Care and reproduction of ficus binnendiyka in the conditions of rooms. Stylish and hardy plant - ficus "Ali Reproduction and transplantation

Ficus Ali is also called ficus benedict, as a derivative of the name of the discoverer, is often found in home floriculture. In natural natural conditions He grows in Southeast Asia.


The plant has several varieties. Outwardly, they all differ from the usual ficus. This is especially true for the crown. Unpretentious in breeding and care.

In the wild, ficus benedict ali grows to a mark of 15-20 meters. The trunk is tree-like, distinguished by a clearly even lower part, not a branchy structure. The branches are thin. Closer to the top, they, bending, slightly fall down.

The leaves are slightly expanded over the entire area - by about 5 cm, rather long with pointed tips. Sometimes the leaf size reaches 30 cm in length. Their color depends on the place of growth and on the variety. It can be variegated or monochromatic.

Most adult specimens that are bred at home have dark green foliage with streaks of light green tones. Often, branching veins running along the entire surface are clearly visible on the leaf. Central vein visually separates the leaf in half, while giving it a curved shape.

Main varieties

Ficus binnendi has a lot of derivative varieties. All of them are unique in their own way.

Today we will consider only the most popular among flower growers.

ficus ali

More often than others, you can meet him in interior design. Its leaf plates have minor differences from other varieties due to the slightly increased leaf width. This gives the ficus a certain grace that breeders are willing to use. for decorating building facades and premises;

Amstel king

It has benefits due to low maintenance. Original in appearance. The leaves can be up to 8 cm wide. Slightly wavy, shiny. On a young plant pale brown bark, and in an adult - silver;

Amstel gold

It is also called "Green Gold". The name itself calls for the acquisition of this particular owner is incredibly rich golden color. The leaf plates have an unusual and very beautiful color, which suggests the presence of green-yellow pigmentation at the base of each leaflet.

And its entire surface is covered with multiple inclusions shades of green different shapes . Unusual and exquisite decoration of any room;

Amstel Queen

A variety with an intermediate width of the leaf plate, the owner of an incredible and noble color. This ficus strikes with magnificence. It will bring colorfulness to the interior, it will become a unique decoration.

Home care


The plant is photophilous. Feels good in diffused lighting in conditions of sufficient brightness. Varieties with variegated deciduous color need more light.

Holders of a monochromatic crown can easily grow in partial shade.

Important! It is desirable to place the culture on the east, southeast side. It is difficult to tolerate drafts, as well as a sharp change in environment and temperature.

Air temperature

It grows and develops better while maintaining the temperature regime in the area 22-24 degrees of heat. IN winter period drop to +16°C is allowed. It is not necessary to place a flowerpot with a flower in a cold period of time on windows or other places where the soil will be very cold.

This will lead to a significant decrease in the temperature of the rhizome. What ficus can react to leaf shedding the occurrence of diseases. Due to the need to maintain good air circulation where the ficus grows, it is not recommended to place the plant next to heaters and batteries.

Excessive heat can cause development of disease and even death. indoor flower.

Air humidity

This indicator is not significant for the development of ficus benedict. Moderate up to 70% is quite suitable. With increased heat in the summer, it is advisable to periodically spray the foliage warm settled water.

This video talks about ficus Ali and the features of caring for the plant.


The plant should be watered as the soil dries. If you find that moisture has evaporated from the soil at a shallow depth, it's time to moisten the ground or add water to the pan.

Important! the stand under the flowerpot must be dry, as the flower absorbs as much moisture as it needs. The excess must be poured out. Failure to follow this rule will gradually lead to root rot.

Ground Requirements

You can buy ready-made soil for planting ficuses. Palm substrates are also suitable. If you prepare the mixture yourself, you should take into account the following proportions: sand, humus and peat - 1 part each; leaf and sod land - 2 parts each. For a young seedling, humus can be excluded and a substrate made up of the same components, taken in equal proportions.

top dressing

Fertilize the plant regularly 1-2 times a week from spring to autumn. In this case, it is necessary to alternate the introduction organic matter with minerals. Top dressing is applied exclusively to the ground. Some of its varieties can be dissolved in water for irrigation and fertilized at the same time as moistening the soil according to the same scheme no more than 1 time in 7-10 days.

Important! Since the dormant period of ficuses falls in the winter months, it is not necessary to fertilize the ficus at this time.

crown formation

ficus ali easy lends itself to crown formation. You can independently create the volume and look of the houseplant that you like best. To do this, you just need to periodically trim the excess part of the branches. Then the crown will always be lush and compact.

If you plant two young pagons in one flowerpot and, in the process of their development, intertwine the trunks, you can grow an ornamental pigtail plant of incredible beauty. This form of room culture will surprise anyone.

Plant transplant

Transshipment of an adult plant, which is 5 or more years old, is produced as it grows root system And the pot becomes small. It will be sufficient to do this 2 times a year.

Young seedlings can change pots once a year. transplant best done in spring or summer during the period of active growth of the plant.

Advice! The plant should be transplanted into a container whose diameter is 2-3 centimeters larger than the previous one.

Ficus propagation

Reproduction of this type of plant produced by cuttings. It is convenient to prepare them in the spring at the time of pruning, when the crown of the plant is formed. The cutting is rooted in water in good light premises.

Keep warm temperature regime and add water as it evaporates. Root can appear within 10-14 days. Planted in a permanent place when the root is more than 2 cm.

The material should be planted in nutrient soil, which must first be steamed. Such a procedure is mandatory. If this is not done, then seedling may not be accepted.

Fight against diseases, pests

Compliance with the elementary rules of plant care will provide ficus or disease resistance. Otherwise, he may react negatively under uncomfortable conditions. Sheds foliage, stops growth until better times.

Always remember these criteria for the normal development of ficus benedict:

  • don't let waterlogging of the soil;
  • observe the lighting mode;
  • do not disturb him often moving to inappropriate conditions.

As for pests, they often affect this indoor plantscale insect and spider mite. The thyroid gland can be harvested by hand if noticed in time. After that, it will be enough to process the ficus laundry soap solution.

Spider mite can be observed with improper care. Manifested in the form of a whitish web on foliage. The pests themselves are very difficult to consider. The plant takes damage from such a settlement in the form foliage lesions.

Important! The tick does not tolerate moisture, so the first thing to do is rinse the plant well with water. room temperature. And after that, you can purchase some kind of composition for treating the crop from this pest and spray it, following the instructions.

Ficus ali is ideal for flower growers with little experience. No hassle to take care of. The flower will grow and delight the owner with incredible beauty, bringing a light tropical fragrance into the room, and in the interior - freshness and novelty.

This video talks about the conditions of Ficus Ali and the possible difficulties in growing it.

Ficus Ali (cv. ‘Alii’ or Ficus Binnendijkii), Ficus Binnendijka hides under its name a whole group of plants similar to each other.

In the 19th century they were discovered and described by the Dutch botanist Simon Binnendijk.

Ficus leaves are dark green and long, similar to willow leaves.

Therefore, it has another name - ficus willow.

Information! Scientific name of the plant Ficus binnendijkii, but due to difficulty in pronunciation or for other reasons, it is rarely used. Commonly referred to as Ficus Alii

Ficus Alii- fast-growing and evergreen tree, in the wild can reach up to 20 m in height.

At home, ficus Ali grows up to 2 m.

This plant comes from the tropics South-East Asia and spread to the territory that covers the foothills of the Himalayas, Nepal, Burma, Thailand, the islands of Java, Borneo, Sumatra.

This ficus can successfully grow in room conditions as well as in the winter garden.

Among flower growers are used different varieties ficus.

But the varieties differ only in the width of the leaves.

Home care

If you follow certain conditions, then Ali's ficuses will delight you with their appearance.

Here are the conditions:

  • illumination;
  • temperature;
  • watering;
  • humidity;
  • the soil.


Ali- strong and not whimsical plants.

But they have their preferences.

One of the most important is light.

Plants prefer bright rooms, but so that direct sunlight does not fall on it. Sun rays.

Ficuses with variegated leaves need bright diffused light, plants with green leaves feel good in partial shade.

Lighting is required in winter.

Ali does not like being moved, turned around, he is a “homebody”, so you need to look for a place for him indoors, given his future growth.


Room temperature is comfortable enough for ficuses.

In summer it is optimal 20-25°C, winter – 16-20°C.

Interesting! if the room is warm, then the plant needs more light, and vice versa, the cooler the room, the shorter the daylight hours. In nature, it is connected with the seasons.


This flower does not like both drought and excessive moisture.

It requires regular and moderate watering, avoiding stagnant water and waterlogging of the soil.

Experts advise watering the ficus when the topsoil dries out. by 1-2 cm.

Reference! In the spring, the plants wake up and until the autumn the ficus is watered more often, since at this time it is actively growing.

In autumn, the plant begins a dormant period and watering is somewhat limited for the autumn-winter period.

Air humidity

For Ficus Alii humidity is important, so they will be grateful for regular spraying.

If the plant is not large, you can rinse it in the shower.

The soil

Advice: The soil for the plant can be bought at the store: special soil for ficuses or use soil for palm trees.

If you do it yourself, then for young plants you need to use the following mixture: sod, sand and peat in equal parts, adult ficuses love loose and nutritious soil

Important! Alkaline and acidic soils will not suit Ficus Ali!

Ficuses need to be fed sometimes, it is optimal to do this once a 10-14 days, alternating organic and mineral fertilizers.

Ficuses need to be fed only in the spring and summer.

Landing and transplant

It is better to do transplanting and reproduction (planting) of ficuses in early spring when the plant is just awakening.

Young plants are transplanted annually, completely changing the soil.

Adults are transplanted using the transshipment method, once at 3 years old.

Large plants are not transplanted. They are fed and the topsoil is renewed once a year.


In the photo ficus "Ali":


Ficus Ali is propagated with a stem cutting: in May-July, a cutting of at least 15-20 cm from 3-4 leaves on it, put it in a container with water at room temperature and place it in a warm (22-25°C) a bright place until the roots appear.

After a couple of weeks, roots begin to sprout.

The plant is planted in the ground when the roots reach 1.5-2.5 cm.

Diseases and pests

Ficus Ali is good because it is almost not susceptible to diseases and pest attacks. But it happens sometimes.

Signs of the disease:

  • leaves droop, look lethargic and fall: the reason is waterlogging of the soil, it is necessary to moderate watering
  • the growth of the plant slows down, the leaves lose color and fall: usually the problem is a lack of light.
  • The issue is solved by rearranging the plant in a more lit place or connecting artificial lighting.

  • the leaves of the plant dry and wrinkle: bright sunlight is to blame, shading and spraying will solve the problem
  • brown spots on the tips of the leaves: the reason is high temperature or low humidity, overfeeding the plant. The issue is solved by spraying ficus and airing the room, reducing the amount of fertilizer.

Poor plant care can lead to pests.

As a result, ficus may appear:

Mealybug appears due to low humidity, fight it by wiping the plants with a soft cloth dipped in alcohol.

This happens more often in winter when the batteries get hot.

Alternatively, you can hang batteries with wet towels or place a humidifier under the plant.

When attacked by scale insects and false shields ficus leaves lose their color and fall.

The insects themselves look like plaques - black or flesh-colored.

You can remove them by wiping the plant with a soft cloth dampened with soapy water.

In case of serious damage, actellik is used (20 drops per liter of water).

About spider mites gossamer will tell you, white and thin. The spider mite does not like moisture, so it is worth rinsing the ficus in the shower with warm water several times in a row.

Benefit and harm

Given that Ficus Ali not rubbery, it does almost no harm.

It is worth being careful with the juice of the leaves of the plant, upon contact with the skin, they can cause dermatological and allergic reactions, but the leaves of ficus Ali are not as fleshy as those of other species and therefore the harm is minimal here.

The plant has beneficial features characteristic of all ficuses.

It has a good effect on the microclimate of the room in which it is located.

According to popular belief, in a house where ficus grows well, people do not get sick.

And if a disease suddenly occurs, then it passes easily and without consequences.

According to an old belief, if a childless woman starts growing ficus, she will soon become pregnant.

We think that this is due to the positive energy emanating from the ficus.

An infusion of alcohol from the leaves of the plant treats arthritis, arthrosis and rheumatism.

The plant is used in the treatment of vascular, pulmonary, skin diseases. Infusions and tinctures, compresses, extracts are made from it.

Ficus Ali is stylish, hardy and not demanding.

It can be formed in the form of a bush or a tree on a trunk, or you can do nothing, allowing Ali's ficus to simply grow.

The choice is yours. With proper care, it will decorate your home and bring you a lot of joy.


Useful home care video for ficus "Ali":

Appearance of ficus "Ali":

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Ficus Ali, or Benedicta, is one of the most famous types of ficuses that live in a person's house. It is valued for its spectacular crown and unpretentious care, so this plant can often be found even in offices. Today in the world there are many of its hybrids, but in our article we will talk about the original ficus Ali and the features of its cultivation.

Botanical description of the plant

This flower comes from Southeast Asia, where it can be found in subtropical forests in the form of a tree-like plant about 18–21 m high. In the 19th century, it was discovered by the botanist Simon Binnendijk, after whom the second name of the flower arose.

Home ficus Ali (Ficus Alii) is evergreen tree from the Tutov family.

You can find it out by:

  • thin stem-trunk up to 30–40 cm high, covered with dark bark;
  • narrow leaves up to 30 cm long and up to 7–8 cm wide with pointed tips;
  • rich dark green leaves with a glossy sheen;
  • branches sagging down under the weight of greenery;
  • the original pattern on the leaf plate, which forms a thick vein in the center with small veins extending from it.

At home, the ficus practically does not bloom, and all its decorativeness lies in a beautiful crown.

Growing conditions

Ficuses are not particularly demanding in terms of living conditions in a house or apartment, however, they also have their own preferences. Their observance contributes not only to the preservation of the decorativeness of the plant, but also to its healthy development.


View Ali feels great, being under diffused light or in partial shade. For him, placement on the east or southeast side will be the best option.

If you plan to place it in other places, then consider the following features:

  • lack of light will lead to a loss of color in the leaves;
  • direct sunlight will cause burns, so be sure to shade it when placed on the south side;
  • the plant does not tolerate a change of place, so immediately choose a location for it, taking into account potential growth;
  • the flower should not suffer from drafts.

Temperature regime

In addition to light, ficus Benedict loves warmth. In summer, he will be comfortable at + 22 ... 24 ° С, and in winter the minimum allowable limit is + 16 ° С.

Important! Growing a flower, remember about simple rule: the warmer the room, the more light it needs, and the cooler, the shorter daylight hours are needed.

By itself, a change in air temperature does not affect the ficus too much, but a sharp drop in soil temperature is critical for it. It is highly not recommended to place the pot near air conditioners in summer, and in winter, while heaters are operating, the ficus should be away from them.

He loves the plant and fresh air: regular airing of the room will do him good.

Air humidity

The humidity level is not too important for the Ali variety, but it is best to keep it at the level of 50-70% if possible.

On hot summer days, periodic spraying with warm settled water or wiping the foliage with a damp sponge will not interfere with it. It is great if it is possible to place a household air humidifier in the room at this time.

Home care

In order for your ficus to always please with an elegant crown and a healthy look, it is enough to periodically water it, feed it and carry out a transplant.


These are moisture-loving plants, so it is better not to allow the soil to dry out. Conduct regular but moderate watering with settled or rain water at room temperature. Ficus Ali is watered under the root, moistening the soil well throughout the pot.

The frequency of watering will depend on the temperature and humidity in the room. Experienced flower growers recommend navigating along the top (1–2 cm) layer of soil in a flowerpot. As soon as it dries, the earth will become crumbly, which means it's time to moisten the flower.

In summer, the procedure is carried out more often, in winter - much less often. However, regardless of the season, remove excess water from the pan 20-30 minutes after watering, so as not to provoke root rot.

top dressing

Ficus Benedict needs fertilizers during the period of active growth - from March to October, at which time they are applied once every 2 weeks. But in winter this procedure should not be carried out.

For greater effectiveness, it is better to alternate organic and mineral preparations for deciduous houseplants, using only products for the soil. Spraying ficus leaves with them is categorically contraindicated.

Important!If possible, fertilize the soil at the same time as watering it, then useful material will be better absorbed.


The formation of the crown in the form of Ali is carried out at will. If you remove the extra shoots, the plant quickly turns into a fluffy luxurious bush of compact size.

Some lovers of experiments even plant several specimens of plants in one flowerpot, intertwining them with each other and eliminating extra leaves and shoots.


The plant is transplanted as needed when its roots become crowded in a pot. In young specimens, this happens no more than once a year, but adult ficuses are transplanted every 2–3 years. At the same time, it is recommended to replace the top layer of soil with it every year - about 5–6 cm.

Transplantation is always carried out in early spring, when the dormant period ends at the flower. There are no special requirements for a plant pot - it should only be larger than the previous one, have a reserve of space for future flower growth and have a drainage hole.

A layer of expanded clay or small stones is laid out at the bottom to ensure high-quality water flow. Carefully approach the selection of soil for ficus Ali. The easiest way is to take purchased special substrates for ficuses or more common mixtures for palm trees.

If you prefer to prepare the soil yourself, then keep in mind: Ali does not like acidic and alkaline soils.

The following combinations can be used to fill the pot:

  • turf, peat and sand in a ratio of 1:1:1 (best suited for young specimens);
  • sheet soil, turf, sand, peat, humus (2: 2: 1: 1: 1) are suitable mainly for adult plants;
  • leaf earth, turf, sand (2:2:1) with a pinch charcoal.

The transplant itself takes place in several steps:

  1. Carefully remove the ficus from the pot so as not to damage its root system.
  2. A small (1-2 cm) layer of drainage is laid out at the bottom of the pot.
  3. Then the plant is lowered onto the drainage (make sure that it stands evenly, without distortions to one of the sides) and they begin to sprinkle evenly on all sides with new soil.
  4. It is enough to fill 50–60% of the volume of the pot with it, and the remaining space should be supplemented with old soil.

Important!After abundantly moisten the soil and be sure to return the ficus to its previous habitat.


At home, propagating ficus Ali is easiest with the help of cuttings and layering.

At home, such types of ficuses are also grown, such as:


The advantage of this method is called the rapid rooting of the plant.

In addition, the process of propagation by cuttings will not take much time for the grower:

  1. In spring and summer, select a suitable stem shoot and cut (with scissors, secateurs, knife) with an oblique incision.
  2. Dip it in warm settled water and place it in light partial shade, where the temperature is kept at + 20 ... + 24 ° С.
  3. On average, the cutting takes about 3 weeks for the roots to appear. If the room at this time is hotter than the specified temperature, then it is advisable to spray the shoot every day to maintain air humidity. Also add water to the container as it evaporates.
  4. As soon as the roots grow by 1.5–2 cm, then young plant can be planted in a pot.


This non-standard method of plant propagation is used when the ficus loses its decorative effect. To obtain a layering, select beautiful site crown, which you want to save, and 2–3 cm lower, a strip of bark is removed from the trunk with a ring.

Wet moss is applied to the bare area, and then this area is wrapped in polyethylene. Periodically check the condition of the moss and moisten it if necessary. After 2-3 weeks, roots will appear where the bark was removed, and the top of the plant can be cut off for transplanting into a new pot. This is how Ali's ficuses are rejuvenated if necessary.

Did you know? In Thailand, ficus is considered a symbol of the country.

Possible difficulties in growing

The unpretentious and patient Benedict's ficus can periodically suffer from diseases or pests. Such troubles happen most often due to violation of the rules of care or its location in the wrong place.


Ficuses can infect the following types of insects:

Try to get rid of pests at the first sign of their presence on the plant.

While there are few of them, then remove the insects with a damp sponge, and then organize a warm shower for the plant. Great if you can wash the leaves soapy water(in 1 liter of water, dilute 1 tsp of grated laundry soap).

Did you know?Eastern peoples believe that if there are no children in the family, then it is worth growing a ficus in the house, and they will definitely appear.

However, when there are too many pests, only insecticides will help to cope with them: the universal "Aktellik", you can also try "Sunmite", "Fitoverm" against the tick.


Ficus Ali owners may experience the following problems with the plant:

  1. Leaves turn yellow. The reason for this is always lighting - if the flower is in the shade, then there is not enough light; if the ficus stands on without shading, then there is too much light.
  2. The leaves turn black. The plant suffers from sudden and significant (not less than 7 ° C) temperature changes. Give him a more stable environment.
  3. Black spots, dots appear on the underside of the leaf, or a reddish-brown coating appears on the stem. This is how a fungus (cercosporosis, anthracnose) manifests itself, which can only be eliminated by removing the affected areas and treating the plant with fungicides (for example, Karbendazim).
  4. Brown spots appear at the ends of the leaves. This may indicate overfeeding, too hot microclimate or insufficient air humidity. Temporarily stop fertilizing, increase the frequency and duration of ventilation to reduce the temperature (just avoid drafts). And a pallet with wet expanded clay, on which you should put a flower pot, will help to increase the humidity.

It happens that ficus Ali sheds leaves.

Various factors can lead to such consequences:

  • waterlogging of the soil. In this case, the plant first wilts, wilts, and only then the leaves fall off. Excess moisture provokes rotting of the roots, which negatively affects the leaves;
  • change of plant habitat;
  • lack of light. Under these conditions, the growth of the flower slows down, its immunity decreases, and it becomes vulnerable to a number of diseases and pests. Try to increase the flow of natural light or compensate for its lack of artificial;
  • sunburn. If direct sunlight falls on the leaves, then at first the plates wrinkle, dry, and then completely fall off. To remedy the situation, shade the ficus and increase the number of sprays.

Did you know?Ficuses are famous for their ability to process toxic substances (benzene, phenol, etc.) into useful trace elements (amino acids, sugars).

Ficus Ali will decorate any home, adding exoticism with its unusual look. This plant does not require special habitat conditions or excessive attention in terms of care, so it is often placed in offices or work areas.

Ficus Ali is a popular houseplant often referred to as Binnendijk Ficus, named after the explorer Simon Benedict who first discovered unusual tree. It is remarkable in that it is very similar to a small willow, so it has another name: willow-leaved ficus. Care at home for him is simple, but following a few rules is mandatory.

Description of ficus Ali

Ficus binnendiyka Ali in natural conditions can grow from fifteen to twenty meters in height. It has a smooth and long trunk, covered with strong dark-colored bark. It is the same in indoor varieties, which, when good care grow up to one and a half to two meters. The leaves are narrow, like tight straps, pointed at both ends, the branches droop beautifully, like a real willow.

The maximum length of the leaves is up to thirty centimeters, and the width is from 5 to 7. The leaf has a characteristic bright vein, and its color depends on the variety: both monophonic and variegated specimens are found.

Varieties of ficus Ali

Ficus willow has several varieties, each of which can become a worthy decoration of any room:

  • Amstel King - if a lover of indoor floriculture wants to buy a willow tree with wider leaves, this is perfect option. It has a high trunk, and the crown arbitrarily acquires a spherical shape. From time to time it needs to be adjusted a little;
  • Amstel Gold is a beautiful bicolor ficus. It contains leaves of both classic green and light green color;
  • Amstel Queen - almost no different from Ali, but its leaves are much smaller. The most elegant among the small-leaved.

If you buy ficus Ali as a home plant, care for it will be minimal, since the tree is unpretentious. But some "wishes" from the willow to the owner, nevertheless, are available. Many novice flower growers often make typical mistakes when caring for a green pet. To prevent this from happening, it is important to take into account some of the subtleties that will have to be faced after he finds himself in a new house.

Lighting and temperature conditions

One of the keys to the success of growing any ficus is a sufficient amount of sunlight, but without exposure to direct radiation. It is better that the lighting is soft and diffused. In principle, if a grower has acquired a plant with plain foliage, it can feel fine even in partial shade, but the variegated plant will definitely not tolerate such an attitude towards itself and will begin to declare this with a total loss of leaves. The best place is a window with access to the east or southeast, without drafts.

Ali, like other ficus trees, welcomes warmly. In summer best temperature for it - from 22 to 25 ° C, and in winter it is not recommended to leave it indoors if the thermometer there drops below +16 ° C. With a sharp drop in temperature in the room, the plant may die, especially if the pot or tub is on the floor . However, you can not put it near heaters or steam radiators, as this will also bring him no less harm. It is best to move it from cold to warm.

Humidity and watering

Since the tree does not impose special requirements on air humidity, its moderate indicators - 50-70% - will be quite enough for it. In the hot season, foliage spraying should be added to watering activities. It is advisable to either get humidifiers, or put an aquarium or a large container of water next to the pot. Get effective moisturizing, which does not require serious financial costs.

By the state of the top layer of soil in a pot, you can always determine whether ficus Ali needs water treatments. When the layer dries up two to three centimeters deep, and the soil becomes crumbly, it's time to water. The scheme is one to two times a week. Neither "overfill" nor "underfill" is possible.

Many novice flower growers, having read that a tree loves moisture, often make a total mistake by starting to water it too much. This leads to rotting of the roots, and it can be difficult to reanimate the plant after it. Therefore, the amount of liquid should always be monitored, as well as regularly check the condition of the pan in the pot or tub so that there is no excess water left. They merge in a timely manner, in order to avoid stagnation of water and the reproduction of dangerous fungal spores in it, which can be detrimental to any home culture.

Water for irrigation must be settled, at room temperature. Water that flows from the tap cannot be used immediately. It contains lime, and it greatly spoils appearance foliage: whitish stains appear on it, and removing them can be very problematic.

Spraying activities, as already mentioned, are carried out in the heat. But do not neglect them in winter, when heaters and batteries are running. It is recommended to purchase a fine spray gun for this purpose. Spraying itself is carried out once or twice a week, depending on weather conditions. Dust from the leaves is carefully removed with a soft and damp cloth. In the hot summer, it is quite possible to arrange a shower for the plant, with the help of a slightly warm, moderate jet of water.

Soil Requirements

Ficus Binnendijka grows well and develops in a special soil designed for it. However, if you prepare the earth yourself, the effect will be even better. It consists of peat, sod, fine sand, charcoal and red brick chips, mixed in equal proportions. It is important not to forget about the drainage holes in the pot. For a young ficus, three components will be enough: peat, sand and sod.

Top dressing with fertilizers

Ficus Benedict needs to be fed periodically. Typically, fertilization starts in March and ends in August. At the same time, it is recommended to alternate root and foliar top dressing, making them every two to three weeks.

crown formation

This tree is very well formed, the formation of its crown can be done different ways, among which there are both simple and more complex ones. The easiest way is to arrange the culture in the form of a simple stem. First, the side branches are pruned, leaving only five of them in the center. After that, the top of the longest and strongest branch is pinched, and the entire lateral growth is given a spherical shape. After such trimming, it is necessary to briefly equip the support for the trunk.

A stem consisting of two tiers is already more difficult to make. To do this, the tree must be divided into three levels, shaping both the upper and lower parts into a ball, and removing all side branches in the middle.

Crown formation is carried out only in spring and summer, when the plant is in the active phase of growth and development. The time from October to February should be excluded. The pruning process itself should be carried out with a sharp pruner, avoiding cuts in the form of stumps. Slices are processed with garden pitch and sprinkled with crushed charcoal, and the secateurs must be treated with alcohol.

Transplantation and propagation of ficus Ali

How to propagate ficus Ali - reproduction is usually carried out during its transplantation: by layering, by cuttings (cuttings, which are most often cut from the top). Branches suitable for propagation can also be used those that remain after pruning, however, it is most convenient to combine the transplant process with dividing the tree into several parts.

Until the plant reaches the age of three or four, it is advisable to transplant annually, and in the future it will be needed no more than once every five years. If the tree is already very large, it is not necessary to replant it: it is enough to change the top layer of soil to a fresh and nutritious one every year.

Ficus Ali should be transplanted into a container that is two to three centimeters larger than the previous one. Before removing the ficus from the pot, the soil is watered so that you can get it quickly, without severely injuring the root system. All roots should be well inspected and washed. If some part of them is rotten, which is sometimes found in adult plants, the damaged areas are immediately excised and treated with an antifungal agent. Next, the tree is placed in a new container and gradually covered with earth. After transplanting, it should be watered.

In order for the new planting material separated from the “mother” plant to be able to root well, there should be several rooting processes. Thus, there is a chance to grow different specimens, which in the future may differ from each other in growth rate and crown splendor. The beginning of spring is the best time for this. After the cutting is carefully cut from the main body of the tree, it is placed in a separate container with water at room temperature. Allocated milky juice quickly removed, and the water in the container is changed as often as possible. If the place for the growth of the material is warm and bright, the first roots will appear after 14 days. Periodically change and add water, and when the roots grow two centimeters, the cutting can be planted in a permanent pot.

Diseases and pests of ficus Ali

Ficus Binnendi Ali is rarely affected by pests and diseases, however, if mistakes are made in care, they can still appear. If the tree slows down growth and loses foliage, it may not have enough lighting, and you need to choose another place for it, in accordance with the known rules of care. When the leaf begins to dry and curl, the reason may be both a lack of sun and the appearance of pests and diseases.

It happens that spots of different colors appear on the foliage - from gray to brown. It is most likely a fungal infection. Gray plaque - a manifestation powdery mildew, and black or brown spots - black spotting. All such diseases are treated by applying effective fungicides and adjusting care measures - stopping too much watering and adjusting fertilizer application.

Sometimes, after a week, re-treatment may be required, and when the soap is ineffective - unfortunately, there is no way out, except for insecticides. One of the strong drugs is Aktellik. It is diluted in the following ratio: 20 drops per liter of water, and the treatment itself is carried out only on the street or when open windows, using gloves.

In simple ways, you can deal with spider mites. A characteristic sign of its appearance is a white sticky web that entangles a diseased plant. At first, you should not rush to use “chemistry”: this type of tick does not tolerate moisture, so the ficus should be washed under a plentiful shower, and then wrapped in an impromptu greenhouse made of plastic wrap. Due to the high humidity, the remaining pests and their eggs will be destroyed, but if suddenly this method did not help, any insecticide like Aktellik will become the only way out out of position.

If Ali's homemade ficus is regularly looked after, then it becomes quite possible to avoid damage by pests and fungi. It is best to familiarize yourself with the rules of simple care in advance so that you do not have any problems in the future.

We offer you to watch a video describing ficus Ali:

In the photo, ficus "Benedict":

Home care

The acquisition must be given time to acclimatize.

To do this, the ficus is put in a permanent place - well-lit, but without access to direct sunlight and left alone for a couple of weeks.

Only water when needed.

Then the tropical guest is removed from the soil, the roots are washed and examined to identify problem areas - rotten and dried roots, the presence of soil pests.

All dead and rotten parts are cut off, and healthy tissues are disinfected with crushed activated or charcoal.

After the procedure, the ficus is transplanted into a suitable pot with a complete replacement of the soil.


Ficus Benedict is afraid of the cold and does not survive when the temperature drops below 11-13°, but it also does not tolerate heat well, throwing off most of the green leaves.

Advice: Optimal content for 23-26° summer and 14-16 in winter.

The air should always be fresh, but without sudden changes in temperature, cold snaps and drafts.

The ficus is unlikely to endure a hot jet coming out of a heater, fan or air conditioner.


Tropical ficus does not tolerate complete drying of the soil in a pot in the same way as stagnant water.

It is optimal to moisten the plant when the earth dries to a depth of 3-4 cm and becomes crumbly.

Attention: Be sure to pour out the water that has collected in the pan so as not to cause root rot!

It is required to spray the green mass daily to create conditions close to natural - as a resident of the tropics, Benedict's ficus requires highly humidified air.

In dry periods, an open container with water or moistened stones can be placed next to the plant.


At home, it practically does not bloom, only in natural conditions.

crown formation

Pruning must be done at an early age. to give some kind of permanent shape, while the ficus has flexible stems.

The procedure is carried out during active vegetation, trying not to touch the tree in winter and autumn, so as not to get a one-sided plant with an ugly skew.

The most suitable time- spring, when a rested flower has a large supply of new vitality and can grow evenly, developing many shoots at once.

When forming the crown, the physiological characteristics of the ficus Benedict are taken into account.

New stems appear from the lateral and apical buds, the latter developing much faster than the others and greatly inhibiting their growth.

Cutting off the top stimulates the awakening and subsequent activity of the lateral buds.

Crown can be made almost any- standard, in the form of a bush, bonsai, arc or ball.

In addition, there is ficus weaving and the formation of sculptures. What form to give to Benedict's ficus is up to you.

The pruning technique is simple. Using a sharply sharpened knife or secateurs, cut off the shoot above the kidney and wipe it with a clean sponge until the milky juice is released.

Then the wound is powdered with activated or charcoal powder to protect against infection.

Pathogenic fungus likes to attack such stumps.


The soil must be fertile and rich, but at the same time loose and breathable so that water does not linger in it.

For its preparation, sod and leaf soil, sand, humus, peat and loosening components such as perlite are used.

Landing and transplant

It is carried out in the spring, before the start of intensive development of the ficus.

Replanting every year is completely optional and even harmful - exotic doesn't like change and can get stressed.

The signal for transplantation is the rapid drying of the earth in a pot means that the root system has grown greatly and does not fit in containers.

In adult specimens, you can not change the soil, it is enough to pour the right amount of earth.

Thus, the risk of developing stressful conditions is reduced.

Young and actively growing ficuses require fresh, undepleted soil.

At the bottom of the new pot, a drainage layer is placed, consisting of any stones - broken brick, expanded clay, river and sea pebbles.

Thus, he signals the presence of unfavorable factors for him.

If the leaves first turn black and then fall off, there are sharp jumps in temperature.

Yellow and wilted leaves hint about excessive lighting or waterlogging of the soil in a pot.

root rot

Ficus is wilted, does not straighten out even after watering and spraying, the soil in the pot dries out for a very long time, development stops - all these are symptoms of the development of fungal root rot.

The plant is urgently freed from the old soil, washing the roots in a weak solution of potassium permanganate and transplanted into a new land.

Carry out the treatment with fungicidal agents.


This tidbit can be attacked by scale insects, spider mites, aphids and whiteflies.

ficus benedict- undemanding in care at home and stylish plant, which can be grown in residential buildings, and in offices for interior decoration.

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