Japanese spindle tree care at home. Japanese spindle tree: growing and care in indoor conditions. Wintering euonymus in the open field

Of all the variety of these plants, there is only one culture that can be grown both in the garden and at home - Japanese euonymus.

It is a beautiful plant with pointed dark green leaves with a lighter border. The whole plant seems to strive upward, its lateral branches depart from the trunk at a slight angle, and dense foliage emphasizes its vertical direction. The leaves are large, dense, leathery, uneven at the edges.

It is a very interesting plant in terms of growth. If he does not create the conditions necessary for full development, then an increase in growth will be only in the period of early spring. The rest of the time, the euonymus will simply freeze.

For a year, the euonymus adds 15-20 cm.

If the conditions for this plant are as comfortable as possible, then its growth occurs rhythmically: the period of activity will be replaced by a period of rest.

Japanese spindle tree (Euonymus japonica) is an evergreen shrub that blooms towards mid-summer. Its flowers are collected in an umbrella of 15-30 pieces and have a very interesting color, which is dominated by yellow and green shades.

This plant in natural conditions can grow up to 7 m in height.

It tolerates shade well and is resistant to air pollution. The fruiting period begins in September and lasts until mid-autumn.

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There are several types of Japanese spindle tree, the most common of which are the following:

Japanese euonymus (Pseudolavr).

It is cultivated in Russia as a house or greenhouse plant. At temperatures below +5 degrees Celsius, it quickly dies.

This is the variegated form of the Japanese euonymus. The plant reaches a height of 50 cm, rarely exceeds 15 cm in diameter. Its leaves are yellow-green, raised, and the flowers appear in late spring and are white. After the plant has faded, bright bolls form on it.

Japanese dwarf spindle tree

It is an evergreen creeping shrub up to 1 m high. Longitudinal grooves are clearly visible on its branches, oblong leaves, up to 4 cm long. Their edge is pointed, and the sides are slightly bent down. The top side of the leaf is bright green and the bottom is bluish. The flowers are red-brown, usually solitary, small, but can be collected in small umbrellas, 2-3 copies each on thin peduncles up to 2 cm long.

Planting Japanese spindle tree

Euonymus is not picky about the composition of soils. The best option would be the following mixture: turf, leaf soil, peat and sand in a ratio of 2: 1: 1: 1 You can use regular garden soil or soil consisting of turf, greenhouse soil and sand in a ratio of 3: 2: 1

The plant is planted only in moist soil, bottom heating is useful for it during engraftment.

Young specimens that are not older than 3 years can be transplanted annually without much harm to the plant. It develops well on alkaline and neutral soils; lime should be added to acidic soils.


Gardeners know that if a Japanese euonymus bush gave two waves of growth, it means that it is well and competently looked after.

If cones covered with scales (spindle buds) have formed on the top of each shoot, this indicates the end of the plant growth period.

When the buds begin to open, forming new leaves, another wave of spindle tree growth can be expected.

This feature of plant development dictates the rule of caring for it, which is as follows: at the beginning of the activity period, nitrogen fertilizers should be given, in the middle - complex fertilizers, and during the period of bud formation - phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.

During the dormant period, the plants are not fed. In summer, the longest shoots must be shortened.

It is not difficult to look after the Japanese euonymus. During the growth wave, it is moderately watered, maintaining the moisture of the earth, and in no case allowing it to dry out. Spraying 2-3 times a week will benefit the plant, despite the fact that it is not demanding for air humidity.

The euonymus reacts to a sharp change in temperature and the appearance of pests by dropping foliage. Therefore, you need to regularly inspect it for the presence of harmful insects. Despite the fact that this plant is poisonous to humans and any animal, insects love it very much.

For the favorable development of the plant, the air temperature in summer is desirable not higher than 25 degrees Celsius, and in winter it is necessary to maintain a range of + 8-12 degrees. Despite this, Japanese euonymus tolerates coolness quite well, but it can react to heat by dropping foliage, therefore, in room conditions, it should not be kept near heating radiators.

Read how you can do it.

Who first described the euonymus forchun and where is the birthplace of this beautiful shrub you can find out.


In spring, garden bushes of Japanese spindle tree are propagated by division and green cuttings.

During transplanting, care should be taken not to damage the root system. In June-July, cuttings 5-6 cm long are cut from strong young shoots, which must have one internode.

For rooting, it is better to make such a mixture: the lower layer is made of river sand, and the upper one is made of sand, leafy, turf and humus soil. After 1.5-2 months, the cutting will take root and the plant can be transplanted.

In summer, Japanese euonymus can be propagated by seeds. Before planting, they need stratification at a temperature of + 2-3 degrees for 3-4 months. When 80% of the seeds burst, this will indicate that they are ready to plant. After that, the seeds are freed from the peel and pickled in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Japanese eonymus is a decorative representative of the botanical world. Unlike other varieties of euonymus, this one can be grown both in the garden and at home. From the article you can find out what a Japanese euonymus is, how to plant this plant and how to care for it.

Japanese euonymus or euonymus japonicus is prized primarily for its impressive decorative effect, its ability to thrive and thrive both at home and outdoors.

Decorativeness to the plant is given by its crown - lush, bright, unusual color. The euonymus has dark green leaves with pointed ends and a light border. The leaves are impressive in size and have a fleshy, dense structure. The plant is evergreen.

In addition to foliage, it boasts euonymus and beautiful, decorative fruits. The shrub grows evenly, however, it grows more in spring. For a year, the increase in growth is from 15 to 20 cm. In nature, Japanese euonymus can reach 7 meters in height.

Flowering is observed in the middle of summer: the flowers are beautiful, collected in numerous panicles of yellow-green color. The berries appear in September and the fruiting period lasts until mid-October. Look at the photo of this wonderful plant.

The shrub quite safely tolerates unfavorable external conditions: it does not care about air pollution, shade, small size of the site - even in such conditions, the euonymus manages to grow well, delight with its beauty.

It is worth knowing that Japanese euonymus is poisonous, so children and pets should not be allowed near it. Despite its toxicity, the plant is used in folk medicine.

Application in landscape design

The plant is suitable for creating a hedge, as well as a border frame for plantings. If you put together a mix of different varieties of euonymus, you can create a wonderful pictorial composition - garden decoration.

Varieties with a uniform green foliage shade are often used as a background for bright flowers. Also, living garden figures are formed from such plants.

In landscape design, the following types of Japanese euonymus are most common:

  • pseudo-laurus;
  • micillus;
  • dwarf.

Pseudo-laurus in our country is grown as a houseplant or greenhouse. It does not tolerate low temperatures, but is very decorative.

Microfillus is famous for its beautiful variegated leaves. This spindle tree forms a low bush - a maximum of half a meter in height. But foliage and beautiful flowers make it very smart and graceful.

Dwarf Japanese euonymus grows up to a meter, and it is he who is most often planted in the open ground. The leaves of this shrub have a double color: bluish below and bright green above.


Consider the main points regarding rooting of this plant.


We recommend planting the plant in a semi-shaded place. In such conditions, euonymus leaves turn out to be especially decorative - clean and bright, with a rich blue-green hue. In a sunny area, foliage can dry out - especially if there is no regular and sufficient watering.


Japanese spindle tree does not like too hot temperatures. The optimal range for it is +25 degrees in summer and +18-12 in winter. In extreme heat, the plant may begin to shed foliage.

The soil

Japanese spindle tree does not make special demands on the quality of the soil. The following soil mixture is optimal:

  • sheet soil - 1 part;
  • turf / garden land - 2 parts;
  • peat - 1 part;
  • coarse sand - 1 part.

Sour soil is not suitable for euonymus - in this case, the site must first be calcareous.


You can plant Japanese euonymus in the garden from May to September. It is necessary to choose a cloudy day - not hot and preferably rainy.

The pit is prepared in advance - its parameters should be approximately twice the volume of the plant roots. At the bottom of the pit, a drainage layer of ground brick or expanded clay, gravel is laid out. Then comes the nutrient layer of humus, compost and the soil is laid out.

The plant is placed vertically in the hole and carefully sprinkled with soil. After planting, the soil must be compacted and watered so that no air pockets form.

The shrub should be rooted only in pre-moistened soil. In addition, for indoor growing it is helpful to heat the bottom of the pot to activate rooting.


Planting and leaving are the most important components of the competent cultivation of euonymus, and if we have already figured out the first point, now we will consider the second. Let's get acquainted with the main points of plant care.

Top dressing

In order for the euonymus to please with active growth and decorativeness, it must be regularly supplied with additional nutrition.

In the spring, the euonymus needs nitrogenous feeding in order for the green part to form more actively. Then comes the time of complex fertilizers and for the formation of buds - phosphorus-potassium. In winter, no additional fertilization is needed - at this time the plant is in a dormant period.

Attention: you cannot overfeed the plant, as this can lead to the loss of decorativeness by the euonymus.


The euonymus needs moderate moisture. No waterlogging or drought should be allowed - the latter is more dangerous. If worth hot weather, then it is additionally recommended to spray the foliage: the procedure is carried out 2-3 times a week.


In order for the bush to grow compact and lush, the tips of the shoots must be pinched regularly. The procedure can be carried out as the plant grows.


In order for the euonymus to survive our harsh winter safely, it is recommended to mulch the root circle of the plant with rotten sawdust, peat or fallen leaves before the cold weather sets in. Mulch will serve as a kind of "blanket" for the roots, protecting them from freezing.

If the plant has not yet reached the age of two, it should be covered in the garden. To do this, use boxes, agrofibre, burlap. An adult Japanese euonymus does not need shelter.

Protection against diseases, pests

The greatest danger to the plant is posed by harmful insects - mites and aphids. As a result of damage by these pests, the foliage of the spindle tree can begin to dry, curl and fall off - and the plant thus loses all its attractiveness. If such a misfortune happens, it is necessary to spray the bush with Actellik or a solution of colloidal sulfur.

Of the diseases, rust and powdery mildew... Since it is very difficult to treat these diseases, it is recommended to treat the bush preventively. Fungicides are used for processing, and the procedure itself must be carried out in cool rainy weather.

Home care

As mentioned above, you can grow this plant at home. Bonsai - miniature decorative compositions that adorn the dwelling - are well formed from the Japanese euonymus.

Home care is similar to outdoor care: the same regular watering and spraying in dry weather, top dressing. IN summer time take the container with the plant out into the open air - this will only benefit it, strengthen it.

Euonymus growing at home in a pot must be repotted regularly. Young plant transplanted annually, and starting from the fourth year - every 3 years. When growing at home, consider additional lighting for the shrub, especially if the apartment windows face the north side.

Pinching shoots is also necessary for the plant. This procedure will help to form a lush compact bush, which looks much more impressive. In addition, it is recommended to regularly remove dried, damaged and old shoots - this rejuvenates the bush and preserves its decorative effect.

Usually, euonymus reacts to an attack of pests or any diseases in the same way - it drops foliage. Having noticed such an alarming sign, carefully examine the plant and carry out the appropriate processing, if necessary.

With proper full-fledged care for the season, Japanese euonymus gives two waves of growth. And if the shrub grows this way, this means that the conditions are favorable for it.


Japanese spindle tree can be propagated in three ways:

  • root division;
  • seeds;
  • cuttings.

The grafting method is more often used, since dividing the roots is a complex procedure and does not always lead to success. Seed propagation is also painstaking and long, but it is used quite often.


Cuttings are cut in June-July: the length of the shoot should be 5-6 cm, the cutting should have at least one internode and be green, not lignified. It is best to take a cutting from a bush that is more than five years old. Sections of shoots must be treated with a root stimulator, and then planted in a greenhouse with prepared nutrient soil.


Summer is more suitable for seed propagation. Before planting, seeds need to be stratified + -4 months at a temperature of + 2-3 degrees - this measure will harden the seeds and relieve them of harmful spores.

Seeds are planted when the skin bursts on them. The planting is carried out free from the "skin" of seeds, pre-treated with potassium permanganate.

So, we met such a wonderful plant as Japanese euonymus. Its uniqueness is that it is the only euonymus that is suitable for growing in the open field and for indoor use. Plant at proper care gives an excellent decorative sheet, flowers and bright fruits - a real decoration of the house or garden

Japanese spindle tree is a very beautiful shrub, chosen by the owners of the plots not only because of its neat appearance, but also for its absolute unpretentiousness. The cultivation of such a culture is suitable even for a novice gardener. We will analyze the description of the plant and how planting and care are carried out.


Japanese euonymus is an ornamental plant grown both in an apartment and on the street. The description of the green shrub indicates that its crown is lush, bright and unusual. The leaf plates are colored dark green, but their border is light.The size of the shrub leaves is very impressive, and their surface is dense and rather fleshy. Evergreen decorative trees also have beautiful fruits.

In a year, the pseudo-laurel increases in height by about 15-20 centimeters, but in nature it grows up to 7 meters. Blossoming of euonymus occurs in July, when the plant is covered with neat green-yellow inflorescences.At home, the plant blooms extremely rarely, since it does not always have enough cool period for bud formation. In order to ensure the appearance of buds, it is necessary to keep the plant at a temperature of 2 to 10 degrees Celsius for 2 months.

The fruits grow in September and remain on the branches until almost October. The plant is unpretentious.

Popular varieties

Popular varieties of Japanese euonymus include "Latifolius Albomarginatus", characterized by the presence of bright green leaves with white stripes along the edges. "Albomarginatus"looks similar, but the edge of the leaf plate looks narrower.

The variety "Moon"the leaf plates are painted in a beautiful olive color with yellowish tints. Their border is wide and colored green.

Variety "Mediolictus" can be recognized by the beautiful golden color of the plates and the green stripe as the border. "Microfillus" has small green leaves with a golden border.

Shrub varieties "Aurea" characterized by the presence of a green border and a bright yellow longitudinal stripe. "Owatus Aureus" is dwarf and has small oval-shaped leaves. The color of the leaf plates is a combination of a bright yellow border with an emerald longitudinal stripe.

Shrub varieties "Bravo" has dark green toothed foliage. Some leaf blades are decorated with spots of yellow, beige, white or silvery shades, located either in the center or along the edges.

Other known varieties of euonymus include "Marik", "Microfillus aureovariegatus" and "Ecstasy".

The subtleties of growing at home

Indoor spindle tree is an ideal component for bonsai formation. Plant care, in principle, does not differ from what is required for a street bush. The euonymus should be irrigated, fed, sprayed in hot weather, and also taken out to the balcony on warm days. By the way, spraying is mandatory even when the batteries are turned on. In addition, you will have to attend to a regular transplant. The first 3 years of life, a pot change is carried out annually, and then one action in 3 years will be enough.

In most situations, the plant will also need artificial lighting in addition, especially if the window openings of the room face north. Pinching is carried out as needed to form a beautiful appearance of the euonymus.It is also important to regularly remove any dried, outdated, or otherwise damaged scions. If the home spindle tree begins to shed foliage, then you will have to carry out the necessary processing of the shrub.

The temperature in summer should be in the range of 18 to 20 degrees, and in winter it should be maintained at 2-10 degrees.

The pot can be either plastic or ceramic. The main thing is that the volume of the container allows you to comfortably place the root system inside. If you move the euonymus from too small to too large a pot, then you can provoke acidification of the soil and, accordingly, the death of the plant. It is better to choose loose and nutritious soil for home use. The easiest way is to purchase a ready-made substrate intended for growing decorative deciduous shrubs in an apartment.

How to plant in open ground?

Planting euonymus in the garden in open ground is carried out only in a partially shady place. It is important to remember that excess sunlight will lead to a deterioration in the decorativeness of deciduous shrub plates and their falling asleep. The culture does not have special requirements for the soil. The best solution would be a combination of part sheet soil, the same amount of peat, a couple of pieces of turf or garden landas well as river sand. If the soil in the selected area is acidic, then lime should be added to it immediately.

Disembarkation takes place from May to September on a sunless or rainy day.The hole is formed in such a way that its volume is a couple of times larger than the size of the root system. At the bottom, a drainage layer is formed, created from pieces of brick, gravel and expanded clay. Next, compost or humus is laid out, and then the soil. The seedling is placed vertically in the pit, its roots are covered with soil mixture. Finally, the surface is compacted and well-watered.

How to properly care for?

Japanese spindle tree care is required during the growing season, and in the winter months the plant rests in hibernation. With the onset of cold weather, it is enough just to promulgate the trunk circle with peat, sawdust or dry foliage. Young shrubs can be additionally protected with burlap or agrofibre.


Irrigation of the crop should be moderate but regular. Both excessive moisture and lack of irrigation are dangerous for the crop.In general, you can focus on the topsoil, which needs to dry out. In the hot summer months, you can additionally spray the leaf plates about a couple of times a week.

In cold, rainy weeks, watering stops altogether, as the soil should be allowed to dry out.

Top dressing

Fertilizers are necessary for Japanese euonymus just like any other plant. In the spring, the plant needs nitrogen to grow its green part. Further, mineral complexes containing potassium and phosphorus stimulate kidney development.In winter, feeding the pseudolaura is not required, since the bush is dormant. Fertilizers can be applied as follows: 50 grams of urea in early spring, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers in the middle of summer and, finally, 300 grams of slaked lime in the fall during digging.


A full-fledged pruning of the Japanese euonymus is useless, but it needs regular pinching. Such processing of the tips should occur with the growth and development of the plant in order for the bush to grow voluminous, but compact.

Reproduction methods

Japanese euonymus reproduces in three main ways: using seeds, cuttings, or by dividing. Separation of the rhizome is a complicated and not always effective task, therefore it is rarely used.

The most popular method is grafting. Twigs 5 to 6 centimeters long are pruned in June or July. It is important to ensure that each cutting has at least an internode, and that the surface itself is green and not covered with wood.

If possible, then the bush that has already crossed the 5-year-old mark should be taken for grafting. After the procedure, the cutting is necessarily treated with a root stimulant, for example, "Kornevin" and immediately planted in a prepared nutrient soil located in the greenhouse.

It is better to use a two-layer substrate, the lower layer of which consists of river sand, and the upper one is made of loose soil mixture. Full roots will appear in 1.5 months.

It is better to propagate euonymus by seeds in the summer.Preparation for the procedure begins in another 4 months - the seeds are stratified at a temperature of 0 to 2 degrees Celsius. When the skin bursts on the seeds, they can already be planted. Previously, the peel is removed, and the samples themselves are disinfected with potassium permanganate. Landing is carried out in loose, fertile and moisture-consuming soil. Picking at individual containers is carried out when the sprouts are extended by 3-4 centimeters.

Diseases and pests

Japanese spindle tree often suffers from diseases and insect attacks, and is also deformed with improper care. For example, the insufficient supply of sunlight leads to the fact that the shoots are too stretched. On the contrary, insufficient illumination contributes to the disappearance of the pigment from the leaf blades and, accordingly, the deterioration of their appearance. Twisting of the edges of the leaves may indicate that the shrub is in the sun. The yellowing of the leaves and their gradual falling off indicates excessive irrigation.

Up to 6 m high, as well as a shrub. In cooler areas, the plant looks like a dwarf bush.

The leaves of the shrub are oval, leathery. The flowers are inconspicuous, green, collected in inflorescences of several pieces. The fruits of the Japanese euonymus look like a box with four nests.


Check out appearance Japanese Beresklet bush in the photo below:

Planting and care at home

Consider all the stages of growing Japanese spindle tree, including in the garden.

After the purchase

Japanese loves warmth... In cool areas, the bush requires covering in the cold period or transfer to a warm place. Although up to a temperature of 10 degrees, he feels fine.

IMPORTANT! It is better to place the shrub during the dormant period in a cool place (+ 10-13 degrees).


Bush requires fairly frequent formationas well as cutting weakened shoots. In nature, euonymus weakly branches and has a sparse crown. By pruning, the plant can be turned into an original tree or lush bush.


Bush requires abundant watering... It is advisable to defend water. Japanese spindle strongly suffers from dry soil and dies with a strong moisture deficit... In hot weather, it is necessary to maintain the desired level of soil moisture, but at the same time do not overfill.

In winter, and especially when kept cool, the shrub should be watered less frequently and less abundantly.

Japanese euonymus normally refers to spraying and a warm soul, which is necessary to clean the leaves of accumulated dust.


You can plant a plant in any universal soil mixtureby adding a little baking powder.

They also make up the soil independently from a double volume of turf, equal volumes of sand, turf, leaf and humus soil.


Japanese euonymus requires an annual transplant in the spring.

This applies to young shrubs. More mature bushes are transplanted every three to four years.

NOTE! If the transplanting process is impossible due to the large size of the bush, then only the upper part of the soil can be removed from the container and covered with fresh substrate.


Japanese euonymus propagated in spring by cuttings and by dividing the bush, and in the warm season - seeds.

Seed should be stratified at + 3 degrees for three months. The procedure lasts until the peel of the seeds bursts.

The seed should be cleaned from seedlings, neutralized in a potassium permanganate solution and stratified in calcined sand. The soil should consist of two parts of humus, four parts of leafy soil, one part of turf and sand.

When multiplying by division, it is important not to damage and be extremely careful with the root system.

Cuttings are cut in the summer from very young shoots. The stalk is cut to a length of 5 cm. It must have an internode.

Rooted in a two-layer substrate, in the lower layer of which there is sand, and in the upper layer there is a composition of turf, sand, humus and leafy soil. The rooting process lasts 2-2.5 months.


Shrub almost can't stand hot temperatures.

The optimal range is considered to be from 18 to 25 degrees.

IN winter period it is better to adhere to a temperature regime of up to 12 degrees, this will help ensure a dormant period for the euonymus.

In winter, during the period of maximum operation of heating devices, the plant often sheds foliage.


Japanese euonymus loves diffused but bright light... It tolerates a small number of direct rays of the sun quite normally. Spindle trees with variegated foliage like bright illumination.

GOOD TO KNOW! With a lack of light, the leaves lose their contrast or discolor altogether.

Benefit and harm

Japanese euonymus is used in gardens and gentrification of cities for decorative purposes. In apartments and other rooms, this plant is also used as a decor. But any part of the bush considered poisonous for both humans and animals!

Diseases and pests

Japanese euonymus is capable of damage spider mites, scale insects, aphids, mealybug... If infection with these pests is detected, chemical means should be sprayed.

Shrub is practically not exposed to fungal infection.

In excessively bright light, the ends of the leaves may curl and dry. With an excess of moisture in the soil, the euonymus spills out its lower leaves and stops its development.

Discards leaves shrub also with increased dryness and high temperature.

Japanese euonymus is prone to shedding foliage as a response to any change in conditions of detention or to improper care. Exactly because of this reason the bush loves peace and unchanging conditions.

Useful video

We offer you a video about Japanese euonymus:


Japanese spindle tree is widespread both in Japan and China, and in European countries.

Use the plant as a decoration for city streets, garden plots, verandas and rooms.

Plant little susceptible to fungal diseasesbut prone to damage by pests.

Do not forget that the bush is considered poisonous plant not only for animals, but also for humans.

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The euonymus is a genus of the euonymus family, encompassing more than one hundred deciduous and evergreen species, from dwarf shrubs to small trees.

Grows in nature in East asia, Europe, Australia, North America and Madagascar, 50 species are endemic to China.

The culture is in great demand in landscape design, thanks to the colorful foliage, which often changes color with the advent of autumn.

Planting euonymus in the garden and care in the open field is not difficult, and the richness of species of varieties only adds to the popularity of the ornamental shrub.

Popular varieties and types of euonymus with photos

Winged Euonymus (Euonymus alatus)... The most important decorative element of this species is the fiery color of the autumn foliage, for which the plant received another name "burning bush" or "burning bush".

It is a slow growing, dense and wide shrub up to 2 m in height with tough, highly branched, brown or greenish straight shoots.

The surface of the shoots is covered with longitudinal, ribbed, cork outgrowths, resembling wings, which is why the plant was named "winged". During the summer, the leaves remain green, and in early September, in just a week, they become intensely scarlet. It seems that a fire bush is blazing in the garden.

Variety "Compact"

The flowers have no decorative value, but the fruit of the seedlings is purple-red, standing out clearly on the bare shoots with the advent of winter.

"Compact" is the most famous variety of this type with a rounded compact crown and a height of up to 1 meter. Its leaves change color in different shades of red in autumn.

"Fireball" - colorful autumn foliage, the height of the variety is about 1.5 meters, the crown is spherical, compact.

"Rudy Haag" is an extremely low, dwarf variety, up to 0.6-1 m high, with wider "wings" on the shoots and very slow growth.

European spindle tree or beams (Euonymus europaeus)... It is a tree in the shape of a tall bush. The leaves are dark green, there are also variegated varieties. In autumn they change color to bright red.

Although this species is not widely used in gardens, it certainly deserves more attention due to the very decorative fruits of bright pink or red color and colorful fall foliage.

The most famous variety - "Red Cascade" owes its name to the leaves, which turn crimson with the onset of autumn.

Fortune's spindle tree (Euonymus fortunei)... Probably the most decorative and widely cultivated evergreen ground cover species with a huge number of varietal forms and varieties.

Fortune's euonymus care is slightly different garden speciesmainly due to the form of growth, which is characterized by creeping shoots with shiny, leathery, leaves.

Popular varieties and varieties differ in color of foliage and height. Let's list the most interesting of them.

"Emerald" n "Gold" (Emerald and gold). A bright, low-growing shrub that is often used in landscaping gardens. In cold winters, golden emerald leaves acquire a pinkish tint.

Emerald Gaiety is a wide bush with dark green leaves and a wide white border.

"Sunspot". A small bush up to 30 cm in height with shoots that spread along the ground, forming an attractive yellow-green carpet. The leaves are green with a bright yellow or creamy spot in the middle of the leaf. In winter, they turn red. No pruning required.

The Harlequin is a compact, slow-growing bush with variegated green and creamy white leaves that turn pink in autumn.

"Sunshine" is a shrub up to 70 cm in height and up to a meter in width. Bright yellow leaves with a green center. It lends itself to pruning, which allows you to form a compact rounded crown.

The Silver Queen is a popular and highly decorative form with variegated green and white foliage. Its long shoots, reaching 6 meters, can easily trudge along the support.

Silverstone is a beautiful dwarf shrub 30 cm tall with semi-direct shoots and green-white spotted leaves.

Japanese euonymus... Mainly cultivated as houseplant... It is characterized by narrow, leathery leaves that can reach 7 cm. The shrub is sensitive to cold and requires protection in the winter.

"Microfillus" - in appearance is very similar to boxwood and is also easily amenable to crown formation.

"Bravo" - green and creamy yellow variegated leaves. "Golden Queen" with wide golden yellow foliage. "Katy" with variegated white and green leaves.

Sort "Silver King" with a compact crown and variegated green-white foliage.

"Aureomarginata" is a variegated variety with green leaves and a white-yellow border around the edges of the leaf.

Features of care for euonymus in the garden

Landing and replanting of euonymus in spring

Before planting a spindle tree in open ground, you must choose a place where the plant will develop well. Culture loves windproof, sunny position or light partial shade, especially bright sun variegated varieties. In the shade, euonymus grows poorly, and its bright foliage color fades.

The best time for transplantation of euonymus is spring or mid-October, and planting with a closed root system can be carried out throughout the season.

Also consider the size of the planting. Some varietal forms grow strongly and leave about 1.5-2 meters between them or other crops.

Choose a place for planting euonymus with a low bedding groundwater... The plant needs a fertile, water-permeable, slightly alkaline substrate or with neutral acidity. The ground from the prepared pit is mixed with three parts of compost. As a drainage at the bottom of the pit lay a layer of large expanded clay or broken brick.

You can find out all about the rules for preparing compost from various natural materials in this

However, if the soil on the site is not clayey and contains sand, then drainage is not necessary. A small layer of prepared soil is poured on top of the drainage and the plant is placed in a pit. Its size should be slightly larger than the root system.

The root collar of the bush should be at ground level. After filling the hole, the soil is well compacted and watered abundantly.

Unlike dwarf forms, large species and varieties of euonymus can be transplanted only at a young age. Transplanted with an earthen lump, so as not to injure the roots of the plant.

It is recommended to mulch the soil around the stands with wood bark or wood chips. Mulch plays an important role in the care of euonymus in the garden - it maintains soil moisture, controls the growth of weeds, prevents overheating of the roots and the development of fungal diseases, especially in ground cover species.

Read also about the benefits of mulching the soil in this

As a rule, if the euonymus planting in the open field was successful, then you will see new growth in a few weeks. During the rooting period, the bush will require frequent watering. The soil should not dry out, but it should not be poured every day. Once the plant has taken root, you can reduce irrigation.

Why does euonymus grow poorly after planting? Possible reason in a lack of lighting, close occurrence of groundwater, causing waterlogging of the soil, deficiency of nutrients, high acidity of the substrate.

Top dressing of euonymus

In fertile substrates, the culture does not particularly need feeding. Additional fertilization is recommended in the spring after pruning. They are fed with granular mineral fertilizers for ornamental garden crops, scattering them at a distance of 20 cm from the center of the bush.

Once every 2 years, you can fertilize the plantings with rotted manure diluted in water. Ground cover forms that have taken out aerial roots and have begun to take root are sprinkled with compost.

Watering euonymus

Culture prefers moderately moist soils. Large shrubs are best watered infrequently but abundantly. The water will penetrate deep into the ground and the roots will be able to absorb the moisture they need.

Low-growing forms with a shallow root system are sensitive to drought, they are often watered, but little by little. The irrigation regime also largely depends on the weather - in the heat it is watered more often, and in the rainy summer, excess moisture will only damage the plantings.

Eucalyptus pruning

The care of euonymus in the open field includes pruning, to which the culture reacts with active branching. Sanitary pruning can be done in spring and summer. Damaged, dried branches are removed, thinning bush is too thin, so that there is access of air and light. It is advisable to rejuvenate the planting every 3-4 years, cutting off all the shoots to half.

Formative pruning can be done in early spring or fall after the fruit has ripened. The procedure allows you to obtain a conical, round or ellipsoidal shape. Popular among gardeners is the euonymus on the stem. In small ground cover varieties, the tops of the shoots are pinched during the growing season, which encourages the growth of lateral shoots.

Wintering euonymus in the open field

Taking care of euonymus in the garden before wintering is equally important. Winter hardiness of euonymus depends on the type of culture. European and winged species tolerate winter well and do not require shelter. Only young seedlings 2-3 years old can be insulated.

Evergreen Fortune and Japanese require more attention. Under a thick snow cover they winter well, but in snowless frosty winters they can be seriously damaged.

Bushes lose a lot of moisture from the leaves, especially in strong windand small root system cannot make up for the lack of water from the frozen ground. Therefore, before the onset of frost, around the middle of November, the plantings need to be well watered and the soil around with compost or spruce branches should be mulched. In case there is no snow, it can be insulated with agrofiber, burlap or a layer of fallen leaves.

After winter, shelters are removed from the euonymus as soon as the temperature rises in the afternoon. If in March there is a large layer of snow above the bush, then it must also be scattered, since in positive weather the bush can dry out under the snow.

Propagation of euonymus by seeds

Almost all species are easily propagated by seed. They are harvested in September and immediately sown before winter, since the seeds need cold stratification. The seedlings are removed, and the seed is placed in a fertile substrate, watered and covered with straw or spruce branches for the winter.

If you decide to sow in the spring, but put the seeds in the refrigerator for 6 months, and in the spring, before planting, soak them in water for 1-2 days.

Propagation of euonymus by cuttings in water and in soil

For the procedure, which is carried out in June, choose young semi-lignified flexible shoots. The apical cuttings 10-15 cm long are cut at an angle of 45 degrees immediately below the leaf node or with a “heel” growth point.

The lower leaves are removed, leaving only two or three upper pairs, the top with the developing leaves is cut off or pinched. A cut of the cuttings is dipped into a powder, stimulating the formation of roots.

Then the cuttings are buried in a substrate of a mixture of peat and perlite, which can be replaced with sand. Water well with a watering can and place the pot of cuttings in a transparent bag, which is tied at the top. Ventilate the greenhouse periodically and maintain moderate soil moisture.

The pot should be in a shaded place until the roots begin to form and the cuttings grow. Winter-hardy species can be transplanted into open ground in October, and it is better to leave evergreens in a cool room for the winter and transplant euonymus in the spring in mid-April.

In water, cuttings of euonymus also form roots, especially the varieties Euonymus fortunei and Euonymus Japonica propagate this way. Cuttings for rooting in water can be taken in April-May.

Water is changed every 3-4 days, the tank is kept away from the sun, and as soon as the roots appear, the cuttings are transplanted into separate pots or immediately into the open ground.

Reproduction by layering

This method gives a quick result in low varietal forms. They dig a trench 2-3 cm deep near the bush. They bend the side shoot and put it into it. They are fastened with staples to the ground and covered with fertile soil. After a year, when roots form at the layering, it can be separated from the mother plant and transplanted to a new place.

Ground cover varieties of Fortune euonymus are capable of forming aerial roots, so the shoot is simply laid on the ground for rooting.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

In this way, mainly low-growing varieties and varieties of crops reproduce, in which the roots are located shallow and are capable of giving root growth. At the beginning of the growing season, the root shoot is cut by a third and cut off from the bush with a sharp shovel with part of the rhizome.

Eucalyptus in landscaping

Due to its large varietal variety, the culture is suitable for decorating any style and composition. Tall bushes are perfect for creating, as a bright autumn accent on the background of lawns or green conifers. Ground cover varieties are indispensable for the design of rockeries and.

Perennials look beautiful, both in single and group planting. Low-growing ornamental spruces, thuja, juniper, barberry, spirea, charming hybrids, willows and other low trees are excellent companions of the culture.

Fortune's euonymus and Japanese look spectacular in a composition with bright roses, Thunberg barberry, Japanese dwarf, bubblegum, boxwood, heuchera.

Diseases and pests

Almost all types of shrubs are prone to defeat insect pests and diseases.

If chemical treatment is needed, then the best time to control and kill the pests is April, May and June. If the entire bush is not affected, then the infected branches are simply removed.

Powdery mildew is one of the most common fungal diseases. It appears in the form of a white or gray-brown coating on the upper surface of the leaves, which often causes yellowing of the leaves, and in more severe cases can lead to the death of the plant.

The disease is very difficult to control, so it is better to take preventive measures right away:

  • the bush should receive the necessary amount of sun;
  • there should be good air circulation at the planting site and minimal humidity around the foliage;
  • avoid overhead watering if possible.

In the spring, you can treat the shrub with antifungal drugs that prevent the onset of the disease.