Presentation on the topic "" Snow Maiden "A. Ostrovsky is the history of creation." Presentation on literature on the topic "A.N. Ostrovsky history of creating a "Snow Maiden" play "Download free Presentation message about Ostrovsky about play Snow Maiden

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Presentation on the topic: A.OSostrovsky "Snow Maiden"

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The image of a fabulous heroine of Snow Maiden was formed in the folk consciousness gradually over the centuries. . In 1873 A.N. Ostrovsky, influenced by the ideas of Afanasyev, writes the play "Snow Maiden". Originally, the play was not successful in the public. Spring fairy tale A.N. Ostrovsky highly appreciated A.I. Goncharov and I.S. Turgenev, however, many responses of contemporaries were sharply negative.

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Pedigree Snow Maiden is not cha and dark. It is impossible to say for sure when the Snow Maiden established himself in the status of "granddaughter" of Santa Frost. Undoubtedly, the image of Snow Maiden is a mutation and transformation of many pre-Christian beliefs, myths and customs. First of all, it concerns the holidays such as Maslenitsa, a red hill, when the in the middle of the cursed-called spring, Yarilino Gulbit, the funeral of Kostroma. Russian Orthodoxy has absorbed many pagan views. So, the Orthodox holiday of the Trinity, noted as the Equipment Day of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles, merged with the Version of the History, a semit associated with the veneration of vegetation spirits.

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The most famous literary work about the Snow Maiden - the eponymous Piese A.N. Ostrovsky, written in 1873. In the drama "Snow Maiden" (her genre, the writer identified as the "Spring Tale") A.N. Ostrovsky is attempting to touch the deep sources of Russian and Slavic culture, to know the secrets of folk mythology. The work of the "Snow Maiden" is an amazing fairy tale, which shows the beauty of the surrounding world, love, nature, youth.

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There is nothing surprising that the theater production of "Snow Maiden" by the Moscow Small Theater (May 11, 1873) actually failed. Only at the beginning of the twentieth century, the dramagic design of A.N. Ostrovsky was appreciated. A.P. Lensky, who set the "Snow Maiden" in September 1900 in Moscow, noticed: "The island with an excess would have enough fantasies in order to overflow her fairy tale to the edges of his native damn. But he, apparently, intentionally saved fantastic elements, saved in order not to obscure the fare of another, more complex element - poetic. "

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In 1873, music for the "spring fairy tale" A.N. Ostrovsky "Snow Maiden" wrote PI Tchaikovsky (1840-1893). The responses to the musical accompaniment of the play were dissected. Someone P. Akilov in the "Theater Notes" noticed that the music for the "Snow Maiden" monotonna "until the left." Perhaps this impression was facilitated by the disgusting performance of music numbers by the orchestra under the control of IO. Scrach. Sunny music for spring fairy tale A.N. Ostrovsky cannot but cause positive emotions. Not by chance PI Tchaikovsky determined his idea as: "In this music should be noticeably joyful, spring mood."

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In 1900, A.T. wrote his own music option to the Snow Maiden Grechanins (1864-1956). The premiere took place on September 24, 1900 in Mkate. Roles performed: King Berendia - V.I. Kachalov, Snow Maiden - M.P. Lilina, Lel - M.F. Andreeva. In 1880, from under Pen N.A. Roman Corsakov (1844-1908) Opera "Snow Maiden" - one of the vertices of Russian music classics. The composer was completely captured by themes and images A.N. Ostrovsky. Bunk gazebo It is believed that here is Ostrovsky A.N. The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a play \\ "Snow Maiden \\" came to mind.

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Music N.A. Roman-korsakov is permeated by the fragrance of spring, warm and light, seized by song folk motifs. The first submission of the opera took place on January 29, 1882 in the St. Petersburg Mariinsky Theater. Conducted E.F. Director. October 8, 1885 Snow Maiden was set in Moscow on the stage of the private Russian opera S.I. Mamontov. Opera N.A. Roman Corsakov successfully walked in the best Russian theaters. Sketch of scenery to the play

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Opera was composed in the summer of 1880 in a deaf Russian village. The composer was later told that no work was given to him with such ease and speed as the Snow Maiden. In 1881, the opera was completed. The premiere held on January 29 (February 10) of the next year on the stage of the Mariinsky Theater, was a great success. Opere enthusiastically accepted A. N. Ostrovsky: "Music to my" Snow Maiden "is amazing, I could never imagine more than it appropriate and so vividly expressing the whole poetry of the Russian pagan cult and this first snow-cold, and then there is no passionate Heroine fairy tales. "

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I must say, the Kadochnikov very seriously approached the creation of this film bar, because he is in his youth (long before the "reconnaissance" feathers played the role of Lelja. That is why, apparently, on this role in his film, he chose a not feminine bunny boy, and E. Jarikova, who was sharpened for something heroic, for example, under the role of the police officer in the series "Born by the revolution".

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Creativity A.N.ostrovsky produced a revolution in the Russian theater. Already, his first plays showed the world on stage, a well-known player, but completely unknown readers and viewers of the mid-19th century. Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky Dramaturgia marked the most important stage in the development of the Russian National Theater. Like playwright and director Ostrovsky promoted the formation of a new school of realistic game.

The creation of "Snow Maiden" in 1873 the Small Theater was closed for overhaul, and his troupe moved to the building of the Bolshoi Theater. The Commission of the Department of Imperial Moscow theaters decided to put the performance-female, in which all three troupes would participate: dramatic, opera and ballet. With a proposal to write such a play in a very short time they turned to A. N. Ostrovsky, who would have agreed to this, deciding to use the plot from the folk tale "Girl-Snow Maiden". In 1873, the Small Theater was closed for overhaul, and his troupe moved to the building of the Bolshoi Theater. The Commission of the Department of Imperial Moscow theaters decided to put the performance-female, in which all three troupes would participate: dramatic, opera and ballet. With a proposal to write such a play in a very short time they turned to A. N. Ostrovsky, who would have agreed to this, deciding to use the plot from the folk tale "Girl-Snow Maiden".

Music to the play at the request of Ostrovsky was ordered by the young P. I. Tchaikovsky. Both the playwright and the composer worked on a play with a huge hobby, very quickly, in close creative contact music to the play at the request of Ostrovsky was ordered by the young P. I. Tchaikovsky. And playwright, and the composer worked on the play with a huge hobby, very fast, in close creative contact

Schelikovo village in the Kostroma region, 120 km from Kostroma and 15 km from the Volga River and Kineshma Cities. The years lived by the Ostrovsky in Schelike, put their mark on his creative activity. Village in the Kostroma region, 120 km from Kostroma and 15 km from the Volga River and Kineshma Cities. The years lived by the Ostrovsky in Schelike, put their mark on his creative activity.

Besleless expanses, power, the amazing charm of the Volga nature gave the playwright the opportunity to realize the strength, scope, the greatness and beauty of the Russian character and rush to him the enthusiastic anthem of endless expanses, the power, the amazing charm of the Volga nature gave the playwright the opportunity to realize the power, scope, The greatness and beauty of the Russian character and rush to him enthusiastic hymn

The plot of fairy tales The plot of fairy tales Action takes place in the country of Berendev ... - Berendie - a semi-free tribe, references to which in Russian chronicles refer to the XI-XII centuries. There are different hypotheses about who were Berendei, but one thing is reliably known - this is the tribes of non-Slavic, and Turkic origin, steppe nomads who came to Russia and which Kiev princes used for mercenaries. Ostrovsky, obviously, in the title of this tribe attracted the historical uncertainty and poetry of the sound of the word. The action takes place in Berendev's country ... - Berendei - a semi-per-end tribe, mentioning which in Russian chronicles belong to the XI-XII centuries. There are different hypotheses about who were Berendei, but one thing is reliably known - this is the tribes of non-Slavic, and Turkic origin, steppe nomads who came to Russia and which Kiev princes used for mercenaries. Ostrovsky, obviously, in the title of this tribe attracted the historical uncertainty and poetry of the sound of the word.

Spring's handsome pagan goddess Spring Fifteen years ago for a jokes loved the Teroz's Terlaz's Terrible God and his betrayal caused anger from the sun of Yarily, the way-tolerated pagan goddess Spring fifteen years ago for a jokes loved the terrible god of winter's frost and caused anger from the god of the sun Yarily

Spring and frost had a daughter Snow Maiden. Snow Maiden entails people to their passions and feelings. Her innocent soul seeks to know the mystery of human love, she wants to get this divine gift even at the cost of his own death. Spring and frost had a daughter Snow Maiden. Snow Maiden entails people to their passions and feelings. Her innocent soul seeks to know the mystery of human love, she wants to get this divine gift even at the cost of his own death.

The voluntary victim of the Snow Maiden in the name of love restores harmony in nature and in the kingdom of Berendev, the sun returns to people, and the sad tale of the Snow Maiden is transmitted from generation to generation Voluntary Snow Maiden Sacrifice in the name of love restores harmony in nature and in the kingdom of Berendev, the sun returns to people, And the sad tale of the Snow Maiden is transmitted from generation to generation

In 1952, a multiplication film was coming out on the USSR televisers by the eponymous play of A. N. Ostrovsky to the music of N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov in the processing of L. A. Schwartz. In 1952, a multiplication film was coming out on the USSR televisers by the eponymous play of A. N. Ostrovsky to the music of N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov in the processing of L. A. Schwartz.

Posters of leading theaters of Russia are filled with headlines, and on scenes, well-known actors play Characters A.N. Ostrovsky "Snow Maiden" Posters of the leading theaters of Russia are filled with headlines, and on the scenes, famous actors play characters play by A.N. Ostrovsky "Snow Maiden"

In the "Snow Maiden", the most generalized image of the "Island of Ostrovsky", which is reproducing in folk-symbolic form deeply lyrical author's presentation of the essence of the national life, overcoming, but not canceling the tragedy of individually personal being. In the "Snow Maiden", the most generalized image of the "Island of Ostrovsky", which is reproducing in folk-symbolic form deeply lyrical author's presentation of the essence of the national life, overcoming, but not canceling the tragedy of individually personal being.

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The image of a fabulous heroine of Snow Maiden was formed in the folk consciousness gradually over the centuries. . In 1873 A.N. Ostrovsky, influenced by the ideas of Afanasyev, writes the play "Snow Maiden". Originally, the play was not successful in the public. Spring fairy tale A.N. Ostrovsky highly appreciated A.I. Goncharov and I.S. Turgenev, however, many responses of contemporaries were sharply negative.

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Pedigree Snow Maiden is not cha and dark. It is impossible to say for sure when the Snow Maiden established himself in the status of "granddaughter" of Santa Frost. Undoubtedly, the image of Snow Maiden is a mutation and transformation of many pre-Christian beliefs, myths and customs. First of all, it concerns the holidays such as Maslenitsa, a red hill, when the in the middle of the cursed-called spring, Yarilino Gulbit, the funeral of Kostroma. Russian Orthodoxy has absorbed many pagan views. So, the Orthodox holiday of the Trinity, noted as the Equipment Day of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles, merged with the Version of the History, a semit associated with the veneration of vegetation spirits.

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The most famous literary work about the Snow Maiden - the eponymous Piese A.N. Ostrovsky, written in 1873. In the drama "Snow Maiden" (her genre, the writer identified as the "Spring Tale") A.N. Ostrovsky is attempting to touch the deep sources of Russian and Slavic culture, to know the secrets of folk mythology. The work of the "Snow Maiden" is an amazing fairy tale, which shows the beauty of the surrounding world, love, nature, youth.

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There is nothing surprising that the theater production of "Snow Maiden" by the Moscow Small Theater (May 11, 1873) actually failed. Only at the beginning of the twentieth century, the dramagic design of A.N. Ostrovsky was appreciated. A.P. Lensky, who set the "Snow Maiden" in September 1900 in Moscow, noticed: "The island with an excess would have enough fantasies in order to overflow her fairy tale to the edges of his native damn. But he, apparently, intentionally saved fantastic elements, saved in order not to obscure the fare of another, more complex element - poetic. "

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In 1873, music for the "spring fairy tale" A.N. Ostrovsky "Snow Maiden" wrote PI Tchaikovsky (1840-1893). The responses to the musical accompaniment of the play were dissected. Someone P. Akilov in the "Theater Notes" noticed that the music for the "Snow Maiden" monotonna "until the left." Perhaps this impression was facilitated by the disgusting performance of music numbers by the orchestra under the control of IO. Scrach. Sunny music for spring fairy tale A.N. Ostrovsky cannot but cause positive emotions. Not by chance PI Tchaikovsky determined his idea as: "In this music should be noticeably joyful, spring mood."

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In 1900, A.T. wrote his own music option to the Snow Maiden Grechanins (1864-1956). The premiere took place on September 24, 1900 in Mkate. Roles performed: King Berendia - V.I. Kachalov, Snow Maiden - M.P. Lilina, Lel - M.F. Andreeva. In 1880, from under Pen N.A. Roman Corsakov (1844-1908) Opera "Snow Maiden" - one of the vertices of Russian music classics. The composer was completely captured by themes and images A.N. Ostrovsky. Bunk gazebo It is believed that here is Ostrovsky A.N. The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a play "Snow Maiden" came to mind.

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Music N.A. Roman-korsakov is permeated by the fragrance of spring, warm and light, seized by song folk motifs. The first submission of the opera took place on January 29, 1882 in the St. Petersburg Mariinsky Theater. Conducted E.F. Director. October 8, 1885 Snow Maiden was set in Moscow on the stage of the private Russian opera S.I. Mamontov. Opera N.A. Roman Corsakov successfully walked in the best Russian theaters. Sketch of scenery to the play

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Opera was composed in the summer of 1880 in a deaf Russian village. The composer was later told that no work was given to him with such ease and speed as the Snow Maiden. In 1881, the opera was completed. The premiere held on January 29 (February 10) of the next year on the stage of the Mariinsky Theater, was a great success. Opere enthusiastically accepted A. N. Ostrovsky: "Music to my" Snow Maiden "is amazing, I could never imagine more than it appropriate and so vividly expressing the whole poetry of the Russian pagan cult and this first snow-cold, and then there is no passionate Heroine fairy tales. "

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In the late 1960s, a well-known Soviet actor Pavel Kadochnikov carried out his director's plan - put the film "Snow Maiden" according to the eponymous play by A.N. Ostrovsky. The picture came out on the screens in 1970. Roles performed: Eugene Filonova (Snow Maiden), Pavel Kadochnikov (King Berendia), Evgeny Zharikov (Lel), Irina Gubanova (Kupava), Boris Chemichle (Mizgir), Sergey Filippov (Bermate), Natalia Klimova (Spring-Krasnova), Lyubovskaya Love (Bobylich), Valery Malyshev (Brusilo), Gennady Nilov (smoking).

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I must say, the Kadochnikov very seriously approached the creation of this film bar, because he is in his youth (long before the "reconnaissance" feathers played the role of Lelja. That is why, apparently, on this role in his film, he chose a not feminine bunny boy, and E. Jarikova, who was sharpened for something heroic, for example, under the role of the police officer in the series "Born by the revolution".

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In the frame - the life of a tribe, headed by a kind of magic (says a lot of philosophical). Ostrovsky itself determines the time and place so: "The action takes place in the Berendev country in prehistoric time. Prologue on a red hill, near Berendeva Posada ... "

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Creativity A.N.ostrovsky produced a revolution in the Russian theater. Already, his first plays showed the world on stage, a well-known player, but completely unknown readers and viewers of the mid-19th century. Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky Dramaturgia marked the most important stage in the development of the Russian National Theater. Like playwright and director Ostrovsky promoted the formation of a new school of realistic game.

Spring Tale A.N. Ostrovsky "Snow Maiden" Features of the Piece.

"Snow Maiden" - a fairy tale, a dream, a national legend, told in magnificent verses of Ostrovsky ...

K.S. Stanislavsky

Ostrovsky Alexander Nikolaevich

Ostrovsky Aleksandr Nikolaevich (1823 - 1886), Russian writer, playwright, Member - Correspondent St. Petersburg An (1863).

V. G. Pereov. "Portrait of A. N. Ostrovsky." 1871 year. Tretyakov Gallery.

  • reveal the features of the work and the main moral conflict of the plays, to identify the vital values \u200b\u200bof Berendev, to identify the level of knowledge of the content and understanding of the tales students.

  • "Snow Maiden" is an amazing fairy tale, which shows the beauty of the surrounding world, love, nature, youth. Ostrovsky's play is an amazingly beautiful alloy of folklore and literature. Using the motives of the folk fairy tale about a snowy girl, enriching their scientific data about life, the playwright has created a distinctive "spring fairy tale", complete securities, magnificence of characters transferred to the musical syllable and truly Russian.

1 group. "Berendia".

Where love yes advice, there and paradise, there is light; And quarrels and disputes, there are only pegs.

Russian proverb.

2 group. "Snow Maiden".

  • Let me die, love one


  • More than me year longing and

A.N. Ostrovsky.

3 group. "Lel".

  • Through beautiful - to humane.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

  • Multi-layered
  • polygamy
  • eternal stories
  • synthesis
  • moral
  • conflict

  • Multi-layered
  • polygamy
  • eternal stories
  • synthesis
  • moral
  • conflict

  • Morality (Dictionary Ushakov) - A combination of norms determining human behaviors in society.
  • Conflict ("Modern Explanatory Dictionary" ed. "The Big Soviet Encyclopedia") is defined as a clash of the parties, opinions, forces.

The main moral conflict of the work. Cross survey.

  • Brusyl and Berendei - Robat.

Sketch of costumes, 1885 - 1886.

The harmony of the eternal and harsh laws of nature, according to which human being should flow.

The reason for all misfortunes of Berendev -

in human egoism, in the loss of human kinship,

in the loss of love and feeling of beauty:

I noticed in the hearts of people

Considerable; Love hotness

I do not see for a long time at Berendev,

The beauty of beauty disappeared.

In these words, the wise king is revealed

the deep meaning of the play, where ethical

the beauty of a person is determined

interconnection with nature and other

And the final words of Berendea:

"I will drive the last jaws of the trace of our souls and turn to the sun." Reveal the ideological foundation of the entire play, they expressed a dream and Ostrovsky about the world free from cold, calculating people.

The playwright approves the right of a person for a full-fledged spiritual life, expresses the dream of creating new forms of relationships between people, and freedom in love, its high assessment, recognition of the best moral qualities of a person, is a significant condition for creating a happy state.

Filling the table "Famous, special, new".




  • Snow Maiden A.N Ostrovsky, created for a festive performance and intended for a democratic viewer represents great interest. it "Multilayer, multi-level work", that attached a folk fairy tale, an idea of \u200b\u200bthe ancient Berendev tribe (Turkic nomads who lived in South Russian steppes (XI-XIII centuries); from 1146 he became vassals of Russian princes. The name in the chronicles disappears by the XIII B) , vintage calendar rituals, songs, spells.

  • The poetic drama was based on one of eternal Plots of Russian Folklore About how the beautiful girl comes to the world - the settric and dies from the sun ray. And the nearest source became a folk tale of the Snow Maiden, published in 1862 collector I.A. Khudyakov. Very carefully read the playwright of the work of the famous mythologist and folklorist A.N. Afanasyev: Collection "Russian folk tales" (1826-1871) and the study "Poetic views of Slavs in nature" (1865-1869). "Borrowed" plot was only a reason for the birth original artistic design.

V.M.vasnets Berendevka

N. Rierich Yarina Dolina

The prototype of Berendeva Kingdom was the embello-acquired

dramaturgome in 1867

In Berendev Kingdom intertwined real and fantastic. Here are the images of Slavic paganism: Spring-Red, Sun-Yarilo, Lelja, Lel (son of the goddess of beauty and love of the Lada, is the same as Greek Eros or Roman Amur), Santa Claus (is the prototype of Veles, Student, Trescun, Morozko), Snow Maiden (Goddess of Lady Lada or Castrome). Sign creatures communicate with real people: Mizgim (Spider, Tarantul), Bathowa ( « Water lily, flower kidney "(V.I. Dal)) Berendei make their spring rites, sing folk songs -" those most, that might have sounded sometime on our land at the time of spring playing, in distant pagan times. "

V.M.Vasnets Spring Red

N. Rierich Grandfather

In play two main, independent, but united in one

conflict: The first is the confrontation of cold and heat, frost and

Yarily, the second - its own device of the kingdom of Berendev. Both conflict

we develop into a conflict in the field of moral relations at the heart, which wealth is poverty, love - cold.

  • Special:

1. "Snow Maiden" is multi-layered Work, as the play included different genres of folklore.

Berendia - A tribe who lived in the XI-XIII centuries.

2. Polywog composition.

The work was conceived in fashionable for the 70s of the 19th century by the "Ferring" genre,

pieces - masks.

3. B. russian folklore Such that exist for a long time, regardless of the authors.

  • 1862 Gathering I.A. Khudyakov published a fairy tale.

4. In the fairy tale shown fabulous kingdom of Berendev where the Snow Maiden came to live.

5. Synthesis of real and fantastic , that is, the Slavic pagan deities communicate with real people.

6. Two main, independent, but united in a single conflict.

This is a conflict between the frost and the Yaroli and the conflict inside Berendeva Kingdom.

We check the table "famous, special, new."

  • Famous:
  • Snow Maiden was written on the plot of folk fairy tales, it uses calendar poetry, sayings, proverbs, spells, songs, legends and legends.
  • Ostrovsky identified the genre as a lyrical "spring" play-tale, drama.
  • Everyone knows the plot of the folk fairy tale about how a beautiful cunning girl comes into the world and dies from the sunny beam.
  • The basis of Berendev Kingdom is the world, freedom, conscience, harmony with nature, the ministry of the beauty of human relations, fair laws.
  • « Water lily, flower kidney "(V.I. Dal)).
  • There are two conflicts in the play: the first - between the cold and warmth, frost and Yarila; The second is within the kingdom itself, as well as between Berendems and Mizgiram as a resident of a foreign country.

We check the table "famous, special, new."

  • New:
  • berendeia is Turkic nomads who lived in the XI-XIII centuries in

south Russian steppes.

2. "Ferry" is a festive fabulous idea, fashionable in 70. 19th century.

Piece-mask is a union of various texts: literary, dance, political and relatively free creativity of the author.

3. 1862 Collector I.A. Khudyakov published a fairy tale.

1826-1871 A.N. Afanasyev in the collection "Russian folk fairy tales" published a fairy tale.

1865-1869 A.N. Afanasyev in his work "Poetic views of the Slavs in Nature" explored a fairy tale.

4. The fabulous kingdom of Berendev is the dream of Ostrovsky about the social future, about the peaceful life of the people free from the power of the arbitrariness and violence, that good should be done with their own hands.

5. Santa Claus is an image that united the features of the pagan gods: Veles, Varuna, Student, Trescun, Frost. The prototype of the Snow Maiden was the goddess of Love Lada.

6. The conflict of the play develops into a conflict in the field of moral relations at the heart of which wealth and poverty, love and cold.

We check the table "famous, special, new."



Russian folk fairy tale, vintage calendar rites, songs.


multilayer work.


ancient tribe of the Turkic nomads in South Russian steppes

We check the table "famous, special, new."

Lyrical "Spring" play-tale,


a multi-seller.


festive fabulous view

piece Mask

association of various texts: literary, dance, musical, political - relatively free creativity of the author. .

We check the table "famous, special, new."

a lovely girl - the starring comes into the world and dies from the sun beam.

eternal plot of russian


1862 Gathering I.A. Khudyakov

1826-1871 A.N. Afanasyev

collection "Russian folk tales"

1865-1869 A.N. Afanasyev "Poetic Reviews of Slavs in Nature"

he explored a fairy tale.

We check the table "famous, special, new."

the basis is the world, freedom, conscience, harmony with nature, the ministry of the beauty of human relations, fair laws.

fabulous kingdom of Berendev

the dream of playwright about the social future, about the peaceful life of the people free from the power of the arbitrariness and violence, that good should be done with his own hands.

We check the table "famous, special, new."

Slavic Deities: Spring - Red, Sun - Yarilo, Lelle, Lel (son of the goddess of beauty and love of the Lada, the same as Greek Eros or Roman Amur) - communicate with real people: Mizgim (Spider, Tarantul), Kupava (Spider « water lily, flower kidney "(V.I. Dal))

FROM inter real and fantastic

Santa Claus, Varun, student, Trescun, Morozko (night, moon, stars, winter, frost, water, the world of the dead).

Snow Maiden - the goddess of love Lada.

We check the table "famous, special, new."

1. Continued

Cold and warm

two main, independent, but united in a single conflict.

Frost and Yarily.

conflict in the field of moral relations:

2. Kingdom

wealth- poverty,

berendev- Mizgir

love is cold.

Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840-1893) Russian composer

  • P. I. Tchaikovsky Working on the "Snow Maiden" wrote: "I have been sitting at work for about a month for about a month; I am writing music to the magic play

Ostrovsky "Snow Maiden" ", the dramatic work itself he considered the pearl of the creatures of Ostrovsky, and he said about his music like this:" This is one of my favorite brains.

Spring was wonderful, I was good in my heart ... I liked the play of Ostrovsky, and I wrote music at three weeks without any effort.

Victor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov (1846-1926) Russian painter

  • And this poem "Snow Maiden" -

the best thing is.

Prayer Russian and wisdom, the wisdom of the prophet.

Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov 1844 -1908 Russian composer

  • "... I listened to the votes of folk art and nature, I took a drink and suggested by the basis of my creativity." ON THE. Roman Korsakov in the Opere "Snow Maiden" felt the life of the people living in harmony with nature showed the wealth of folk customs and rites, without which the picture of fabulous Russia was not so colorful.

B. V. Asafiev wrote about the "Snow Maiden": "The inspiration of Roman Corsakov will be growing with even light, but in other moments, the music is deepened to comprehend only hearing the caches and the origins of the life that the word, being connected by the Jaw, will involuntarily be silent ... it seems The opera sounds all the mighty elements of Russian nature, perfume and power of which are an integral part of the life and people themselves - the inhabitants of Berendev Kingdom "

"In the winter of 1879-1880, I read the" Snow Maiden "and accurately turned on her amazing beauty. I immediately wanted to write a opera on this plot, I felt more and more in love with A.N. Ostrovsky's fairy tale. "

Fragment from Opera N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov "Snow Maiden". Snow melting scene. "Snow Maiden" N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov is the "gentle color of the Russian opera." B. V. Asafiev (musical critic). Drawing tests.

  • 1 group. "Berendia". Where love yes advice, there and paradise, there is light; And quarrels and disputes, there are only pegs (the image of Berendeva Kingdom).
  • 2 group. "Snow Maiden". The image of Snow Maiden in the perception of N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov.
  • 3 Group . "Lel". Lel - Son Son and Singer of Love.


  • Invent and record a "terrible" story about a representative of the lowest Slavic mythology (Malka, Water, Leshem, houses).

Alexander Nikolaevich
Ostrovsky (1823 - 1886) -
Writer and talented
Modern Russian
Theater, founder
Artistic mug
Correspondent member
Petersburg Academy
Sciences and owner
Uvarov Prize.

History of creation
In 1873, A. N. Ostrovsky, influenced by ideas A. N.
Afanasyev, writes a play, such a well-known and beloved
Russian people, "Snow Maiden". Working on the play,
Ostrovsky carefully studied numerous
Folklore, historical, ethnographic
Sources. Among folklore sources
"Snow Maiden" should be noted folk tales,
ritual poetry, folk conspiracies, folk
songs. He connects fairy tales, legends and songs together,
gave folk creativity very peculiar
Coloring. Therefore, the stories of history
Snow Maiden in the play A.N. Ostrovsky whole N.
Coincides with any of the options for fairy tales that are in
folk medium. Plot

Ostrovsky "Snow Maiden" -
This is an amazing fairy tale in
which is shown Beauty
surrounding peace, love,
Nature, youth. IN
"Snow Maiden" main place
occupy human
relations. For the first
look, the plot looks
completely fantastic.
But then it turns out that
of this phantasmagoria
Living are visible
Human characters.

In the spring fairy tale A. N. Ostrovsky "Snow Maiden" from
Little girl - Heroine's granddaughters turns into
Beautiful girl who can light the hearts of young
Berendev hot sense of love. She appears like a daughter
Santa Claus and spring-red, which dies during
Summer ritual reverence of the God of the Sun Yarily. Outwardly,
appears in the work as a beautiful pale
Blonde girl, dressed in white and blue clothes with
Furochka (fur coat, fur hat, mittens). All
This appearance represents winter with its snow-white snow and
cold frost. Spring Heroine Character
represented by its extraordinary emotionality and
the desire to know human feelings, albeit
destructive for her. Action occurs in a fabulous place
- The Kingdom of Berendea. Describing the laws of this country,
Ostrovsky as if painting his ideal public
Devices. In the kingdom of Berendey, people live according to the laws
Conscience and honor, try not to cause the wrath of the gods.

Here is very great importance attached to beauty. Appreciate
Beauty of the surrounding world, the beauty of girls, flowers,
Songs. Not by chance the singer of love Lel turns out so
Popular. He, as if personifies youth, ferventness,

Reviews What is surprising, originally the play is not
had success in the public, she seemed rude and ineptly
written. But it was just at first ... Spring
Tale A.N. Ostrovsky highly appreciated A.I. Goncharov
and I.S. Turgenev, however, many responses of contemporaries
There were sharply negative. The playwright reproached for
departure from social problems and "progressive
Ideals. " So, stinging critic V.P. Burenin
Delivated about the designated burden A.N.
Ostrovsky to fake, "ghostly designated" images of Snow Maiden, Lelle,
Mizgiry. In the great Russian playwright criticism
wanted to see first of all the accuser "Dark
kingdoms. "

Staging in the theater
Theatrical production of "Snow Maiden" is small
Theater (May 11, 1873) was actually failed. Despite
The fact that all three troupes were involved in the performance:
dramatic, opera and ballet, and music wrote music
PI itself Tchaikovsky, despite the use
Technical Dicks: Moving Clouds, Electric
Backlighting, beating fountains hiding disappearance
"Magnaya" Snow Maiden in the hatch, - the play most of the swore

The audience, like criticism, was not ready for poetic
Pyruteratu author "Thunderstorm" and "Pochiny". Only at the beginning of the twentieth century
Dramaturgical design A.N. Ostrovsky was assessed by
dignity. A.P. Lensky who put "Snow Maiden" in
September 1900 in Moscow, noticed: "At Ostrovsky with an excess
would have enough fantasy in order to overflow their
Fairy tale to the edges of native damn. But he apparently
intentionally saved fantastic elements, saved
In order not to obscure the facilities of another, more
complex element - poetic. "

In St. Petersburg, on the stage of the Alexandrinsky Theater,
The production took place only on December 27, 1900, in the benefit
Artist Varlamov. In 1881, the composer N. A. Rimsky Korsakov wrote on the text of the play by Opera Snow Maiden.
Opera delivered in St. Petersburg on January 29, 1882.
In Moscow, on the stage of the private opera house - October 8
1885.An the scene of the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow
It took place on January 26, 1893.