the following exercises:

1. Fist - palm. Both hands lie on the table or on the knees, palms down, one clenched into a fist. At the same time unclench a fist, and clench the other palm into a fist, change hands. Movement as it is assimilated can be accelerated, but make sure that compression-unclenching is performed alternately, without slipping to simultaneous ones.

Here is the palm, here is the fist.

Do it all faster.

2. "Oladushki"... The right hand rests on the knee, palm down, the left hand, on the other knee, palm up. Simultaneous change: Now the right one is palm up, and the left one is palm down. As you assimilate, speed up your movements.

We played okay

Pancakes were fried.

So let's fire it up, turn it around

And we'll start playing again.

3. "Looking for a bird." Alternate connection of all fingers with the thumb (busting fingers)... For each stressed syllable, the fingers of one hand are connected to the thumb in the next okay: 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 1-5, 1-5, 1-4, 1-3, 1-2. Then a change of hands.

Looking for a bird in the grass,

And on the branches and in the foliage,

Change of hands.

And among the great meadows

Flies, worms, horseflies, beetles!

4. "Frog" (fist - rib - palm)... Three positions of the hand on the table or on the knee successively replace each other friend: fist (palm down, palm edge, palm way down:

Frog (fist) wants (edge) into the pond (palm,

Frog (fist) boring (edge) here (Palm).

5. "Lezginka"... The left palm is turned towards itself, the fingers are in a fist, and the thumb is turned to the side. The right hand, with a straight palm down, touches the little finger with the left. Then - a simultaneous change of hand positions.

Turn-necks, turn-backs

They don't want to wear rags -

They would have festive sparkles

Yes, high hairstyles! Intellectually - developing verbal games:


(Greek) Is a rearrangement of letters in a word, leading to a new word, for example: meadow - hum, carp - park, address - Wednesday, growth - variety - torso - rope, clown - cleaver - pendant - slope. Often words themselves, composed of the same letters, are called anagrams. Anagrams provide rich material for word puzzles, also called anagrams.

Match anagrams to the following words:

fidelity, waterfall, choice, entrance, mainland, fun, word, wash, cleaning.

(Answers: jealousy, lead, break, inhale, metric, infantry, hair, old man, holster.) A special kind of anagrams are words, from the letters of which you can make not one, but several words This type of anagrams can be called dictionary arithmetic.

Examples of: carousel = sack + sulfur, fortress = proc + net, dexterity = burrow + wax, side = sleep + company,

Chains of words.

You can turn one word into another in several steps, replacing one letter in a word at each step, for example, a mouse in two steps easily turns into a cat: mouse - midge - cat. For such transformations, it is more interesting to select words that have some kind of semantic connection, For example:

Turn an hour into a century, an hour into a year, a bark into a leaf, a place in a desk, a tooth in a mouth, a soul into a body, a daughter into a mother.

(Possible options replies: hour - bass - demon - weight - century;

hour - bass - ball - shaft - ox - goal - year (hour - chan - san - sleep - gon shifters:

milk - okmool

toy - grishuka

doll - Lucca

mom - aamm

porridge - aaksh

stroller - yakloask

Rode the village

Past the man

And from under the dog

The gate is barking: Words matryoshka

The goal of this game is to find as many words as possible embedded in each other, for example:




The winner is the player with the most matryoshka words or the longest chains

A child 6-8 years old needs specialist advice if he:

1) poorly distinguishes and reproduces sounds;

2) learns poetry with difficulty;

3) gets confused in the order of the seasons and days of the week;

4) cannot correctly repeat four digits in the forward order, and three in the reverse order;

5) cannot correctly repeat a series of hits on the table (in pencil) at long and short intervals;

6) is poorly oriented in the concepts of “right - left”;

7) will not learn how to fasten buttons and tie shoelaces in any way;

8) find it difficult to compose a story based on a series of pictures.

Thus, adjust difficulties in reading are necessary, ensuring the coordinated work of all parts of the brain, actively connecting the body or the so-called. sensorimotor level.


Speech therapy - Ed. L. S. Volkova, S. N. Shakhovskoy

Kostromina S. N., Nagaeva L. G. How to overcome difficulties in teaching reading.

Parents of first graders face many problems in connection with the beginning of their child's educational activities. This applies not only to the material and time costs of preparing for school, but also to often identifying rather unpleasant deviations in the development of the child, which affect his academic performance. Dyslexia is one of these disorders. What are the features of the deviation in younger schoolchildren and can it be corrected with the help of exercises?

What is dyslexia

These talented people are united not only by fame, they are dyslexics.

Dyslexia is a kind of malfunction in the brain, which is characterized by the inability of the child to find differences in the graphic images of certain letters, numbers and signs. This term first appeared in 1887, when the ophthalmologist R. Berlin, who observed two small patients, found that they were ahead of their peers in their intellectual abilities, but they were unable to read and write. Since that time, research began on the causes of this disorder. At the moment, scientists do not undertake to talk about the exact prerequisites for dyslexia, but the hypothesis of a genetic predisposition to this disease turns out to be the most legitimate. Moreover, the disease is transmitted through the male line and, most likely, is associated with deviations in the structureY-chromosomes.

It is interesting. According to modern statistics, about 5-10% of people on earth are dyslexic. Many of them famous people: for example, scientist Albert Einstein, Tsar Peter I, billionaire Steve Jobs, cartoonist Walt Disney, director Steven Spielberg and actor Tom Cruise.

Symptoms and types

A dyslexic child looks no different from his peers

Impaired attention, disorder in the perception of sounds and words, or, in a word, dyslexia can be diagnosed only with the beginning of educational activity. Until this moment, the baby is just beginning to recognize letters, sounds, so it is absolutely natural that he has certain difficulties with these concepts. And only by the age of 7-8 years, teachers and parents can notice persistent signs of dyslexia:

  • difficulty reading;
  • perception of letters, numbers in a mirror image;
  • Letters "jumping" on the page of the notebook;
  • inability to distinguish letters that are similar in writing ("p" and "b", "n" and "p");
  • difficulty in memorizing what has been read, up to a complete misunderstanding of the meaning of a sentence or text;
  • rearrangement of letters in places within one word ("all" and "weight");
  • the child does not finish the endings in words;
  • poor memory - inability to remember even a short poem;
  • difficulties in distinguishing between the concepts of "left" and "right";
  • reluctance to draw and difficulty drawing even short, straight lines;
  • problems with fine motor skills, when the child does not know how to tie shoelaces, drops a spoon, fork;
  • accompanying physiological problems (for example, often the baby knows numbers and letters, but if it is necessary to count or read it, he starts to feel sick, a headache appears).

By the way, some scientists believe that one of the first signs of dyslexia manifests itself in infancy. Namely: those children who did not crawl before walking on their own are more prone to speech disorder. But this is not an absolute premise.

There are several types of dyslexia, depending on the manifestation of the disorder:

  • phonemic (confusion with words that differ in one letter - saw-linden);
  • mechanical (the child reads fluently, but cannot connect the meaning of some words with others, respectively, he is not able to retell what he read);
  • agramatic (difficulties in reconciling the number and kind: "BIG PROBLEM")
  • optical (mixing letters with similar elements);
  • mnestic (the baby cannot determine the letter to which this or that sound belongs).

Diagnosis of violation

It is possible to determine the type of dyslexia only with the help of special tests.

It is possible to reliably diagnose speech disorder only with the help of genetic analysis. For this, a test is carried out, which involves the study of the DCDC2 gene - it is he who is responsible for the manifestation of dyslexia. If we talk about diagnosing dyslexia at the symptomatic level, then, of course, parents should be alerted by the fact that the baby is lagging behind in speech development... In this case, it is imperative to consult with a speech therapist, neurologist and psychologist.

Exercises for correction in younger students

Drawing with toddlers is one way to identify and correct reading and writing disorders.

Dyslexia is corrected with special exercises. But drug treatment has completely unproven efficacy, therefore it is not prescribed. The main requirement for the treatment of dyslexia is the timely start of work on the correction of disorders in the development of types of speech activity. The older the child becomes, the more difficult the correction is given. That is why it is almost impossible to correct deviations in adolescence.

The following exercises are most effective:

  • Training finger motor skills using a ball with spikes (for each syllable, invite the baby to squeeze the ball with his fingers, especially with his thumb and little finger);
  • Reading words in reverse;
  • Learning memorization ("Airplanes take off: woo. Cars go: w-w-w. Horses galloped: tsok-tsk-tsk. A snake is crawling nearby: w-w-w. A fly beats against the glass: w-w- z-z ");
  • Slow pronunciation of pure phrases (“ra-ra-ra - the game begins, ry-ry-ry - we have balls in our hands, ru-ru-ru - I hit the ball with my hand”);
  • Learning tongue twisters (“The water carrier was carrying water from under the waterfall.” “Speak, speak, but don’t start talking." hither and thither");
  • Reading 15 consonants on exhalation, gradually adding one vowel to a row (KVMSPLBShGRDBLST, PRLGNTVSCHTSFBKHNM);
  • "Tow". An adult reads "to himself" and runs his finger over the text, the child's task is to read at this command, but aloud;
  • "In unison". This is a variation of the previous exercise, only an adult and a toddler should both read aloud;
  • "Repeat". Invite your child to read the text in 1 minute and note which word he has read, and then let the child repeat the same passage in the same time - he will probably read a couple more words! In this exercise, the main thing is not to overdo it - you should not read more than three times, and do not forget to praise the child for even small progress;
  • "Serif". On command, the child begins to read the text aloud, keeping his hands on his lap. At the command "serif", the little reader closes his eyes, raises his head, leaving his hands on his knees. In a minute, he needs to look with his eyes at the place in the book where he stopped.
  • "Lightning". The essence of the exercise is to alternate reading aloud, to oneself, at a fast and slow pace, with and without expression for a certain time (we start with 20 seconds, finish with 2 minutes);
  • Sprinters. This game is great for a group of kids. On command, the children begin to read aloud at the same time, and then on the word "stop" they point with their fingers where they left off;
  • "Correct mistakes". Suggest known to the child catch phrases to correct mistakes ("At the lack of fish and Tank - a fish." "Under a lying stone Fashion does not flow");
  • "Write down the words." Write 6 syllables to the kid and ask them to write down 5 words that are hidden in them (la-pa-ra-no-sha-lun);
  • Find a name. In the row of letters, the child needs to find the name (ONMAKNGTANYA) or the name of the animal (YACHSMEDVED).
  • "The same words." In a row of words, ask your child to find those that read the same from left to right and from right to left.
  • "Crossing out repetitions." Write the letters, invite the child to cross out those that are repeated 2 times.

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